
Cursed by Fire by Danielle Annett

tartbarbie's review against another edition

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I received Cursed by Fire in return for an honest review from the author as part of the tour hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. Aria lives in a world that not only humans live in but the supernatural vampires, shifters, fae, harpies and many others are roaming about. She’s not just human she has the ability to control fire making her a psykers even though her parents hadn’t been but her grandfather was one. She works as a mercenary who investigates non-human cases and her current case was to find a missing boy. However she ended up finding a body which appeared to have been attacked by a vampire, only after the fact learning that he’s the child of a shifter.

Hired by the pack to solve the case she’s partnered up with her friend and shifter hunter James together they dive deeper into the mystery of what happened to the boy and why the vampires are crossing the line. When more bodies start showing up that of a shifter and vampire they start to suspect that maybe it’s not the vampires attacking the shifters but someone attempting to start a war between the two races. As if Aria doesn’t have enough problems a pyskers has found her even saving her life but what does he really want with her?

I liked Aria right from the start she’s human but she runs with the supernatural community trained to take care of herself she’s one of those kick-ass heroines that you can’t help liking. While Aria has some issues it doesn’t detract from her as a character just makes her feel more human. I like that the author hinted at a possible relationship with James so we will have to see where this goes in future books. I also liked the glimpse into the world that Aria lives in like the Harpy Mel who keeps stealing food from the guy she’s crushing on.

My curiosity was instantly peaked when I saw the cover for Cursed by Fire it captured my imagination and I couldn’t wait to know what it was about. The synopsis just made me more eager to check out this paranormal world that had been changed with the Awakening which is really a coming out for the paranormal. It’s been a long time since I’ve been to Spokane but I loved the I was familiar with the area who doesn’t love the Pacific Northwest. I think the author did a great job creating an exciting addition to the urban fantasy world with her own unique twist on the concept. I like the characters I was able to connect with Aria and enjoyed reading her story as the novel progressed. Cursed by Fire is a fast packed quick novel that I found hard to put down I ended up finishing most of it in one sitting only reading the end first thing this morning. My only complaint is it’s just not long enough I wanted more I wasn’t ready to be done with Aria’s world toss in the cliffhanger and I’m dying to see what will happen next. Overall the writing style flows along smoothly and it’s an enjoyable story.

lynseyisreading's review against another edition

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Cursed by Fire is the start to an Urban Fantasy series in the vein of Kim Harrison, Ilona Andrews and the like. But I do mean that quite literally - it was a start, as in, this particular book raises many questions and answers none. It has a beginning, a middle, but no end, not even to the initial crime of the murdered boy, let alone any of the other mini mysteries raised during the rest of the read, which was a little frustrating.

It seems like an interesting world, similar to many other UF series with vamps, shifters, mages, etc. I did actually note a couple of things that were a little too similar, if you ask me. Like "Lyc-V" and "warrior form". I see those as belonging to Ilona Andrews' world only. Vampires & shifters? Sure, everyone can have their own version of those, but specific terms like that aren't up for grabs, so it irked me to see them here. Very naughty indeed.

Okay, so far I seem to have been very negative. Let me tell you what I did like: the main character, Ari, seems pretty badass. She can control fire and is proficient with a blade. Her relationship with shifter James has potential for growth and there's the whole thing about the woman in the green dress which has me intrigued.

In all honestly, I just feel like someone who knows this genre ought to have given it a read before it was published and told the author a), to remove those borrowed terms because they don't even add anything, and b), to give us at least one small conclusion to something. Anything.

All together, a very mixed bag resulting in 2.5 stars.

