
An Exorcism of Angels by Stephanie M. Wytovich

divadiane's review

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I'm sure these are finely wrought poems, but they are not to my tastes and so I'm going to abandon it unfinished.

motherhorror's review

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A poetry collection exploring the themes of love--especially comparing and contrasting pain and hurt with all of those mountaintop experiences we have.

I don't think there is a single person that wouldn't be able to relate to the emotions shared in this collection. So many of these poems feel like an expression of something very similar that I have gone through and then other poems are a fictional manifestation of a fantasy I've had or some kind of fleeting thought.

BLEEDING BEAUTY is this mysterious little expression of a woman sitting alone in the dark just feeling some pretty serious feelings and who hasn't been there before? Granted, the poem might imply something a bit more murderous and dark, but it skirts around the edges of whatever that situation might have been and instead, focuses on just this one, isolated moment in time.
It's pretty powerful for such a small gathering of words.

BRIDGES IN HER MIND expresses an intention to keep her lover locked out of her mind by creating a labyrinth of bridges that move and change in order to establish a pattern of confusion.

CHAMOMILE TEARDROPS exposes the darkness and isolation of sadness. There was this tiny familiarity of Alice in Wonderland that I treasured.
On the next page, COFFEE & CIGARETTES is the end of a relationship tied to the simple act of dropping off a cup of coffee and a pack of smokes. So simple and yet really profound because all of us have those milestones in the mundane.

DISEASED DAMSEL had me smiling. It kind of reminded me of a season in my life when my marriage was really struggling because of some toxicity with my mother in law.

I could go on and on highlighting my favorite poems here and the way they resonated with me, but the exciting part of this poetry collection is that every, single person is going to read these words and interact with them in their own unique way. Readers will finish a poem and it will spark a memory or light an old flame...'s beautiful how timeless that is.

charshorrorcorner's review

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AN EXORCISM OF ANGELS is a volume of dark, disturbing, down and dirty poetry.

Usually poetry is not my thing, but I won an Audible copy so I had nothing to lose. I soon discovered that I like this type of poetry quite a bit! At the same time, I learned that I could not listen to it all at once, like a novel. I listened to a handful of poems at a time and then I would need to take a break. There are a lot of poems contained within-at first I started to rate each one, but like I said there are a lot of poems here and that became too time consuming. Also, since this was on audio through Audible, (and not Overdrive), there was no way to bookmark the ones I especially enjoyed.

To address the poetry itself: here can be found bad boyfriends, murderous girlfriends, ghosts in the attic, drugs in all their different forms-be they delivered by stinging needles, burning lines up the nose, or popping pills-they're all present within these pages. There is self hate, self love, even both at the same time. There is also an affection for words and storytelling that comes through these mostly short but powerful verses.

Regarding the narrator, Corinne Gahan, she was excellent. It took a little while to get used to her voicing, but I loved the little extras she added to the words.

Dark and devilish, this volume of powerful poetry isn't messing around. It's blunt and in your face. Do you think you can handle it? If so, you should. You should handle it right now.

Highly recommended!

*I won this audio-book via Twitter, but this is my honest opinion, regardless.*

inkychaotics's review

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Stephanie Wytovich's latest collection combines the madness of HYSTERIA and the beautiful darkness of MOURNING JEWELRY to create an enchanting lovechild of the two. Each poem of the collection tells its own story, yet there is a connection between their haunting emotions that allows for a greater, overarching tale to be told, or maybe sung is a better word since each piece brings its own lyrical feel and seems to hum aloud like a dark lullaby. I look forward to what this poet writes up next!