
Spark by Rachael Craw

abbeyclawrey's review against another edition

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Amazing story line, I was addicted.

(second review)

Okay, so I reread this book two years later. what the hell was I thinking not picking up Stray as soon as I finished. Arghhhhh. this book was great the first time I read it, but with another two years of age and knowledge led to a deeper understanding of the concepts in this book and it was EVEN BETTER than when I read it before.

I cannot wait to find out what happens with Evie's relationships, specifically A, M and J but also Kitty (I put first letters/names as not to spoil but if you know, you know).

definitely going out to buy Stray and Shield ASAP, first chance I get. I will be begging to get it.

yanina_k's review against another edition

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challenging dark tense


lawbooks600's review against another edition

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7.5/10, I was honestly surprised at this amazing and original novel and I didn't know what to expect considering that I never read from this author, it even almost got a negative review when I was beginning to get sick and tired of this but it managed to redeem itself in the end, where do I even begin. It starts off with the main character Evie whose surname I forgot and she lives her normal life as usual like every single other book out there until something was off with her setting up future events. She first notices she's a bit taller. Then a bit faster. Her bust grew, well you get the idea. Suddenly Evie is taken away but some random character who breaks the news to her that she was part of some genetic experiment gone wrong which I think revolved around creating some sort of new super soldier army thing but for some reason this didn't go according to plan but how, I don't really know even though it's integral to the plot, maybe it could be explained in the next two books in the series. Speaking of, I doubt my library would get them considering that this book is 9 years old now. There was romance between the characters however I felt that was kind of shoehorned in and not really necessary, I did like the epic fight scenes and the way the book got more action packed towards the latter half ending this on a high note.

fictionalkate's review against another edition

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Sci-fi isn’t usually my kind of thing but Spark looked interesting and I am so glad I gave it a go. This book is fantastic. There’s action and romance with moral dilemmas and all sorts of secrets behind the scenes. Evie’s transition from regular teenage girl to suped up genetic protector could have gotten confusing. There’s a bit of jargon and acronyms but it is all explained so well with the reader is learning about this world and Evie’s role in it alongside her.

To break it down for you, due to some DNA altering and the introduction of synthetic genes, there are now some people who are born with certain abilities and powers. We now have Sparks, Shields and Strays. Sparks are civilians who trigger the Shields and Strays. Once triggered a Shield is compelled to protect the Spark from the Stray who is similarly urge to eliminate the Spark. The Strays aren’t necessarily bad people but the trigger for them manifests itself as psychotic delusions and causes extreme homicidal feelings for the Spark. The Shields and Strays are both stronger, faster and taller than regular civilians with assorted powers. It’s all very intense and trust me – Rachael Craw explains it so much better in the book than I ever could but you get the general idea.

Evie’s first ever Spark is her best friend Kitty – and that brings its own set of complications. Along with trying to understand what is happening to her, Evie has to cope with the need to make sure Kitty is okay. And then there’s Kitty’s brother – Jamie.

I have something to confess. I can’t stand the name Jamie. It makes me cringe a little (I’m sorry if you’re reading this and you are a Jamie. I’m sure you’re lovely). And as a testament to the writing – despite his name, I really liked Jamie thought this name was a great choice for him. He’s the kind of guy that you wouldn’t want to cross and the way the romance developed over the course of the novel was great to read. Despite them being a perfect match their interactions aren’t perfect. They still had to work for the relationship and Jamie had to make up from the history by the river.

The action in Spark is really exciting. Evie is learning to be kick-arse though a combination of her training as well as her super gene learning. There are times when it seems that Evie is the most special of all the Shields but there is reason behind that which is explained. She’s confused and there is confusion surrounding much of what is happening to her BUT this book is never confusing to read. The reader is always right there beside Evie learning about her world and her new place in it as Evie figures it all out. There’s a bit of a mystery as to who the Stray is and some drama surrounding the mysterious Affinity group who are responsible for the Shields/Strays in the first place. I wanted to know more about how The Affinity run things but there is always the chance that this secret organization will be explored more in book 2. The supporting characters are interesting with all of them having their own stuff going on. They have their own agendas and priorities and what I liked is that sometimes it is in direct opposition to Evie. It’s great to see the parents have a role and not just be written out because its easier.

