
A Manx Tale, by Paul Alan Fahey

suze_1624's review

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Another good installment in the series.
Caroline and Cyril are on the Isle of Man and face to face with the realities of the interning of legal aliens (those living in Britain but not naturalised citizens) during the war - and they take two different views on the rights and wrongs of this.
Edward and Leslie are still in Kent, but soon Edward is sent to the IOM too - with a stowaway - to find the source of information leaks.
Lots of leads for our intrepid quartet to follow, with disapperances, kidnapping and gun fights. This one is back more related to the war effort, but on a slightly different front. The group dynamics are fun, with Edward and Caroline very serious, Cyril more cynical and Leslie very cavalier. Just wish Robert had said yes, but his reaction much more in keeping of the times I suppose.
As the IOM is home turf for me, I did spend most of my time visualising where they were each time. The internment camps were real (more info in [b:Island of Barbed Wire: The Remarkable Story of World War Two Internment on the Isle of Man|1365503|Island of Barbed Wire The Remarkable Story of World War Two Internment on the Isle of Man|Connery Chappell||1355326] if any reader interested).

the_novel_approach's review

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A Manx Tale, the third installment in this series, shows how well life continued to march along, how people continued to fall in love and marry in spite of the daily reminders that the world around them was in a state of turmoil, poised to topple were it not for the courage of ordinary men and women and their willingness to jump into the fray. There is a mix of romance and treachery in this third installment, as Caroline and Cyril are honeymooning on the Isle of Man, an idyllic place rich in local lore that also happens to host an internment camp filled with people of enemy decent. They are both celebrating their marriage and discovering what mysteries the island holds, when a man from the past shows up unexpectedly to bring danger into their midst.

See the entire review at The Novel Approach: