
Doon by Carey Corp, Lorie Langdon

deduvick's review against another edition

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Cute book. Not the best written, but the story was fun and I would definitely pick up the second one to see what happens to the main characters - didn't quite get everything tied up. I believe this is a debut, so it'll be interesting to see how the authors grow and where they go next.

shelbymasako's review against another edition

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Holy Hammerstein! Did I like this book? UH. YES.

I honestly read this as well as the second installment within 72 hours. AND I LOVE EVERY SECOND OF IT. The way the authors wrote it kept me wanting to know more at the end of each chapter. The fact that they each wrote a character perspective makes it obvious that there is no muddling of character voices. And can we just take a second to swoon about the MacCrae brothers? I mean, c'mon, they made me feel like a gushy high school girl all over again.

More things to note: the writing was exquisite. I felt like the world building was so interesting, and I never felt like there was any "info-dumping" at all. I was always on the edge of my seat wanting more. And the way they described the landscape and the surroundings was incredible. I felt as if I had been transported into the enchanted, beautiful land of Doon.

Check out my review on the second book too! And if you want to know if you should read this book? YES. What are you waiting for?! GO GET IT. It was honestly only $.99 for Kindle! And thank me later :)

I recommend this book to everyone. I will be making a video review of these books so I will check back in for updates.d

livresaveccat's review against another edition

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I loved this so much. this was just a great fairytale type story that i absolutely love. everytime i read this book i felt like I was in Doon and I wish i could go to Scotland and find a prince and we would fall in love. if you haven't picked this up yet you need to. the ending was beautiful and i will be picking up the second book very soon. I really wanna go to Scotland and hopefully sometime in the future i will!

bookishnicole's review against another edition

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I sort of like going into a book with really low expectations. I went into Doon thinking that I wasn’t going to like it because it was printed by a Christian Literature publisher. I had just read Aquifer which was from the same Publisher (Different imprints) and I really didn’t like it. All the Christian themes were too in your face and made someone who isn’t strongly religious, down right annoyed.

I am glad to say that Doon wasn’t like that and while it was religious, the theme wasn’t all up in your business. While Doon was full of cliché’s , I found that I enjoyed reading about Vee and Ken as they explored Doon. They were very obviously meant to be foils of one another, but I found that they both had the same voice, but what defined them as individuals was their look at Doon and their personal history.

I found myself getting annoyed with the clichéd phrases and all the pop culture references that Mckenna made about musicals. I also wish that they had either tossed the Scottish brogue that they wrote into the voices of he characters, or they were more consistent. I wish they would have just dropped it all together, but it is what it is.

This book is part of a series, although it probably could have been fine as a standalone. I am excited to see what is going to come with the next book. I really liked Doon, and although they sort of gave a cheap excuse for why they had all the modern technology, it was still a fun book all around.

valeriew's review against another edition

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Love it! Stupid McKenna.

littlefoot10's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed the book.. probably more than words can say. I love Scotland, a love that is true and ever lasting...I love friendship that stands the test of time. This book had all this and so much more in it, and is probably one of the best series I have ever read.. <3 ! I love all the characters.. Vee and Kenna, Jamie and Duncan... beyond amazing how two friends and authors can come together to create a world that literally you will want to live in once you read this book! Obsessed.. this is my new favourite series...LOVE LOVE LOVE !!!!

juliaviola's review against another edition

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Rating: 4,5

sc104906's review against another edition

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Kenna and Veronica are transported to Brig a'doon. They have romantic entanglements and all other cheesy things associated with being transported into a fairy tale. This book was ehn, I don't think I am going to read the next book. I feel that Kenna's part could have been completely removed and the book would have been better.

cupcakegirly's review against another edition

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I have to be in the mood for fantasy and I was hoping that DOON, with it's pretty cover and interesting blurb would transport me into another world. didn't. At least, not in the way I had hoped. I liked the concept and the writing was fine, but I didn't connect with any of the characters and I struggled to stay engaged with the story itself. Sadly, this was not the book for me.

madirowa's review against another edition

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Doon is a fantastical story of two best friends. It is a loose retelling of Brigadoon and has some aspects that relate to the musical, but when I say loose I really mean LOOSE. The story was interesting and I really ended up liking it. There were some characteristics of it that I didn't like very much but despite that I thought it was a fun read and I couldn't stop reading!