After reading Spark – I can’t wait to see what’s next in this series. Secrets, Sparks, Shields, Strays, other Affinity goodness. And of course, more Jamie and Evie interactions! Action, mysterious organizations and a dash of romance – I think this book would appeal to fans of books with strong female main characters in a world with a bit of an edge like Divergent by Veronica Roth and Delirium by Lauren Oliver.

Thanks to Walker Books Australia for the review copy.

dani_bugz's review against another edition

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It was a little cliche, a little predictable and had a little too much info dumping. That being said it was also incredibly addictive once you smash through the first third, very original and highly entertaining. if you want a good action ya with good dose of romance, give it a go!

pumpukin's review against another edition

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Killers by design.

It surprised me, it wrecked me.
I feel bad for all the characters. It’s so painful to realize that you (or the person you love) are the result of a decades-old experiment gone wrong, that your life ruled by mutant DNA. That The Affinity Project will eventually find you.

“Choice is a fantasy,” Miriam says.

For the most part, I enjoyed reading it. This book is like the electric tension before the thunder. It was intense and exciting and by the end my guts were wrenched out. I loved the interaction between the characters, it felt natural. The adults act how I would expect them to in real life, the teenagers act like believable teenagers.

I fell apart when I found out who the Stray was. That nice and sincere-hearted person didn’t deserve that. I almost cried, you know.

“Don’t let me hurt her.” His voice catches. “Don’t let me – oh God. .... Help me. It’s coming, please, I can’t.”

But let's dilute the drama. Oh, I’m in love with the cover! It reflects the book perfectly. To be honest, I only picked it up because of the cover. So glad I did!

Excited to read the second book, I think it's going to be insanely good.

tehani's review against another edition

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A cracking pace and some fantastic characters to get to know in this debut novel. I would probably label it science fantasy, as the scientific premise is somewhat shaky, but it's well considered in the world building of the novel, which works for me. A bit of the "most special of the specials" in the main character, but I liked her anyway, and while I'm a little tired of the Insta-Love plus REASON trope, this had some nice backstory to alleviate some of my annoyance. In all, the overused tropes were outweighed by great action & interesting premise, and I enjoyed the reading experience. If you liked Veronica Roth, chances are this will be right up your alley.

dani005's review against another edition

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Maybe this is a terrible stereotype, but it seems that almost all aussie books i find, i fall in love with. Craw's book is no exception, I really thought this book was amazing.

The characters were dynamic, if not for the romance seeming a little coincidental and yet, the history behind the two characters justified it enough for me not to roll my eyes. Evie was an honest frustrated, excitable, courageous, honourable and loyal heroine and I honestly really enjoyed reading her point of view. Jamie was sweet, charismatic, cocky to a point of being humorous - not an asshole- so I commend Craw for skating that boundary with effortless ease.

The book itself was a fun sci-fi, one of my favourite aspects of it being centered around genetically modified human beings, an experiment gone wrong. The premise isn't entirely new and yet the science behind the story seemed quite extensive and accurate, although I'm no geneticist, Craw definitely did some awesome research to make sure the realities of this book remained justifiable. I loved the fast pace and the twists and turns. What I also loved is that the writer didn't write as though the readers were dumb. She included plenty of complex scientific terminology as well as left plenty of foreshadows but didn't drag them out. I spotted some of the turns but only seemingly just before the heroine did as well so it felt as though we were figuring out the mystery of it all right along with her.

This was a fantastic adventure that kept me on the edge of my seat and up late into the mornings.

wwiillddeerr's review against another edition

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a sci fi dystopian esk book that is unique and well written! we love

laraed's review against another edition

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4/5 stars!
What an AMAZING book! I'm usually not a massive fan of Sci-Fi, but WOW! I loved this book so, so much and it was one of those books that I just couldn't put down. The world was so intriguing and interesting and there were so many plot twists at the end of the novel that I just had to keep reading! It took me a while to grasp the whole concept of Sparks, Shields and Strays and all the different aspects of the world, but as I keep reading this series, I will understand the world more and more! I'm so excited to read the second book and know what will happen to Evie and Jamie.