cooliuscaesar451's review against another edition

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challenging emotional hopeful informative reflective slow-paced


gigiinzim's review against another edition

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Jonathon Wilson Hartgrove is brilliant and has his finger on the pulse of our culture. His book paints an accurate picture of where we are for anyone who is interested in social justice and the church.

I enjoyed the stories shared in the book and they left me feeling hopeful and encouraged. I recommend this book to anyone who cares about social justice and anyone wrestling with the state of the church.

The publisher provided an ARC through Netgalley. I have voluntarily decided to read and review, giving my personal opinions and thoughts.

509daves's review against another edition

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challenging hopeful inspiring reflective medium-paced


karibaumann's review against another edition

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The content in this book is good but I don’t think it is organized quite well enough. I also think it needed to be fleshed out more - whether that was more of JWH’s story or more historical context (or both).

kstep1805's review against another edition

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My faith has shifted and I am looking for others who have gone through this before. The author clearly has. I think I was hoping for more but also this is probably as much as a white preacher should guide a person through this territory. He definitely tries to point the way for white folks to find footing on this journey and then also push them out the door of white comfort. I’m not sure he is successful. However, if he was more successful, he might find himself mired more fully in overreaching like Robin D’Angelo.

bickleyhouse's review against another edition

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It's been almost two months since I finished this book, and the review is way overdue.

I believe that this is a very important book for the Christian subculture of our day. Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove has given us some sobering things to ponder, both as a church and as a society.

When I began reading this, I was intrigued by the subtitle, "Finding Freedom from Slaveholder Religion." Surely, I thought, this is not relevant to me. I have never owned slaves, and as far as I know, no one in my family for at least several generations back has owned slaves.

I was wrong. It is extremely relevant.

You see, we have inherited the concepts of slaveholder religion. It's not our fault, necessarily, but it is our fault that we have not worked harder to fix it.

The book starts off with a bang, in the foreword by the Reverend Dr. William J. Barber II. Oh . . . and before I forget, I should mention, because it matters quite a bit . . . Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove is "white." Here's the first part of the foreword:

"So-called white evangelicals, who say so much about what God says so little--and so little about what God says so much--have dominated public discourse about religion in America for my entire public life. They have insisted that faith is not political, except when it comes to prayer in school, abortion, homosexuality, and property rights. They have overlooked the more than 2,500 verses in Scripture that have to do with love, justice, and care for the poor, and they have tried to make Jesus an honorary member of the NRA."

Like I said . . . "bang!"

What, exactly, is "slaveholder religion?" It is, in a sense, what Dr. Barber described in that paragraph in the foreword. It goes all the way back to a time when so-called Christians who thought it was okay to own another human being actually believed that it was a good thing that they owned slaves, because if those people had stayed in Africa, they might never have heard the Gospel.

This is truth; they actually believed that. It is documented in the book from historical writings.

Slaveholder religion comes from horribly misreading Scripture and twisting it to favor "white evangelicals." And in this book, Wilson-Hartgrove tells us about racial blindness, which has led us into a place where the body of Christ is tragically divided, even though we aren't aware of it. Well, of course we aren't aware of it, because we are blind to it, and, for the most part, we don't want to see it.

There are a number of statements in this book that are both quote-worthy and worthy of deep thought.

In the chapter about racial blindness, he says, "white evangelicals can't ignore black and brown sisters and brothers in America who ask why 81 percent of us voted in 2016 for a man who was endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan. At least we can't ignore them if we see them." (p. 45)

Same chapter, p. 54: "If we are honest to God and ourselves, we have not wanted to see. Far too often, we have chosen blindness, even refusing the hands of friends who reached out and tried to lead us to the one who could restore our sight."

P. 61 and 62, chapter 4, "Living in Skin:" "The unique contribution of slavery during the establishment of the American colonies was the employment of skin color to assign a class of people to perpetual servitude. . . .In explicit contrast to the enslavable black flesh of Africans, people of European descent began to imagine themselves as white. By virtue of their whiteness--and for no other reason--the imagined a divine right to own black bodies."

