nolo42's review against another edition

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adventurous inspiring medium-paced


rashthedoctor's review against another edition

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People are saying this is one of the best books this week , i would have said so too had i not completely missed the whole Green Lantern Gauntlet story , and it definitely led me to a confused path when i read it , finally after a lot of googling i understood what was going on and that led to the conclusion that it was a good book but it would have had been more epic had i read about the whole Gauntlet saga but sadly i hadn't . Anyways looking forward to the issue #1 in 2 weeks

rashthedoctor's review against another edition

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Another dissapointing issue , and this time i can't simply say that i didn't like the book because i hadn't read the green lantern corps edition , things were very odd in this one starting with Hal Jordan suddenly having a power collapse in the midst of a battle and then being informed that his symptoms were similar to the events that led to disappearance of the whole GL corps and yet for some reason Hal Jordan didn't face similar fate . Then there was the abrupt arrival of the yellow lantern who for some reason after being accepted as the new guardians of the universe decide to go all tyrant on the people it just gained trust of, but fear not Coz Hal got his power back and the Corps has returned .. How ? i have absolutely no idea ... it's confusing as hell , the art was awful , headache inducing panels making this a truly insult-able issue for this week

rashthedoctor's review against another edition

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Read this as individual issues .

The plot is simple , the two corpses have done exceptionally well , but there have been past events in this partnerships that now resurface to strain the alliance . Would the alliance survive for the greater good ? or will it fall back to return to the status quo of the good ol' days ?

What I liked :
➕ Venditti gets GL well , his story telling feels like the old GL comics
➕ There was involvement and distribution of roles equally amongst all characters
➕ The motivations of characters was understandable

What I didn't like :
➖ The art style was passable for most part , but sometimes the faces really felt weird and bugged the hell out of me
➖ The finale felt a bit abrupt and awkward
➖ There was a distinct lack of action scenes , while there was a lot of possibility for it .

rashthedoctor's review against another edition

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I am surprised that this only has 3.5 star rating on Goodreads , coz honestly I had a proper blast reading this .

This one continues from the previous appearance of General Zod and his family in Action comics , and from the first panel this is full of action as Zod family deliver the ass kicking of a lifetime to nearly all the big GL corps member .

The book showcases how powerful Zod actually is , and by the end of the book , we are also witness to the awesomeness of the greatest Green Lantern to ever live .

The art style really complements the story ,as panel after panel action scenes are depicted both beautifully and in detail making the reading experience awesome

And honestly I don't know why this is rated so low on Goodreads , coz Epic action sequence and setting in motion a mysterious evil masterplan by Zod family , I mean I really like where this is headed . A definite recommend 4 out of 5 stars for me

rashthedoctor's review against another edition

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So here ends the Hal Jordan and GL corps run of Venditti and Man I enjoyed the hell out of it , even this one .

Venditi finished his run by every bit and piece of his Hal Jordan story yet and definitely managed to not only tie loose ends but also give a good action heavy story arc. The last 2 books in this story arc specially were just filled with action , considering DC comics and Marvel comics don't really have that many consecutive action panels unless its some mega event or something .

The book still left out some loose ends and the ending also did feel a little rush , which is saying something considering this was a thick volume , having more pages than the usual DC volumes .

The artwork was again decent , but the consistency in the artworks felt missing at times

Overall a very entertaining read

masterfozual's review against another edition

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Following up the unexpected events of New 52's Green Lantern, this is a thrilling, engaging step in a new direction.

primmiiee's review against another edition

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This is another reason why Hal is a badass and why Ethan van Sciver is the best Green Lantern artist alive. Also, gotta give props to Venditti, I'm not a fan of his new 52 works, but I really like what he's done in Rebirth.

ferrisscottr's review against another edition

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Pleasantly surprised with this one.

Admittedly I've never read Green Lantern before but with Marvel putting out such crap these days I thought I'd give it a chance.

This is the first volume of Hal Jordan and the Corps after DC's Rebirth.
A nice long story about the return of the Green Lanterns and their battle with the Sinestro Corps.

The art was amazing, the plot was engaging and moved along at a nice clip.
I'll be continuing to read this going forward for as long as the quality stays this high.

iffer's review against another edition

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This was a solidly-entertaining and well-drawn Green Lantern title. As seems to be the case even more often with Green Lantern than some other superheroes, the reader has to be a little bit roll-with-the-punches, since there is so much history, but this contains enough recap that I, at least, was willing to go along for the ride. This isn't ground-breaking, but it was fun to read, with big action sequences, self-deprecatingly bombastic heroes, and mustache-twirling villains. It's entertaining in the way that Michael Bay movies are entertaining.