
Taffy Sinclair, Queen of the Soaps by Betsy Haynes

bibliotequeish's review

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As a kid every Saturday we went to Kmart, and every Saturday my mom would let me buy one thing, and it was ALWAYS a fabulous five book. (The cover looks like a spiral notebook cover... I thought that was very clever)
I also managed to track down all the Taffy Sinclair books at a thrift store.

Taffy Sinclair is such a misunderstood character. She was definitely not the nicest person, but I think a lot of that stemmed from insecurity.

I wonder if this series is still at my parents I would definitely read them again.
I remember in the Taffy books Melanie was chubby and it make references to her eating brownies and then one day she was like NO i don't want the brownie... and then she got skinny.
This is a very vague memory... so don't quote me on this one, what you CAN quote me on is that Taffy had a crooked bicuspid, and Jana ate cream cheese and jam sandwiches,... which I tried because of her and they were DIS-GUS-TING, and I never trusted her again.

pastelpaperback's review

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 Not as enjoyable as the previous two Taffy books.

Fabulous Five adversary Taffy has gotten a bit part on a soap opera, and Jana and her friends are seething with envy. Interested in seeing her arch nemesis on screen, Jana gets sucked into the soap world and starts to believe that everyone around her is having dramatic soap opera-ish problems. She even convinces herself she has a lost twin sister! Overall it's pretty silly, but Haynes does do a good job at bringing it all back to the heart of Jana's insecurities and family issues. 