
Illusive Echoes by Lee French, Erik Kort

jpv0's review

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[b:Illusive Echoes|30685918|Illusive Echoes (The Greatest Sin #4)|Erik Kort||51226673] continues following Chivalis second life as an agent of the Fallen, sent on all manner of weird missions throughout the world with her fellow agents. This time around, they have to find a statue of a cat. Made all the more interesting with flavors of gang warfare and corrupt law enforcement and royalty. Pretty crazy. I still want to see more about those Drowned Ones, but at least we get a few hints this time around. Not yet forgotten.

To me, the most interesting part and real draw of these stories remains the interactions between Chivali and the other Fallen.

Chavali longed to snatch Eldrack’s hand and force him to think about everything he hid from her. One day, she’d send the spirits crawling through his mind to devour all his secrets.

Colby in particular:

“No, Colby, you’re wrong. A goal is nothing more than a time and place. It’s fleeting and often less glorious than we imagined. Basking in it is fruitless. The journey is the only thing that matters.”

Given the fundamental bit of worldbuilding that's hinted at throughout the series--that there's one single Greatest Sin... but that various groups have different ideas about what exactly that Sin is--it's interesting to see how that is expressed in the interactions between characters.

Interesting to see where it goes from here... especially with the death of

errantdreams's review

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The Drowned Ones say that everyone must die and be reborn in order for the Reunion with the Creator to happen. I’d like to have seen the characters comment on the similarity between this and the Fallen’s own circumstances and goals, but it doesn’t get brought up. I honestly think that’s my only negative from this book.

The character building is still fantastic. Karias is becoming more and more involved, and he isn’t what I expect from some sort of intelligent horse/spirit/whatever. I look forward to finding out more. The leader of the Drowned Ones only shows up for a short amount of time, but there are already hints of an interesting and complex character there. We finally find out more of why Eldrack seems to know so much about the future and why he’s kept it from Chavali, and it makes things very interesting. Chavali still tends to be more pragmatic than sentimental, but I caught her once or twice convincing herself that she was doing something for a pragmatic reason when it was relatively clear it was more. I do love her gradual character growth. We also see a bit more of Robin this time than the madman we know and hate.

The plot is sufficiently complicated that it kept me guessing for quite a bit, which I loved, yet it does get untangled sufficiently I think. There are multiple gangs involved, multiple art thefts, a royal family full of suspects, a group of inspectors full of suspects, a group of zealots who seem to have an interest in Chavali… The spirits of Chavali’s clan are also restive, and I’m looking forward to finding out where things go with that. Up until now they’ve been little more than a power source, and now we find they may have interests and an agenda. We also still don’t know what the deal is with the mysterious cat statue.

I’m really enjoying the individual mysteries in these books as well as the overall arc-plot and wonderful characters.

Original review posted on my blog: