
Ruf der verlorenen Seelen, by Kimberly Derting

alissabar's review against another edition

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I didn't enjoy this one as much as the first one. That was disappointing.

saulofelicia's review against another edition

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Desires of the Dead was almost as good as The Body Finder. Which , to me, says a lot. These kind of books is usually not something I would enjoy. Had someone given me a copy of this book two years ago I would've thrown it in the trash, but I adore it. I absolutely adore everything about it. The characters, the PLOT (!!), all the twists, the love between Jay and Violet (come on, its impossible not to love it) and the CONSTANT wondering. It's absolutely amazing.

Im just a bit worried what Kimberly is thinking about doing with Rafe, cause I have a feeling that a love triangle is coming up and I swear I will not be able to take it if Jay and Violet breaks up. I've fallen in love with their relationship. So even if I do like Rafe and even if I'm SO curious to find out more about him, I'm not ready (I will never be ready so no.) to see him break Jay and Violet up. No no no no. If that happens I wont be able to read the rest of the series.

Anyways, its a gorgeous book and I loved every single page! Can't wait for the next book :)

rmonty33's review against another edition

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3.5 stars. So, I didn't like this one as much as the first one. Violet was kind of annoying. I did really like Rafe and I'm excited to see what happens in the next book with the special investigations team. I will definitely finish out the series but I hope that Violet will get her crap together!

bellatora's review against another edition

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Me: So, Violet, congrats on not getting killed and all by that serial killer in your first big adventure.

Violet: I’m just so happy Jay was there. I was soooo scared when I thought he was dead. I mean, what would life be without him?

Me: Yeah, I guess that would’ve been bad. Anyway, you learned something from that experience, right? Like…to not wander off by yourself? In the dark? Where dead bodies are?

Violet: You sound just like Jay. This is why I don’t tell him things. And then he gets mad at me, just like you do.

Me: Because you’re being dumb.

Violet: I am NOT. The dead bodies call to me! I can’t help it!

Me: But you could tell Jay before you ran off alone in the vicinity of where a killer has been, right?

Violet: He’d just tell my parents or my police chief uncle or something. I have to do this by myself. I can’t tell Jay. Even though he is perfect.

Me: Why?

Violet: Well, he’s really hot—even random waitresses hit on him and give him free stuff, which is really annoying, actually. And he’s so sweet and we’ve been best friends since forever and he’s an amazing kisser—

Me: No, no, no. I don’t give a crap about Jay and his perfectness. I’m talking about why you have to uncover the bodies by yourself. You ended up calling the police about the body at the docks anyway, right?

Violet: Yeah, but—

Me: And you didn’t even help them solve that murder! In fact, the body at the docks was just a decoy plot wasn’t it? You didn’t do anything about it besides find the body.

Violet: Maybe, but—

Me: And you had someone in contact with the FBI aiding you when you went after the second body! Why didn’t you call them?

Violet: Well…

Me: Well, what?

Violet: *mumbles* The bodies call to me…

Me: Do the bodies make you immune to common sense?

Violet: You really do sound like Jay.

Me: And about Jay…why did you get in a fight with him, again?

Violet: He didn’t support me when I thought that his new bestie’s sister was the one who had left a dead cat on my doorstep.

Me: So…he didn’t believe you right away. Once. After you had shown a continuous lack of judgment and common sense. And you broke up with him after doing nothing but talk about how perfect and wonderful he was and how he was your best friend and you were soulmates or whatever?

Violet: He’s my boyfriend and best friend! He should trust me and support me! He’s supposed to believe in me no matter what!

Me: After you got into a fight over this, did he try to call you?

Violet: Yes.

Me: Did he try to apologize?

Violet: Yes.

Me: Did you just ignore him and avoid him?

Violet: Yes.

Me: Did you ever once try to have a mature conversation about how you were feeling?

Violet: No.

Me: So why did you think you were mature enough to be having sex?

Violet: It’s not a question of maturity. I can’t control myself around Jay. I mean, he was trying to take things slow. He kept telling me no, can you believe that?

Me: Hmm…teenage boy consistently turning down a girl trying to jump him every time they’re alone. Does Jay happen to sparkle in the sun?

Violet: What are you talking about?

Me: Nothing, private joke. Sometimes I get so bored I have to amuse myself.

Violet: Okaaay…

Me: By the way, do you actually like Chelsea?

Violet: She’s my friend!

Me: So you say. But you constantly describe her as annoying, loud, bratty, selfish, obnoxious and shallow. You kinda barely tolerate her.

Violet: She can be fun as long as no one else is around.

Me: Are you sure you don’t just hang out with her so you feel better about yourself in comparison?

Violet: I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Me: How about some quotes: “even Chelsea’s car was obnoxious.” And, my personal favorite: “Chelsea…looked crestfallen, like she was shriveling, and Violet actually felt sorry for her friend, something that took her entirely by surprise. But as bad as she felt for Chelsea, Violet wasn’t about to turn down the opportunity to be alone with Jay.” Are you actually that cold that you are surprised you feel bad when your friend is crushed? Or just that horny?

