
The Dream Slayer by Jill Cooper

artsymusings's review

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Jill Cooper takes the paranormal genre to another level in The Dream Slayer. Natalie Johnson's life sucks; bullied by Sarah the cheerleader, a parent who is always drunk and the other a bearer of the outcomes. It seems like apart from Tristan, the one BFF she hasn't managed to lose to the social abyss that is high school (insert Michelle, captain of the cheerleading team), life is at its worst. The escape? Dreams. Only if that weren't so complicated what with Natalie's dreams now crossing over to the reality and the constant onslaught of déjà vus. What's a girl to do?

Natalie is a loser and a scared little mouse, nobody pays her any attention except to laugh at her when she's being bullied. She hates it, Tristan hates it; but she knows it will only get worse if she does anything to resist the bullying. Except it does in her dream because Sarah becomes possessed and throws herself over the window of the high school building. Talk about a dramatic death and on the night of the pep rally no less. Only Natalie has seen that already, in her dream.

It all really started when a portal opened and the Patricians escaped through it. It happened in her dream but the horror of it spilling over to the reality was only the beginning. It's a good thing that Natalie's alter ego is a kick-butt, strong, fearless demon slayer with a hot boyfriend, Damien. Mark is her custodian in dreams but in reality, it is Charles. Oh and the demon master, Morach is a big, fat nuisance to just everybody included.

As much as Natalie has to now embrace her fate of being a paladin, she needs all the strong-wiliness she can muster and she does. She rises above and beyond the pitiful feelings of being scared and pushed over all the time. She pulls out of it a stronger, kick-butt, magic-wielding heroine. How she does it is a sure treat to read and a very enjoyable and engrossing one at that.

The Dream Slayer is an action-packed, chock full of one hell of a great storyline debut by Jill Cooper. The cover is mesmerizing and the paranormal aspect of the story mixed with the dreams is like a breath of fresh air. For Natalie, it is somewhat of a coming of age story as well and it was a novel thing to see an average, fat girl with chunky fingers get transformed into a strong character in her dreams and then some. I will recommend The Dream Slayers to the lovers of the paranormal genre. This is a thrilling start to an awesome series.

setaian's review

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In real life Natalie is a slightly overweight loner and a bully target. In her dreams she is a super cool demon slayer. When the demons she battles in her dreams start to cross over into her real life she needs to discover the confidence to become her alter-ego the kick ass slayer.

That's a pretty cool idea.

Unfortunately the cool doesn't extend much beyond the idea. The story is told from two alternating POVs, Natalie (the bully target) and Natalie (the demon slayer). The same characters appear in both perspectives though their roles are slightly different. It gets a bit confusing to be honest.

Added to that there is really too much going on. It's like Spiderman 3...too many villains and not enough story. Way too many characters who don't do all that much but still take up space.

booksenvogue's review

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3.5 hearts

We've all experienced a funk where NOTHING interests us. I mean you have satellite with over a thousand stations, for Pete's sake and there is NOTHING worth watching on the tube. Then there's an info commercial that really catches your eye. I mean it looks great and sounds like a miracle...God made that AB fat zapper specifically in answer to your prayers, wrapped that baby in gold foil, and presented it to you on Angel wings. So you you dial that toll free number and get your blessing for 4 easy installments of 29.99. And you're beaming for all the world to see. Heck you may even tweet about it. One week later it arrives in the mail and you're seriously questioning if it's really worth 120 bucks plus shipping and handling. *Sigh*

I was in a reading funk before this book came along. From first impressions, the synopsis and beautiful cover art instantly snagged my attention and interest.

The Dream Slayer is about a teenage girl named Natalie who is from an abusive home and get bullied at school. To cope with her unfortunate life, she created an alter ego in her dreams. She often visits this fabricated universe by dozing off or daydreaming. Natalie is a tad narcoleptic, but I loved her. She was believable. Her insecurities could have easily been my own. I loved the male friend harboring unsaid emotions swing and once best friend who grew apart. It helped to create a realistic high school portrayal. I felt that the school bully was way overdone; and the other nemesis' were a bit corny.

Overall, I had mixed feeling about this novel. While there were parts I loved, there were equally parts I didn't. The stereotypical 90's prime time show jargon, where the teenage dialect is super long winded in an attempt at comedy and intelligence was a major turn off. I mean it worked in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, sometimes on the Gilmore Girls and was a gray zone on Dawson's Creek. Any who in this story it acted as a distraction always taking the character completely off subject. Then as I read on I realized that this was Natalie's dream state. It bewilders me why her alter ego was so annoying, but heck, to each his own. Aside from her being a push over I actually liked the real Natalie. I especially liked the love triangle. It was definitely unusual and unique. In future novels I hope to see more of Natalie instead of her dream self. In the end, this novel helped pull me out of my reading funk. The non-stop action definitely keep me turning the pages.

Favorite Quote:
"'dreams don't kill people, people kill people' or do they?"

*I received a copy of this novel for an honest review.

chemistreadingonthejob's review

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Cover Thoughts-
Love it! The girl on the cover is probably Natalie and she is probably in her dream world because she is holding her sword thing. Bad ass covers like this is what really catches my attention.

First Thought-
Just what I was looking for! Romance, Adventure, Paranormal, and Slayers! I can not wait to get started on this book!

