
Betrayed by Ednah Walters

p0laris's review

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Any doubts about whether I would like this books as much as the first went out the window in the first chapter. I was sucked into this world and Lil's life just as quickly as I was with the first book.

What I love the most about this series, and what is amplified in this book, is the great dynamic between the group of Guardian trainees. Their personalities are completely different and they don't always get along, but they talk to each other and they trust each other no matter what. My favorite characters are Kim--for her open criticism and loyalty--and Sykes--for his humor and unapologetically forward attitude toward the entire female population. I can't get enough of them!

The stakes are raised in Betrayed, and if you thought Lil and Bran were in danger in the first book, you'll find out that was nothing compared to the danger they face in this book. Things take a turn for the worse, and Lil is forced to cope as her life begins falling apart around her. I do believe she cried entirely too much throughout the book (crying can only happen once--maybe twice, depending on the character and situation--before I start to see it as a pity party, or attention-seeking). She's a strong girl though, and I loved watching her stand up for herself in her conversations and by the choices she made.

I love the Nephilim mythology that is present in the story. The fight between good and evil is as raging as ever, but Ednah Walters kept me guessing about who was on whose side. I was surprised by some of the things that happened, and some of the characters who helped/betrayed Lil, but was a bit disappointed at how long it took Lil to puzzle out some of the mystery when a huge clue was staring her in the face. But she eventually figured it out.

This is really a great sequel and if you haven't read the first book yet, I urge you to go ahead and do it! The series is is full of romance, action, adventure, and betrayal, and is an awesome addition to the Urban Fantasy genre.

This review was originally published on my blog: The Reading Fever.

I received an eGalley of this book in exchange for an honest review.

yche09's review

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I love this second book as much as i loved the first one! Ohmygosh.. they're more than sweet here. Lil and Bran are soooo "awww-invoking". I know Lil is just 16 in this book.. but yes, i love the love between them in the book. The plot was awesome. Title fits the book in a spot-on way. I was really anxious on who the traitor was. Turns out, it's nobody i ever thought of. The plot thickens -- as they say. I absolutely adore their team. I would love to see a little bit of a love triangle (Sykes included) but i guess Bran and Lil being soulmates sealed their love story. I want to know what happens next sooooo badly.. i want Bran to keep his wings..

reinadelhelado's review

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This was an intense sequel to the first and I immersed myself in it. Since I received this for an R2R, I read it immediately, and it followed through nicely with the first.
Bran and Lil had great chemistry, as always, and it annoyed me when they ignored each other. The search for who was intercepting Valafar's pacjages was very nicely laid out and kept me interested. It was a fantastic read (:

melaniebopp's review

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After enjoying the first book, I wanted to like this one more than I did. It seems to suffer from 2nd movie syndrome - all of the new, interesting information is already out there, and now we have to figure out how to get from there to book 3. And here it takes the form of a lot of action, a lot of discord between our main character and her boyfriend, and some disjointed info dumping.

I had some issues in this book with Lil - mainly, at one point, she specifically states that her favorite power is
Spoilerher ability to control people's minds
. Doesn't this cause some problems with morals? Ethics? I have some issues with that.

I do think that the action scenes were well written, and easy to follow - it plays out very well mentally, like watching a movie. Overall, it was a 2.5 - I liked it okay, but not as much as I really wanted to.

andmarstan's review

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Goodreads Summary:
"Lil isn't just an average teenager. She's one of the Nephilim--the descendants of humans and angels--which gives her some serious psi skills and a mission for redemption. Just when Lil thinks she's found a balance between her normal life with human friends and her training to become a Guardian, she's warned that someone close to her will betray her. When the boy she loves starts acting strangely and one of her human friends acquires a supernatural ability, Lil begins to realize that someone is manipulating the people she loves... and won't stop until she's been lured to the dark side."

So, as I mentioned in my review of Awakened, the moment I finished reading an excerpt from this book I immediately put the series on my "to-read" list.
I am now officially obsessed. I loved everything about this book. I felt like I was on a sugar-high the whole time I was reading. It was plain awesomeness in book form [then again, books are awesomeness by themselves, so I guess that this means that this book was awesomeness(x2)]
Normally second books aren't that great - Hi, New Moon (don't get me wrong, I love the Twilight series, but New Moon was just... not that great) - but Betrayed just blew me away.
I can't believe I hadn't heard of this author before, but now I am a legit fan.