2.5 Stars ★★1/2 A copy of this book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

lzw's review against another edition

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Wow, love a good PNR! Great cover, engaged from start to finish! Action packed with humor, witty banter, and suspense! Aria is such a strong sarcastic heroine-love her! Can’t wait to see what’s next in this fantastical world!

chllybrd's review against another edition

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I want to start out my review by talking about other reviews saying that CURSED BY FIRE is basically a rip-off of the Kate Daniel Series and Psy/Changeling Series. I have not read the Psy/Changeling series so I can not say if this book is similar in any way, but I have read the Kate Daniels series. Although I won't go into every single detail that are alike (because others have already done that), I have to agree that there are quite a few things in CURSED BY FIRE that have the same feel as the Kate Daniels books/experiences and that makes it hard to write this review.....sigh.

SO, if I had never read the Kate Daniels series I would tell you that I enjoyed the characters, world and plot line of CURSED BY FIRE. I would have told you that I wish it was longer because I didn't feel like we got enough in the 157 pages and I would have loved some more detail. I would have said that the story flowed well and I liked the twists and turns that were thrown at us when we learned about the group that was trying to recruit Ari. I would have said I was extremely disgusted by the Alpha's proclamation at the end and how I hope that Ari finds out quickly and makes him pay for his scheming where she is concerned.

Having said all of that, I don't think it really matters what I thought because of the fact that I have read the Kate Daniels series and there are just too many similarities. Because of this I have decided I will NOT be giving my review a star rating.

* This book was provided free of charge from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

mdlaclair's review against another edition

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This was an ok read. I can see why people would say it was a copy of Ilona Andrew's Kate series.
while the writing is not nearly as good it still had some nice elements in it. The ending felt abrupt. I am interested to see where the story goes.

berls's review against another edition

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This review appeared first at Fantasy is More Fun.

4.5 stars

**I received this book for free from Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.**

I've had my eyes on Cursed By Fire since I helped with the cover reveal this past summer. I'm an Urban Fantasy die-hard and this one had my name all over it. And Cursed By Fire did not let me down! It's a great start to what I expect will be a great series.

It has several of my favorite elements.. For one a kick ass heroine, but one who's got serious growth potential. It's called Cursed By Fire for a reason! Aria's fire magic is awesome, but since she doesn't have full control or understanding of it, there's definitely a bit of a curse to it. I loved seeing her struggle to control her magic and, I have to admit, I probably loved it even more when she lost control because that was one awesome, kick-ass scene! I whooped aloud!

And then there's the paranormal side - vampires and shifters on the brink of war, no to mention those with pysch abilities like Aria's (she's pyrokinetic) and those we haven't seen much of yet like witches and mages (I hope for them on future books). It was all well done and there were some fun fresh twists to the world. I think Danielle Annett's world has taken staples - such as the pack heirarchies, vampirism, magic, and some sort of Lyconthropy Virus - that you see in any UF series and given them their own unique twist and voice.

I enjoyed the action and the twists and the hints at future romance - there was a little, but (as I expect from UF) it was understated. I really liked the relationships - from romantaic interests to friendships - and I see a lot of potential for growth along several different lines. My favorite side character was probably the Harpy, a friend and neighbor who's love of causing mischeif led to quite a few laughs. While there were some moments where I felt the characters acted in stupid ways, that they should have known better, just for the sake of the plot, that certainly was overshadowed by how much I enjoyed Cursed by Fire. I'm really looking forward to more!

4.5 stars I loved it

bookish_babe's review against another edition

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This is my book so I'm biased but I hope you enjoy it.

What Amazon readers are saying:

★★★★★ "I personally am a Kate Daniels fan, and I love this series."
★★★★★ "A fast-paced story that had me on the edge of my seat wondering what would happen next"
★★★★★ "Great story, fabulous characters and well written."
★★★★★ "The twists in this book I can honestly say I didn’t see coming."
★★★★★ "This book blew me away."
★★★★★ "It will dig its hooks into you and will not, no matter how hard you struggle, let you go"
★★★★★ "Loved this book! Hot guys, lots of action and a kick a** heroine."
★★★★★ "With humor, danger, a touch of spice, an incredibly interesting heroine and some highly intriguing male interests - this is going to be an awesome series."

leelah's review against another edition

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Ok, no.

