
Calle Londres by Samantha Young

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Johanna, who works day and night to take care of her teenage brother Cole, was beaten by her now imprisoned father. She takes care of her ungrateful bedridden mother who is verbally abusive to her and her brother. Working two jobs, she finds herself surrounded by friends and a wonderful man, Cameron.  Trying to build a life for her and her brother; everything takes a turn when her dad is released from prison. Her chosen family helps her put her life back together and she gets the life that her and her brother deserve. 

lynseyisreading's review against another edition

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Down London Road was right up my street!

Oh, I'm so happy right now. I absolutely adored ON DUBLIN STREET when I read it last year - it was one of my very first CRs, actually. I loved its intensity paired with its relaxed down-to-earthness. I loved the fact that it was set in my own country for a change. I loved the characters, the dialogue, the steamy scenes, how it gave me so many feels. Just everything, really... So I was naturally a bit nervous to start the sequel thinking it couldn't possibly live up to its predecessor. Well, as you can see from my high rating, I needn't have worried! DOWN LONDON ROAD was every bit as good as book one. Young somehow, miraculously managed to create that same magic once again and stirred many of the same feelings within me as ODS, despite the characters and situations being entirely different.

(Well, not all the characters were different - Joss and Braden (the MCs from ODS) were in it a fair bit, and main character Jo was barmaid-Jo-who-likes-rich-older-guys from ODS as well.)

Now, I know what you're thinking... Jo didn't come across that well in ODS. She was just the shameless, shallow pouty chick that was after anyone with a pulse and a fat wallet. Well, yes that is kind of still true. But let me assure you there is so much more to her than that, and we may have been given a rather skewed and unfair impression of her.

Sadly, it's an impression that a lot of people share, including other main character, Cameron. He's really not very nice to Jo at the start of this book. In fact, he's extremely unpleasant, hurtful and judgemental. I found Cameron's misconceptions very confusing, actually, because part of me thought he was being a total asshat, and yet another part of me kinda agreed with him. Jo is a golddigger. She's one of those women who, in the real world, I would probably really dislike and give the stink-eye to when she wasn't looking. Because on the surface, she's got it all - she's tall, attractive and has a multi-millionaire boyfriend. But sadly for Jo, that's really not a true reflection of her life at all. Jo is a survivor, a fighter, and a character I grew to deeply admire. I can't tell you all about why, obviously, but when you read it you will see - as Cameron eventually did-  that first impressions can be very misleading.

Now I know some people didn't like the fact that both Cam and Jo had other partners as the story began, but personally I think it was absolutely necessary to have that in there as it's all part of Jo's emotional baggage. The fact that she thinks she needs to choose her lovers based on what they can provide for her and Cole (her teenaged brother whom she parents because their own mother is a non-functioning alcoholic waste of space), instead of basing it just on her own feelings. And as for Cam, well... anyone who looks like Cam would likely have a girlfriend at all times. So I didn't mind that aspect of the story at all and thought it was realistic, if not very romantic.

The plot itself, much like ODS, was a character-driven tale with lots of lovely romantic scenes, some super hot sexy scenes, and some ball-like-a-baby scenes. I just love, love LOVE all the feels you get from a Samantha Young book. I can't even pinpoint exactly what it is that causes them to be so effective in that way, because the writing style is really very straightforward. I guess some writers just have a better insight into what situations would create the best tension and drama and know how to pull that from their readers. But whatever it is, so far, she has gotten me good twice. In fact with this one, I was crying by around the 20% mark. Like, serious crying. I may not know how she does it, but I'm sure glad she does!

5 Stars ★★★★★
ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

bennieplusjets's review against another edition

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I liked it a lot. It’s hard not to compare it to On Dublin Street though. It just didn’t hit the mark for me all the way. I mostly loved seeing all of our friends and Brayden’s family throughout the book.

