
All the Wicked Dolls by Ben McKenzie

the_b00kreader's review

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✨Hello my lovely Kings, Queens and In-Betweens!
Happy Tuesday! How has your day been?

_away_with_the_fairies_'s review

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I absolutely love the storyline behind this book - it has so much potential!

I think the drama and murder and mystery within the story is incredible and the author has such a wonderful imagination!

The dolls and masked people may or may not have given me slight nightmares but, I'm a wimp, what can I say?!

The fact that there is a male lead in the story is great, as a lot of fantasy novels have powerful badass women in the lead. Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE powerful badass women main characters but it is sometimes nice to mix it up a bit! I also like the fact he's gay. Not many authors tackle this taboo. However, the fact that he makes the love interest of said main character have an ARRANGED MARRAIGE to his sister is just not on. I mean, how dare you?! I was rooting for them and then you set this up?! Not impressed... Also, his sister? Wow. Now there's a cowbag for you!

MC's sister is straight up awful from page one of the novel but throughout the book, she gets steadily worse to the point where I wanted to jump into the novel, push her off a cliff and laugh.

For me the book wasn't long enough - I needed more and I don't want to have to wait for the second book!

I really enjoyed reading this and I'm so looking forward to the next in the series.