
Spiral by Mila Ferrera

shaydelayed's review

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This was really good. It took an unexpected turn that I appreciated. I like being caught off guard with an "I did not see that coming" moment. This story turned out to be a lot more than I thought it would be. The storyline involved a heavy issue, but dealt with it in a way that didn't send me into an emotional tailspin. A lot of books have been tackling this subject lately and the way they do it frankly freaks me out. This was done in a way that made me feel more compassion than fear. Well done.

rlp78's review

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Well that was totally unexpected. This started out as a sweet love story with a pretty perfect non-brooding hero. That is not how it ended up. But don't worry, I mean it in the best possible way. I love a love story but this had so many layers it made it so much more. The writing and story were so engaging I found myself sneaking pages at work and resenting having to stop reading while driving home. While it does end happily, there are few stories that are more deserving of a book two or at least an epilogue. I want to see how his parents come back into the story as well as a trip to Sweden :)
Amazing book. The author took a really difficult subject and handled it in a way that was realistic and not at all cheesy. As much as I wanted everything to be wrapped up at the end it wouldn't have been realistic. Hence my begging her to write another book!

Definitely recommend this one. Great job!

immortalgirl92's review

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3.25 stars

shannonhaleyy's review

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Giving this 4 stars because the 2nd half of the book was based around mental illness and this was my first book that covered that. Some parts were almost too hard for me to get through, but I finished because I wanted to know how it ended. I'm happy with the ending.

veracruzzzzz's review

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I really liked this one. I was so into the story that I only reluctantly put the book down at 6h38am.

I fell immediately head over heels for Aron Lindstrom. Wish-fulfilment prince charming doctor? Count me in! I was so not expecting to be blind-sided by the plot twist that ensued.
So, as the story progressed, I had to figure what I liked about him that was real, and what was part of his issues
Spoilermeaning, the manic episodes
. I sure could never be as loving and selfless as Nessa, I might add.

The author never fools us into thinking there's a complete happy ever after for this romantic couple. She gives us a picture of what's possible, real, and human.
I appreciated that very much. Not quite not your average romance novel; a very nice little gem indeed.

It's well-paced; it features interesting characters. I don't remember any major editing issues (which is no small achievement in self-publishing these days). Hope to read more by this author!

katv93's review

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3.25 Stars

simplyreading's review

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3.5 stars.

deejaygee's review

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3.5 stars rounded up. I enjoyed this story more than I thought I would as I hadn't had much luck with Amazon freebies lately. This was well paced pretty well written and a fairly realistic look into this kind of relationship.

onceuponahardback's review

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❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ 4 Expect the Unexpected Stars ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

"Our relationship was doomed from the start." -Nessa

Spiral, is the story of Nessa Cavanaugh and Dr. Aron Lindstrom. On her first day as a psychology intern on an oncology rotation things go pretty bad. She makes a fool out of herself in front of one of the oncology fellows, Dr. Aron Lindstrom... by tripping all over herself and staining his shirt in the process. As if that wasn't bad enough, he's also devastatingly handsome, looks like a Viking, and he has a Swedish accent. *fans self*

"Do you want to be with me? Slowly, like touching me for the first time, he takes my face in his hands. His thumbs stroke my cheeks while his gaze lingers on my mouth. "Want" is not a strong enough word."

In spite of her head telling her heart to ignore the Swedish doctor, Aron Lindstrom, she simply can't stop thinking about him. That's also another thing;rumor has it that he's made his rounds with the women at the hospital, does Nessa really want to get caught up with someone who may only be playing with her? The more time that they spend with another, especially playing those chess games that they love to play, the more that Nessa wants to say yes to everything he's offering. He's wicked smart, dedicated to his job, and seems like just a really nice guy. The whole package.

Soon, her time with Aron leads her down an emotionally charged roller coaster that has her wondering if she'd be willing to risk it all - for him, for things are not as simple as they seem like she always thought.

"Aron turns his head and stares at me. A tear slides from the corner of his eye and falls to the floor. The moment it hits, I feel it, a sharp, rending pain my chest. My heart, breaking for him. -Nessa

She constantly scolds herself for the attraction because she needs to focus on her schooling/career now more than ever. Her dissertation is due soon, and she doesn't have time for romantic entanglements, especially when her heart could be broken. Not only does she have her career to worry about, but her mother is also constantly hounding her; looking for changes in her behavior. She has a one in five chance of developing the disorder that caused her father to commit suicide when she was fifteen...bipolar disorder.

“And when you love someone like I loved your father, you're willing to walk through hell with that person because they're worth it.”

I really liked this book! I loved the characters, enjoyed the love story, and cried through some of the unexpected twists. There was one scene in particular that still breaks my heart when I think about it. I thought that when I read this that it was going to be a light, fluffy read, and it's 100% not! It covers some very serious topics that makes this book all the better. I do think that some of the story-lines were cut short though, like with Aron's parents, Sweden, how Aron got his scar, the ending, etc; I also liked the first half better than the second, so that's the reason for the 4 stars, but other than that, I'd say pick this one up!

"Because I was drowning in a fantasy of him, of us together, of love that shook me to my core, and I didn't realize he was already slipping beneath the waves. I didn't reach out soon enough to grab his hand. My secret, dark fear: What If I pushed him under? -Nessa


merkyr's review

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I started this after Thanksgiving dinner and finished it before bed.
Loved the Philly setting and the backdrop of the hospital, it was nice to see New Adult questions and exploration in a work environment. I think with just one extra level it could have been really awesome but I still enjoyed it and would recommend it.