
The Survivors: Body & Blood by Amanda Havard

mandikaye's review

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Dear Ms. Havard,

Why must you hurt me so?

When I first started reading this series, I had no idea what to expect. I certainly didn’t expect to fall in love. But through your words and the voices you gave your characters – especially to Sadie – I did fall in love. I love this world. I love the experiences I’ve shared with Sadie, the Winters, and the other Survivors.

But now I find that my heart is broken.

A choice was made. A step backwards, in the wrong direction. After so much progress over the course of these three books.

And I simply don’t understand.

When I finished the final chapter, I found myself flipping back and forth between the final pages and rereading because I didn’t understand what had happened.

I still don’t.

I find myself in a position I’ve never been in before. For the first time, I have a need to see inside a character’s head*. To understand her so completely that I no longer question her choices. You have put me in that position and for that, I say bravo. It is incredible writing that leaves me in such a state – a state of love and confusion and longing and sorrow.

I hope, Ms. Havard, that Book 4 offers some resolution and relief to these feelings I am having. I don’t need a happy ending if it’s not time, but I do hope that I can begin to support and understand what transpired at the end of Body & Blood (events that have overshadowed the entire plot of the book in my thoughts here!).

Thank you for writing a new series that turns the paranormal genre on its head. And thank you for not being predictable. But please try not to break my heart in the next one.

Mandi Kaye

shan198025's review

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I read this directly after the second so that the details were fresh in my head. I hate that Sadie runs! She is so childish sometimes I want to smack her. She uses Cole so much, I feel so bad for the poor guy. He's nice and she kinda breaks that.
Also what is up with Mark? Is he in live with Sadie? Or does he admire her?
Also did Sadie have sex with Alexander or was it just making out/feeling up?