Violet: You don’t understand. Chelsea’s annoying. And Jay is Jay.

Me: I thought Chelsea was your friend

Violet: Jay’s my best friend.

Me: Yeah, okay. And you’re really possessive. You’re jealous Jay has male friends.

Violet: Jay is my boyfriend! We should spend all our time together!

Me: Except when you get pissed off at him and refuse to speak with him and go all drama queen.


Me: I’m almost done here, then you can do nothing but run headlong into danger and obsess about Jay. I just want to say I think you should hang out with Rafe more. He was pretty cool.

Violet: Are you trying to keep me and Jay apart?

Me: God, no. That would require a crowbar. I’m just saying you should make friends with Rafe. And try to be a real friend, not a friend like you are to Chelsea. Rafe is currently the most interesting person in your life, including you.

Violet: Was that an insult?

Me: Do you think Rafe is psychic?

Violet: I dunno. Does it matter? I bet if Jay was psychic he’d know I’m always right.

Me: Yeah, okay. Call Rafe or that FBI lady next time you think about running off by yourself, okay? It might save you almost getting shot.

Violet: Yeah, yeah, whatever. Look, I think I hear a dead body calling to me, so I’m going to run off into a deserted area by myself. Don’t tell anyone. I’m sure I’ll be fine. Later.

abookdork's review against another edition

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I absolutely loved "The Body Finder" and I was worried that "Desires of the Dead" wouldn't live up to my expectations, luckily I was wrong! I had to force myself to stop reading the book because I had longs days at work and needed my sleep, else I would have stayed up into the wee hours of the night reading it. This book has everything- mystery, romance, great characters, and it kept me on my toes. I kept thinking I had the book figured out, but it was constantly surprise me.

I have to admit, there was a moment where I worried the book was pulling a "New Moon", like so many teen paranormal sequels tend to do, but luckily it was short lived. Yes Violet does make some poor decisions, some of them extremely dangerous, but her gift pulls her into them- I can't blame her for not following what it commands of her.

I really liked the conflict Violet faces when the FBI start questioning her. The agent seems interested in helping her, but how can Violet trust someone she doesn't know? I also like how it brings in a mysterious male character- I can't help but want to know about those silent, handsome guys! I can't wait to see where these conflicts bring Violet in the next book! On top of that, there is the dead body of a young boy that Violet found and the new guy Mike with the tragic family history- if this isn't enough to peek your interest then there is no hope for you.

If you haven't read this series, I highly recommend it. They are super fast reads and if the romance doesn't get you interested then the paranormal mystery will! I am not usually a huge fan of mysteries myself, but Kimberly Derting has helped convert me. I am doing my best not to get all fan girl gushy about this one, so I am going to stop now because the book was AWESOME... what more do you want me to say?

sophilozophy's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed The Body Finder and couldn't wait any longer to read the next book in the series. Everything that I loved about the first book (the suspense, the chemistry between Violet and Jay, the mystery) was here plus a few heartbreaking moments for me, but great additions to the storyline. I understand why Violet was hurt by something Jay did, but wished she didn't act so hasty. She really scared me for a while there since I've been rooting for them from the start.

Although unlike the first book, I figured out who the perpetrators were, I still enjoyed watching the mystery unravel and was pleasantly surprised by the plot twist.

A new mysterious character named Rafe is introduced. There is no doubt in my mind he'll be playing a bigger role in the upcoming books and stirring things up between Violet and Jay. I love everything about Jay (yes, I have a crush on him) and the history their relationship is built on, but can see how a connection Rafe and Violet share might come between them in the future.

I starting this with the intention of reading slowly, but it was too much of an entertaining read to put down. I've never read about a character like Violet with her abilities until this series, which doesn't happen a lot since I read so many paranormal books. It was a good continuation to the series that I can't wait to pick up on next year.

thenoveloracle's review against another edition

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dislike the straying from Jay.

delaneybull's review against another edition

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This book had some really good plot twists. I liked the addition of Mike and Megan, and their backstory was really interesting. The relationship between Jay and Violet was cute but realistic, which I really enjoyed. Overall, a really good read, and a unique series.

etinney's review against another edition

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Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Another disappointing sequel. Last book was mystery with a little romance and this book was romance with some random bits of mystery in it. It is very gushy. And what is with her Bella attitude? Why is it attractive for girls to hate parties? That doesn't make them cool and mysterious, it makes them obnoxious and antisocial. Oh and if you and your very serious boyfriend have a little disagreement, YOU DID NOT BREAK UP! So I really doubt you need to miss school for it. The mystery it did have was incoherent. It jumped from one story line to another. Sara Priest and Rafe had absolutely no purpose in the story. I just did not like this, and I will not read the next book if it comes out.

Overall: 2 stars

Cover is pretty. Her publisher has a good cover artist.

tboofy's review against another edition

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I ranked this one a little lower than the first, because it took a while to get into it. The first part of the book contains way too much teenage angst and not enough plot. Once the plot kicked in, it got really good and I couldn't put it down.

Warning: the main characters DO sleep together in this book. No explicit details, thankfully, but they do move to that next level in this book.