
The Renegade Wife by Caroline Warfield

ingypingy2000's review

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I stopped 2/3 of the way through. I hated that Meggy was always sparky to Rand and I felt no connection on her part for him. The longer the story went on, the more she was always glaring and fighting with him and the more of a "little boy" he became. No, this book was not for me.

az_green's review

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I enjoyed this story very much. There was good suspense and and it paced very we'll. My main complaint was i felt robbed on emotion. The buildup was nonexistent between Meggy and Rand. The thought of attraction on both sides suddenly came out of nowhere very early on. Still an enjoyable read, and Meggy was strong and tough through so much. I loved Rand's solution in the end.

Not sure I'll pick up the next book in the series, but i will likely read another series by Ms Warfield.

hosborneauthor's review

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Reviewed on behalf of Readers' Favorite

The Renegade Wife by Caroline Warfield is a historical romance novel which takes the reader from the wilds of Canada to London society and back. Rand Wheatly wishes for nothing more than the sanctity of his cabin in the wilds of Canada, fleeing from a failed relationship and family betrayal. However, when he arrives, he finds a woman and her two children have taken up residence. At first, Rand is livid, demanding they leave immediately, but he soon softens to Meggy Blair and her renegade family. As time passes, Rand learns of the reasons why Meggy fled her husband, and resolves to help the little family, however he can. Yet, with a brutish Scottish soldier on their tail, Rand must return to England, and face demons of his past in order to find happiness with the woman he has come to love. Can he put his heart on the line again, not knowing what the end result might be?

I certainly was not expecting some of the turns in this novel, and that is what kept me fully engaged in the story from start to finish. I appreciated Miss Warfield’s adherence to historical fact of the time, especially involving how a woman and her children were property upon marriage. It seems so antiquated to us now that a man could opening abuse his family and not face repercussions for it. Miss Warfield has carefully woven a plot around such constraints to create a beautifully written historical novel. The Renegade Wife by Caroline Warfield harkens back to the historical romance authors of old, and I will gladly look forward to the next installment in her Children of Empire series!

avoraciousreader68's review

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*Book source ~ Kindlke Lending Library

Rand Wheatly comes home from a business trip to find a woman and her two children have taken up residence. While he would love nothing more than to throw them out, he realizes that with one child injured and one sick and winter just starting, he’d be sending them out to their deaths. So, he reluctantly lets them stay.

Meggy Campeau hates that she had to take shelter inside a stranger’s home, but the welfare of her children are more important than her pride or her ideals. She understands the owner of the pretty home is mad at their break in, but she’s done her best not to disturb anything except what is needed to tend her children. Rand and Meggy form an uneasy alliance, but when her husband comes looking for them, the shit hits the fan.

Set in 1832 in Canada and England, this story really brings home the plight of women when they are married to an abusive asshole. Women have no rights and Meggy’s plight showcases that painfully. The story is heartfelt, full of action, and is quite the read. The reason I scored it low (if 3 is low) is because I just couldn’t make myself like Rand. I tried. I really did. But I just couldn’t stand him. Don’t let that stop you though. You’ll probably love him. Or at least like him. In any case, the story is worth the read whatever you think of him. The ending sets up another book in this world and I’m looking forward to getting my hot little hands on it.