In the course of the book, Wilson-Hartgrove points out a very uncomfortable fact about the Southern Baptist Convention. I grew up Southern Baptist, and I believe that he was, at one point, as well. Turns out the whole reason the SBC exists is because there was a group of Baptists that wanted to keep slaves. So, they split from the rest of the Baptists who had, correctly, determined that owning another human being was a despicable practice.

So, in 1995, the SBC "issued an official apology for its endorsement of slavery." But then, they turned right around and applied the same passage of Scripture that had been used to endorse slavery (Ephesians 5-6) as they forced everyone who worked for the International Mission Board "to sign a statement of faith to which they added an article about female submission."

Racial blindness is in our spiritual DNA, says Jonathan.

In the midst of all this, though, he gives us stories of courageous people such as Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, and Sojourner Truth. And he shows us, through the stories of Jesus healing blind men in the Gospels, that, while Jesus does, in fact, heal blindness, "we all have to admit our own blindness--even those of us who have pledged to follow him."

Jonathan found help for his dilemma in an activity known as "porch-sitting." It was a way of coping with what "some in the "African American community calls DOTS (daily ongoing traumatic stress)." He found acceptance on the porch of someone he simply calls "Ms. Carolyn," where "neighbors gossiped and laughed about each other, assessed our surroundings, and argued about what was really going on in the world and what any of us could do about it." It was a place where people didn't act like they "had it all together." Described the way Jonathan described it, it was possibly a more authentic experience of "church" than anything most of us have experienced.

So why does this issue persist? "White supremacy doesn't persist because racists scheme to privilege some while discriminating against others. It continues because, despite the fact that almost everyone believes it is wrong to be racist, the daily habits of our bodily existence continue to repeat the patters of white supremacy at home, at school, at work, and at church. White supremacy is written into our racial habits. In short, it looks like normal live." (p. 77)

Wilson-Hartgrove moves on to part II, "The Christianity of Christ." In this section, he shows us the parts of history where people fought against the evils of slavery and tried to make a difference. He also describes meeting the man who would write the foreword for this book, Dr. Reverend William J. Barber II.

He describes Jesus's meeting with Nicodemus in the New Testament, and how Jesus extends a hand to us, an invitation to "leave your people, your country, and your father's household and come be a part of the beloved community." Too many of us have tried to follow Jesus without doing those other things, and it has presented great problems for us.

He then lets us know that the last thing we need is for a white person to lead the charge. "A man who knows he is blind doesn't pretend he can run on his own, much less pretend that he can lead others. But if someone with vision extends him a hand, he can begin to find his way." (p. 121)

He then speaks of the way of the cross. "For those not blinded by racism, Jesus came to change more than individuals' hearts or the culture of families. Jesus came to change the world. He did it by gathering together a fusion coalition of the poor and the sick, tax collectors and zealots, religious defectors like Nicodemus, and lepers who had been written off as unclean. Preaching the good news that God's politics made room for all of them together in a new social order, Jesus built a popular movement in Galilee and throughout the Judean countryside that ultimately led to a nonviolent uprising in Palm Sunday's Triumphal Entry. The political threat of this popular movement got Jesus arrested and killed."

There are answers. There are things we can do to help ourselves. The first is to "shut up and listen." Listening is an art that has been lost in American culture. We all want to talk. We spend the time we aren't talking not listening, but, rather, thinking about what we are going to say next. We need to stop and listen! Then, we need to do what he calls "staying put." The monastics call this "stabilitas." We are not in control of the world, and we need humility. We cannot solve problems we do not understand. It is not the opposite of action. "It is the necessary counterbalance to faithful action in solidarity with people who are suffering." We tend to believe that our efforts will be more helpful elsewhere. That's why white evangelicals are always taking mission trips . . . to somewhere else! The final thing is to always be reforming our lives. This should be true whether we are speaking of racism or anything else. When I stop growing, I start dying.