What I liked-
There is so much to like! First off Butt kicking heroins are my favorite characters. Natalie is basically a nobody wimp nerd by day and a somebody brave hero by night. In her dreams she defeats evil doers like Morach the Great. She has awesome skills using weapons and has a I'm better than you attitude. Everybody knows her name. And if your a demon you better hope you don't run into her. Then when she wakes up she is living her nightmare at home and at school. Dreams are her only escape. A little while into the book her dreams become reality and it becomes harder to escape them. The whole book is a dangerous middle between fantasy and reality. Somebody or Something is out to get Natalie and how can she overcome them when she is actually a little weak nobody? I was seriously swept in this tide of dreams throughout the whole book. I found myself comparing my dreams and even wishing I had such realistic ones like in The Dream Slayer. I even pictured myself exactly like the weak real Natalie. I guarantee this series is one I'll be following just because this book kept me on the edge all the way through. When I thought all evil was defeated at the end I was still wrong!

What I disliked-
The beginning was so confusing! I struggled through the first couple chapters trying to keep up with the action and adventure and fierce fighting skills then a sudden weak girl who does nothing shows up. I finally got it after a few more pages. :) The idea is genius! Anyway that is really it. The Dream Slayer had everything I could want in a book; romance, fights, dreams, vampires, slayers, nerds, and bad ass girls like I want to be. I loved it!

Overall Readability-
A total top of the to read lister. I finished it all in one sitting because every page puts you on edge. You have to know what happens next. Everything is so beautifully detailed and totally fierce in the butt kicking. I actually am already thinking about rereading it. :) I recommend The Dream Slayer for people who love dreams and the paranormal.

My Final Thought-
She blossomed! Once a wimpy nerd now a beautiful brave somebody!

5 out of 5 Haunted Roses

owlishbookish's review

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This review appears on my blog, Starting the Next Chapter.

When I first read the title for this book, I was intrigued. What context did the phrase "dream slayer" refer to? Was it a slayer of out of control dreams, or was there something else. Reading the description cleared that right up and my interest was fully piqued. The concept is an especially fun one. I knew it had the potential to be a really fun read. As it turns out, I was correct in my thinking. The Dream Slayer is a truly fun premise with loads of action and some very sweet moments.

I really liked the main character, Natalie... both of them! You see, the real Natalie is special. In her dreams, she is something other than herself that makes her more able to cope with the difficulties of her waking life. In real life, Natalie is overweight, bullied, and abused, but still has a truly sweet disposition that makes the things that are happening to her all the more horrible. When she escapes into her dreams, however, she is a more fit, confident version of herself that takes no crap from anyone. Did I mention that her dream self is a demon slayer? Oh, yeah. I thought that would get your attention. Seeing Natalie come out of her shell as she discovered a strength she didn't know she possessed was beautiful. As her confidence grows, she becomes an even more interesting character. I really enjoyed her.

The writing that makes up The Dream Slayer is very engaging, as is the world it is set in. The variety of demons that have to be dealt with are just disturbing enough to add a real sense of menace to the story. What is even more spectacular is the amount of humor that is injected into the characters you would least expect. There were several errors scattered throughout the book, but as I had the incomplete copy, I won't fault the story too much for it. I just hope that they have been corrected, as they can potentially distract readers from a fun story.

I was very pleased with this book and loved getting lost in this strange world that Natalie lives in. Most of the characters are enjoyable and the stakes are high. Fans of books featuring girls who can kick butt will definitely want to give this one a go. It is imaginative and easy to read. It left me wanting to know what would happen next, which is always the mark of a good story.

engelsigh's review

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I really liked Dream Slayer - loved it actually. It's really different from all the other paranormal stories out right now. Dream Slayer is a complex story with two worlds - the real world Natalie lives in, where she is an over-weight, bullied girl with a bad home life. In the dream world Natalie kicks butt and fights evil and has a strong sense of confidence and self-worth. The real action begins when the two worlds start to collide.

I liked the fact that the heroine, Natalie, is "plus size." (or maybe just overweight). Granted, we all want to be the beautiful, Barbie doll heroines in the other stories out (like society tells us we should be), but we’re not. I think it’s great to have a heroine who isn’t perfect by today’s standards – who is normal and real. I think because she isn’t some idealized version of what a girl should be according to Hollywood and magazines etc, that she more relatable and more likable. We all wish that we could be something more – someone heroic and brave, and it’s great to have a lead character that can be heroic and brave while also being herself. Thank you for that. It’s refreshing.

Overall, I rate this book 5 stars. It's well worth the read, and I hope to learn more about the secondary characters in the next book.

katrinamarie's review

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This book is action packed and unique.

Some of the characters were difficult to connect with, but that didn't take away from the story. Natalie, the main character, is a high school student that is bulled because of her appearance. All that changes when her bully ends up dead. Her best friend, Tristan, is awesome. He's witty, sarcastic, and completely loyal to Natalie. He has always defended her, and doesn't understand why she puts up with everyone's crap. Natalie's "other" self was incredibly cocky, and not very likeable to me. She had little emotion. She was a total bad ass though when it came to slaying.

I think my favorite part of this book is the fact that Natalie begins to think of herself as more than just the pudgy nobody. She has worth and a purpose. I found it sad that she didn't think this way prior to realize her destiny.

There are quite a few funny parts. The demon master, Morach, is really funny, along with his idiot demon posse. His bantering with Natalie was reminiscent of Spike and Buffy.

I'm curious to see what happens next with Natalie and her friends. I'd also like to know why Meadow's Creek is such a powerful and magical place.