
Astro City: The Dark Age Vol. 2 (Astro City: The Dark Age by Kurt Busiek

mjfmjfmjf's review

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A re-read. This one just felt long. Good but too detailed. And strangely enough didn't really improve by reading the first volume. I actually like the epilogue at the end though. 3.5 of 5.

Astro City is consistently predictably good. And this one though a bit weaker does not break that pattern. A little too long, a little too involved and yet always at a higher level - almost like this story was a side story. And then at the end it was a side story. As always there were bits and pieces of the history and characters we'd seen before. But always something new. And on to the next one.

mattmaison's review

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Astro City at its best.

rouver's review

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Clearly, a continuation of The Dark Age Book One, and a good one at that. It wraps up the story from bk 1, continuing to be told from the point of view from the two brothers. They've reconciled their differences & have decided to band together on their mission of revenge against the man who killed their parents. They're intent on retribution while huge powers fight & wage war around them in the world & Astro City.

Not only are these books excellent, but it's opened up a new world of fantastic stories & writers to me. I love reading the introductions to find additional books to search out & read.

I've seriously been thinking of purchasing the series (I know!) just so I can re-read them at my leisure.