crloken's review

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I'm getting really tired of Ultimate comics, which is fair because I've been reading them all summer. But this one really made me feel it. I was enjoying Humphries on Ultimates but I'm starting to wonder if he was helped by some leftover Hickman plot propulsion or something because this is all the boring mindless patriotism and masculinity of Ultimates without even any of Millar's edgelord flair that is at least something. This book is just muddy, occasionally confusing, and very dull.

daileyxplanet's review

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Very disappointing after United We Stand.

luana420's review

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The incredibly ill-titled ULTIMATE COMICS: THE ULTIMATES is a pretty easy-going, light-hearted book when compared to other arcs in the "don't get no mo 00s" saga that the Ultimates have been since their inception.

A characteristically bull-headed Captain America, president of the United States, finds that he is not too adept at playing the game of congressional seats. In fact, in a rather hilarious running gag, he keeps on locking feuding parties in a room "until you've hashed it out!! I'm needed in the field!!!"

Tony Stark and his sentient brain tumor Anthony form a delightful team, maybe in part based on Tony and the kid in IM3? I'm a bit unsure as to when this story arc came out with regards to Shane Black's movie, but one thing's for sure: it's a post AVENGERS (the first movie) book.

Gone are the internecine squabbles, the self-absorbed posturing and the petty meanness that was so characteristic of the Ultimates in previous incarnations, to be replaced by a friendship and a (sometimes unearned) longing for the good old days when buddies Cap, Thor and Tony were just out kicking butt together.

Writer Sam Humphries crafts a pretty good story out of this, culminating in the three heroes banding together to stop an orbital weapons platform from crashing into Sacramento, each bringing something personal to the table. My only niggle is that the book seems to play pretty fast and loose with continuity of the overall UMU as well as stuff that only happened a couple of issues ago. Cassie Lang is congratulated for doing so well against Hydra... but she was fighting WITH Hydra against Spider-Man? The West Coast Avengers were created after 9/11 to be a "more discreet" version of the Ultimates... but the Ultimates were VERY post-9/11?

I'll give Humphries some benefit of the doubt as to this new Ultimate Vision (the third!), as it seems that there's a lot more to be told there.

All in all, some decent big screen action comics if you're not too hung up on the details like me.