
The Drip Drop Prophet and Other Stories by Austin James

bethteva's review

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This book is not for everybody. I should state that right up front. James writes bizarre and strange stories that will likely leave most readers feeling a little alienated. But while his stories might not be the most accessible, his abilities as a writer shine through.

At its core this story is about a man in love. In love with a toaster oven. And I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that is the lowest level of weird you'll find in the story of The Drip Drop Prophet. Mutants, talking decapitated heads, graphic toaster oven sex... Saying all this out loud I'm still not sure if this book is even for me, and I read it, and loved it.

The plot is simple and straight forward(mutants and toaster sex not withstanding) but delivered with James's unique, almost poetic prose.

The book also includes several other stories, Violet Crime a particular favorite of mine, that just add value to the book.

So, if you're in the mood for something different, a little weird, and probably way out of your comfort zone, this is the book for you.