Long review, I know. But this book is so very important, and it opened my eyes to some ways of thinking that I was guilty of. I confess that I have not sussed it all out, yet. It will be in my mind for a while. I may read it again, soon. But the truth is, racism/bigotry is alive and well in the USA. Perhaps more then ever. And we can't afford to continue to be blind to it, thinking everything is okay.

Because it's not.

jamiethekeener's review against another edition

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challenging hopeful informative reflective fast-paced


missy_littell's review against another edition

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"Many white people would rather do something to address the symptoms we can see than acknowledge our original sin. Racism isn't only a part of who we've been, it is in ways we don't even comprehend, who we are. It has cut us to our very core."

"I prayed for freedom for 20 years," Frederick Douglas would later write, "but received no answer until I prayed with my legs."

"One in three African American boys born after 2000 would experience incarceration."

"In the Greek of the new testament, church is Ekklesia, "the called out ones," to be called out of the patterns and practices of this world's sinful and broken systems into the economy of God's grace is to become church. To participate in an institution called church that nevertheless reinforces this world's broken systems, is something far more cynical."

Luke 4:18 and 19, "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor." If this was Jesus' first sermon, what does it tell us about the priorities of his earthly ministry and how should it shape our vision of what we are doing as a church?

"Daniel (from the Bible) was arrested for civil disobedience when he defied an unjust law."

"Our hearts grow through daily personal practices...the biggest thing you can do is shut up and listen."

crystalisreading's review against another edition

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This is a small but powerful book that helped me define and understand better the concerns that have been growing inside me about (white) American Christianity. While I have refused to give up my faith, I've struggled for the past several years to find a church that I felt comfortable in, that didn't feel segregated, ignorant, or even racist in major or minor ways. I haven't really attended church since the majority of American Evangelicals elected their latest "Family values" candidate, a thrice married man who has paid porn stars for money and bragged on tape about sexually assaulting women, a man who calls neo-Nazis fine people, but my latinx friends 'drug dealers and rapists', a man who is celebrated by neo-Nazis like David Duke. How can I submit to a church too blind to see the problems with holding him up as 'God's anointed'?
The answer is simple. I don't. But I've been hanging in limbo, trying to figure out what that means for me, my faith, and any chance of fellowship with other believers. Then I came across a mention of this book, written by a man who graduated from the same college as me, a few years after I did, that I knew distantly through my roommate. Our (distantly) personal connection as well as the topic piqued my interest, so I did what I rarely do, and immediately bought a copy.
I am very grateful that I did so. Reconstructing the Gospel isn't a large volume, but it is a powerful, heartfelt one. Jonathan is honest about his own roots, in admittedly racist North Carolina Christian culture, and about his own journey away from that, into what he has become and is becoming, a devout Christian in recovery from "whiteness" and growing in fellowship with what he hails as the true American church, the historically black church. There's much about Jonathan's cultural heritage and upbringing with which I cannot identify, as a northern-born descendant of Anabaptists. But I'm still an heir of the foundational white supremacy of our country and of the white American church. and Jonathan helped me see, more than anyone has before him, how much that mistaken identity of "whiteness" has poisoned not only our systems as a whole, but each individual "white" person who has bought the concepts, who has participated in the lifestyle, who has benefited from the systemic racism all around us. That includes me.
I've read critiques of this book that it's not heavily theological, and that's true, but I'm not sure that the lack thereof deserves criticism. This book examines the big picture of the brokenness of our divided country and church, and the small picture of Jonathan's life, and the lives of those around him who have influenced him and helped (or hindered) him in his walk. It doesn't pretend to be a theological textbook. What it offers to be is a call to change, community, and true holiness for those 'white' Christians who are willing to hear. I'm willing to hear, and therefore much of what Jonathan writes really ministers to me, and I hope that I will continue to follow through on what I've read and learned, as I continue to seek out reconciliation on scales both large and small, and to do the work of justice we are called to, as I recover from the toxic concept of "whiteness", especially white Christianity.

toria's review

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adventurous challenging emotional hopeful informative inspiring reflective sad tense medium-paced