The book follows Veronica and Mackenna on their vacation to Scotland that becomes a whole lot more exciting than they initially expected. In the beginning of the story, Veronica is newly broken up with her boyfriend and is still upset. On her way home she begins to cry and a vision of a hot blonde boy in a kilt appears on the street telling her not to cry and then disappears. Veronica doesn't want to think she is crazy, but what else could possibly explain a boy appearing out of thin air and then vanishing? Whenever she is upset this boy appears again no matter where she is. She decides she really needs a break from her life and a trip to Scotland with her best friend, Mackenna, is finalized.

The two friends arrive at Scotland and when some clues suggest the idea that maybe Veronica's dream kilt boy lives in some seemingly nonexistent land called Doon, all she wants to do is find it. But that, of course, is the last thing Mackenna wants to do. As much as she loves Vee, she is a bit hesitant to believe anything and thinks that her best friend might just be a little delusional. Low and behold, they are transported to Doon and Kenna has no choice but to believe.

It turns out that kilt boy is truly real as Veronica had hoped and his name is Prince Jamie MacKrae, the crowned prince of Doon and heir to the throne. Go figure. And he also happens to have another handsome brother named Duncan which works out perfectly for Kenna. Of course Doon isn't all sunshine and rainbows though. There is a dark and evil magic that coincidentally occurs more with the appearance of Kenna and Vee. The two have to be careful or they will break an enchantment that would shatter the peace over Doon. And trust me when I say, that is the last thing they want to do.

I've been reading fantasy like it's nobodies business lately and I'm finding all these great books. This book had pretty much everything I like. Action, fantasy, romance, and an interesting setting. The things I didn't like were minor and I could luckily look over them (most of the time).

The two princes couldn't have been any more different. Where Jamie was serious and stoic, Duncan was loose and carefree. Jamie was the blonde and Duncan was the brown. Light and dark. I actually really liked the relationship between them. They had a bit of a rivalry going on but they still had a brotherly lover for each other.

The romance...oh how it had me squealing! That is the romance between Veronica and Jamie. Those two had me swooning. At first Jamie was in a frame of mind to try and resist Veronica but he epically failed at that. By the end the two were loving each other freely. The romance between Duncan and Mackenna was cute, yes, but I definitely didn't care about it as much as I did Jamie and Veronica. Maybe the relationship between Duncan and Kenna will become more interesting in the sequel.

The friendship was nice too. I found myself realizing how well it was portrayed whenever they would tease each other and push the other to do something. It had me thinking of one of my own friends with whom I have interactions just like these two did. You know a book has good relationships when you can relate them to your own.

It definitely had a bit of instalove. You can tell me they are soulmates all you want but please don't fall in love the instant you lay eyes on him. I was able to look over this only because they didn't dive into a true romantic relationship right away. Jamie was very hesitant towards her which made it a little better. Then there was also the incorporation of modern inventions in a fantasy world that you would expect to be a bit more medieval considering the King and Prince and such, but no of course they had to add how they had modern plumbing. I just don't particularly care what sort of plumbing they had and the modern inventions incorporated just sort of bothered me. It was as if the authors were trying to hard to make Doon more modern. The only other thing I didn't really like was the dual point of view. I didn't absolutely hate it but I was so more interested during Veronica's chapters than Kenna's that I just wish it was only Veronica telling it. However, I do have a feeling that Kenna might become more important in the second book.

All in all I really liked this book! I was hooked and could not put it down. Any second I had a chance to read it, I did. I can't wait to read the next one now and see how everything works out! Go read it!!!