sunnydee's review against another edition

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Mittlerweile habe ich die 3 bisher erhältlichen Teile der Reihe gelesen und dieser hier ist mein absoluter Lieblingsband.
Gerade die Familiengeschichten haben mich hier so begeistert. Johanna hat es nicht leicht – ihre Mutter ist eine schwere Alkoholikerin, ihr Vater war gewalttätig und sie zieht ihren jüngeren Bruder groß. Cam, der männliche Hauptcharakter, ist erst richtig mies zu Jo, aber dann entwickelt sich eine richtig tolle und überzeugende Liebesgeschichte zwischen den beiden. Wie auch schon beim ersten Band ist diese dann mit jeder Menge Drama und Gefühl gespickt. Im Contemporary Bereich schafft das für mich kaum jemand so gut wie Samantha Young. Ich könnte ihre Bücher stundenlang lesen, ohne das es mir langweilig wird und auch ein Re-Read wird in nächster Zeit dazu anstehen.
Ebenfalls sehr gut gefällt mir, dass man die Charaktere aus Band 1 (Dublin Street) alle wieder trifft und sie einen recht hohen Einfluss auf das aktuelle Pärchen bzw. die Handlung dieses Buches haben.
So etwas mag ich allgemein bei Contemporary-Reihen sehr.
Die Chemie zwischen den beiden Hauptcharaktere stimmt und ich habe es sehr genossen, die für mich sehr realistische Entwicklung zu verfolgen. Ich konnte mit Jo mitfühlen und mitfiebern.
Die Handlung wird nie langweilig, weil genug Drama und auch Spannung eingebaut wird.
Ich kann die gesamte Dublin Street-Reihe empfehlen!

Meine Wertung:
5+ von 5 Sternen

marleer's review against another edition

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This book was kind of a surprise to me. At first I didn't really remember who the main character was, but I love that all books in these series are in some way connected to each other. Down London Road was a lot better than the first book. I felt like Jo and Cam really shared a deep connection, while Joss and Braden's relationship was more physical. I also found Joss and Braden to be much more likable in this book, they were really good friends for Jo. I definitely want to read the next book, because I'm very curious for Olivia's story.

phoeb02's review against another edition

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The writing isn't the best. I didnt like how long the exposition was, plus the author really told us everything without showing which made it a bore to read. Some minor typos also took me out of the book.

bookwife's review against another edition

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I have pushed this book off for about a year. I started it awhile ago and I didn't like the narrator for the audiobook. Her Scottish accent is off.. or I dunno it just bothered me. But I started it today randomly and it was really good.

I didn't enjoy this one as much as I did the first book but I still enjoyed it. I got sucked into the story to the point that I didn't even notice the narrators voice. I had Jo pegged all wrong and I honestly feel bad about that because I hated her in the last book. Like seriously hated her and it turns out she is this totally amazing person, who just went about dating and finding a secure life the wrong way. Who hasn't made those kinds of mistakes?.. Well I've never dated someone because they had money but you get my drift. Plus she actually cared for Malcolm.. she wasn't just using him and she never asked for money so that changed my opinion of her completely.

Cam was totally lovable. He was sweet, charming, and he really took an interest in Jo and Cole! He was so amazing with Cole and that was just adorable. I think it would be hard to take on a 14 year old but Cole does it perfectly. The whole think with Blair kinda pissed me off. It's cool if you are friends with your ex as long as you freaking tell your current GF that you are and especially if they come over in the middle of the night. I hated Jo's inner struggle thinking that it was just her insecurities. I feel like she was completely justified in her jealousy. Damn the guy was once in love with the girl and he freaking texted her while he was at lunch with Jo, after they hadn't seen each other in days and he just saw Blair the night before.. So I kinda hated that part of the book. It made me think less of Cam for not communicating with Jo a little better. He wasn't doing anything wrong and everything else he did was basically perfect so I still love him.

There was a whole freaking shit ton of drama. Jo's life has not been easy. She's had to deal with an abusive father, a drunk mother, and she's been taking care of her brother. So naturally there is a lot of drama. It was almost overwhelming. If it wasn't for the hot sex and Cam being just a babe, I probably couldn't have liked the book as much. OH and Joss and Braden were kinda awesome too. :)

litloulou's review against another edition

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Going with 5 stars this time around. I did not like how long they were apart in the beginning and Cam was an idiot when he let what's her face stay at his place so I didn't want to forgive him that quickly. But whatever. Gave me the feels.

cherryredsreads's review against another edition

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Loved this book! Was not what I expected but Samantha Young does it again!

Jo & Cameron are hot!