
What Dreams Shadows Cast by Barbara J. Webb

lanko's review

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Very fast read and a nice return to this alien dystopian sci fantasy suspense story.

The most surprising thing was that Ash actually shared POVs with Vogg. That was really unexpected. But I liked it, as we get to see more of him and Sparks, who was technically the most important character in the first book while Voggs was the most badass, but both didn't get much screen time.

The massive downfall, though: Iris and Syed are pretty much absent from this book. This really was a major letdown for me.

Specially because this book is short (260 pages) and Vogg has his own POV and is at the same place as Ash, and both have some similarities, as Ash's curiosity keeps him inside his own head most of the time and Vogg is kinda of a lone wolf.

So Iris could have gotten her own POV for a massively different character voice. I wanted to see more of Miroc and the Crescent as well, and also, Iris/Syed is the most conflicting and troublesome pairing because of the events of the past book. I really wanted to see them in action, but it was just hinted and waved off...

So yeah, I felt something could have happened in Miroc, if only just to have Iris' POV and working with Syed.
Unfortunately this was just saved for the next book. Well, hopefully.

But we also got Dawn.

Initially, Dawn didn't get any sympathy from me exactly because he took Iris' spot. I guess that's what happens when new characters join the story in sequels and prevents a character we spent a lot of time with previously to grow further and deeper.

But then he turned into a pretty awesome character, though it did take a lot of time for that. I also see the theme the author explored with him, which was pretty bold and cool.

I ended up liking him, but I also thought "Well, that could've been Iris too, she's a shifter as well, the same mindset of change and lost someone previously, obviously cares a lot for Ash, etc."

Curiously, there's a lot of worldbuilding focus here, something that most authors prefer to do on the first book. Guess it was a good bet focusing on the characters, action and tension on the first and expanding the world more in the second. I liked the ancient city and the inhabitants.

And Ash's "archivist" magic was pretty damn cool here. Although I'm not sure about that massive healing capability of the magic, as it easily can turn into "plot armor" if not handled carefully. Saw that a lot in other novels...

The backstory uncovered was also great (and the "weapons" created) and the fact there is much more things unknown and at stake makes me wonder if it really can be wrapped up in just a trilogy. If a trilogy was the intention.

I really like the world so I'm definitely not complaining if it ends up expanding a bit more!