melissariggs's review against another edition

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It was a whirlwind 4 weeks of a Facebook book study with both authors, but well worth it. I'm sure I will go back and reread sections as things come up that I want to refer to. I'm hoping to use this as a book study with my own group of Innovators next Fall! If you are connected to education in any way, I'd highly recommend you read this book.

"The answer to creating innovative teaching and learning opportunities lies within you.
Every educator faces constraints—from budget restrictions to predetermined curriculum to “one-size-fits-all” mandatory assessments. The question is, how can you, as a teacher or administrator, ensure that regulations and limitations don’t impede authentic learning? In Innovate Inside the Box, George Couros and Katie Novak provide informed insight on creating purposeful learning opportunities for all students. By combining the power of the Innovator's Mindset and Universal Design for Learning (UDL), they empower educators to create opportunities that will benefit every learner. Couros and Novak show you how to . . .Leverage the Core of Innovative Teaching and Learning with a focus on developing meaningful relationships. Develop the 8 Characteristics of the Innovator’s Mindset in your students—and yourself. Use UDL to proactively design learning experiences that foster voice and choice while addressing barriers that impede learning. Create learner-driven, evidence-informed learning experiences that provide all students with options and choices to maximize success."

lalaguse's review against another edition

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Useful but Mixed with a Presenter's Fluff

This book is way more about empowerment than it is about innovation. I think it uses the term innovation to get teacher geeks like me to sink our claws in. Regardless, the times when the writers focused on developing empowerment for students and staff were the most poignant and useful parts to this professional development book.

What brings it down to 3 stars for me is that it doesn't go into detail on how an educator shifts into this mindset. Their presentation is great, fluffy, and makes its readers say, "yes! Me!" But from experience, there are important steps that go into creating this mindset. For example, I didn't see any reference to Malcolm Gladwell's focused practice, the encouragement to join professional organizations, the search for effective professional development and what that PD looks like, and recommended policies for classrooms and schools to help transition into this mindset shift.

However, the book does say to reach out to colleagues, take notes, engage in reflective practice. But for me being such a fan of Robert Greene's and Brene Brown's books, I was hoping for an elevated experience not just a half-hour presentation for each chapter.

hsengteach's review against another edition

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Couros and Novak have written a book to help educators be the best they can be for students. They give clear ideas and options for how to make changes to what is occurring in the 21st century Classroom.

krismarley's review against another edition

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Would have liked more Katie, less George.

hsengteach's review

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Couros and Novak have written a book to help educators be the best they can be for students. They give clear ideas and options for how to make changes to what is occurring in the 21st century Classroom.