
Salamaa nopeampi elämäni by Usain Bolt

talesofaliteraryaddict's review against another edition

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“I’m a phenomenon, a serious competitor - a legend for my generation. Believe me, my time isn’t up yet.”
Usain Bolt is one of the charismatic athletes around. He is also the fastest man in the world. Barely ever in the press for scandalous reasons (except the odd dance) Bolt chose to always let his running answer the questions. The man who caught the hearts of the world and inspired many to dream big and push hard.

drdoleroux23's review against another edition

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This book explains the life of Bolt when he is not swagging all around. It reflects his confident and hilarious personality in every single page. A very readable and pleasant book full of funny anecdotes of the world's fastest man.

floopy's review against another edition

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Inspiring story

jarichan's review against another edition

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Die Autobiographien, die ich bisher gelesen haben, waren alle nicht wirklich überzeugend. Dass ausgerechnet jene von Usain Bolt, der mich grundsätzlich auch nicht sonderlich interessiert, mir zusagt, war eine grosse Überraschung.

Mir fiel positiv auf, dass Bolt auch von seinen Fehlern berichtet. Den grossen und den kleinen. Dass er zwar sehr viel Selbstvertrauen besitzt (was er ja auch darf!), aber eben auch dazu steht, dass er sich in dieser oder jener Situation falsch verhalten hat.

Auch die Berichte aus dem ganzen Sportgeschäft fand ich spannend zu lesen. 700 Situps pro Tag! Ich trainiere zwar, aber was ein Profisportler so alles durchmacht - nein danke. Lustig war jedoch die Stelle, in der Bolt davon berichtet, wie viele Chicken Nuggets er dafür auch verputzen kann - vielleicht sollte ich doch mehr trainieren? ;)

anovelstart's review against another edition

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Let me start by saying that I've never thought much to books written by people that are still alive today. I always thought it was pointless, their life isn't over yet so the story isn't over. I'm glad to say this book proved me wrong.

The main reason I bought this book is because I've recently started jogging with my mum, I wanted an insider's view on running, all the pro's and con's. I thought, "what would be a better place to start than the world's best?" So Usain Bolt it was.

This book is truly inspirational; from his modest upbringing with a devoted mother and strict father, to when he became the best. His father always told him manners are the most important thing to have and that's stuck with him throughout his life.

This is his story, telling us his personal motivations for running. Did you know his first prize incentive was for a packed lunch? His next was quite selflessly to earn enough money to buy his mother a washing machine and his dad a new car. It really did amaze me how simple his first motivations were. I just assumed that he knew he was good from a young age and just went for it, but that's not true - he nearly went into cricket! Could you imagine a world were our famous Bolt was a cricketer instead?

This book is full of life lessons and tough learning curves. He tells us where he went wrong, how he still managed to get gold even with a spinal condition. As I said, inspirational!

This book has really changed my view on pro athletes, their hardships and injuries. If you're interested in the struggles an Olympic champion has to go through to earn their place, read this book. It's simply a must!

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