
Magic and Mayhem by S. Usher Evans

energyrae's review

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I finished Spells and Sorcery just the other day and was anxious to start Magic and Mayhem. The second book in the Lexie Carrigan Chronicles has Lexie entering her senior year of high school, with one major downfall. James is attending the school and he's being his typical, jerk self.

Lexie has worked hard over the summer to protect her sister Nicole and the apartment they share. She's been studying everything she can to learn potions and to further her abilities. She hasn't heard from Marie since she left, but she knows Marie is at least reading her texts. So she's feeling pretty alone, not only in her magic but in her life. Especially because she hasn't heard from Gavon either.

She needs to be ever vigilant, just because she hasn't heard from Cyrus either doesn't mean he isn't up to something, especially since James has made his appearance. But the more time they spend together, the more her perception of James changes. Come to find out, he's not all that bad, and hey, she has been missing having a sparring partner. As long as she stays vigilant, keeps her guards up, what could go wrong?

I loved Magic and Mayhem, so much more than book one. I loved that I knew all the characters and felt comfortable with the series. It was nice seeing Lexie making a friend because I had felt she lived a lonely life in book 1. Lexie grew into her magic as much as she was able learning on her own, and was a great change for her. Her confidence is probably one of my most favorite things that have come out of her journey so far. Evans has done a superb job in this series and I cannot wait to continue with Lexie on her journey.

elizafiedler's review

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Evans' strength is always in her amazing characters. Lexie is an amazing protagonist; complicated, sarcastic, caring and self-doubting at times, and really, really funny. The minor characters also get more and more complex and interesting the more page time they get, especially the ones who seemed to be clear-cut villains in the first book of the series. I continue to love how magic works in this universe, and how frustrating it is for Lexie to try to use it without a lot of outside guidance. That, I think is a key part of what makes the world of this book and Lexie's character so realistic and believable. Can't wait for the next installment!

zany07's review

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What I Liked:

1) Lexie really came into her powers at the end of book 1.
2) I loved how protective Lexie was of her sisters and taking care of their home.
3) Lexie became really feisty and I LOVED it.
4) James. Enough said.

What I Didn't Like:

1) Even though I only rated it 4 stars, I honestly can't think of much that I didn't like.
2) The only thing being that it just doesn't grab me like my normal 5 star reads but it was still Fantastic.

I really enjoyed the sequel to Spells and Sorcery, and I cannot wait to get my hands on book 3! If you haven't picked up this series yet, you should.

cryingscarf's review

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I always worry that second or third books in a series won't hold up when compared to the first, but Magic and Mayhem did not fail me. I love all the characters and enjoy seeing how Lexie handles everything life throws at her (because honestly, I would fall apart in her shoes :p )

taylor627's review against another edition

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Wow. Just, wow. Sush has done it again.

Magic & Mayhem takes place around about two years after Spells & Sorcery and it seems to slow down the pace from the first book, but in a good way. It gives the reader a chance to learn more about Lexie and to get re-introduced to James, along with exploring how the events of the first book effected each character. We get shown more of Gavon’s character as well, through both Lexie’s experiences and through accounts given by other characters, which I really enjoyed. And like I hoped for when reading S&S, we get to see more of Lexie’s relationship with her family.

This book does have some romance, which was well written. It wasn’t rushed into and it was not insta-love, which I’m glad for, as well as not a love triangle. I did find it a little predictable, but that might just be me. I’m not going to say anything more about it though, because, spoilers.

Finally, there are the action-packed scenes which are followed by a fabulous blindside which I can’t wait to find out more about. These scenes are also used to show how far Lexie has come since first discovering she was magical, as well as showing how far she has yet to go.

So, if you’re looking for a book that has a focus on relationships of more than just the romantic kind, some action and a twist you won’t see coming, this book is for you! If you’ve read the first book, thought it was amazing, this book is even better and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. And if you’ve read the first book and thought it was okay, but not spectacular, please give this one a chance. I think it will change your mind on the series.