I will never understand how people think they can get away with such a blatant copying of elements from massively popular series like Kate Daniels or Psy/Changeling.

Just no.

I'll name few similarities:

1) Shifters in this book are infected by virus called Lyc-V (yup, same name) that changes their "chemical makeup" completely and gives them accelerated healing and regenerative abilities.

2)Shifters are Pack and Pack in this book has the same Clan organization as Pack in KD series:
There is a Clan Cat, Clan Wolf, Clan Feloidea (hyenas), Clan Muridea (rodents); Clan Canidea (foxes) and Clan Big (In KD series it's called Clan Heavy) which includes bears.

3)Heroine is a mercenary. She is partnered with a guy named James who is a Pack and he is a Pack's Hunter (like he's Chief of Security or something..) and you know.. Like Lucas from Psy/Changeling series where Hunters are gifted trackers. :\

4)One of alphas of Clan Wolf is called Derek. Alpha of foxes is called Robert, same as Rat alpha in KD series. :\

5)Pack lives in Compound, a tall fortress, surrounded by fence on large piece of property outside of town. In Kate Daniels series it's called Keep and has same structure. (-_-)

6)When main character goes to vampire lair- it's called Coven- she is met by the most beautiful woman she ever saw with waist long red hair whose name is Irina. Reminiscent to Rowena from KD of course.

7)This world after Awakening (Shift) has also Psykers-humans born with psychokinetis powers. Like Psy in Nalini's series.

Every book has this:
"Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination."

In this case, I find it not to be true.

ETA: I found this interview author gave and unsurprisingly, Ilona Andrews and Nalini Singh are her favorite authors.

bookfessional's review against another edition

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So, yeah . . . I tried. I tried really, really hard to read this. At least half a dozen times, and I just couldn't do it.

If it had been a good imitation of Kate Daniels, maybe I'd've fared better, but it wasn't. It was a bad, bad, baaaaad imitation of Kate Daniels.

I did flip through it enough to verify that, yes, I definitely view this whole sad enterprise as a theft of ideas.

Is it plagiarism? No. There was no cutting and pasting of text and trying to pass it off as original material.


Any Kate fan will easily recognize many details specific to the Andrews' world-building, and people . . . writing a book is not like the drug industry. The generic is not as good as the brand. #suckstosuck

tanyad74's review against another edition

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I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Cursed By Fire is book one in the Blood & Magic series by Danielle Annett. It is an introduction to a world where shifters and vampires have come out to the world but the peace between all the races is tenuous.

In Cursed By Fire, Ari is a PI investigating a disappearance of a little boy. When the boy is found dead, her boss is determined that she should let it lie, but The Northwest Pacific pack hires her on to work with a long time friend and find out who would kill that boy who turned out to be shifter.

Ari struggles with the powers she does have and is constantly trying to control them. It is dangerous for her to reveal her powers. As the investigation goes on we delve into not only the shifters and vampires, but the humans and psych races as well. They try to pull Ari into their beliefs but she can see where they are going and will not be fooled, despite being lured by a hot guy that turns her inside out.

I see where we were headed with the story and Ari's alliance does not surprise me. The story comes to a conclusion, but I really don't feel like it is final. I understand the series goes on and we need the overall series arc, but I felt like this book just kind of ended suddenly. There are a lot of threads open and a lot of ways this series could go. I'm hoping that it is just book one syndrome that I suffered with this book.

I had a hard time listening despite being narrated by one of my favorite narrators, Nicole Poole. I think the story was going in so many directions trying to get a story in at the same time as building a world that I couldn't focus. I will try book two, as I always like to give a series a second chance to make sure it was not just book one syndrome for me. I hope the series improves as I understand the world and characters a little better.

Audio Excerpt


The second book in the series, 

KISSED BY FIRE also available in audio!

This review was originally posted on Rantings of a Reading Addict