
The Troll Whisperer by Sera Trevor

geeknb's review

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Don't give up on this book. I'm in no way condoning internet trolls but this is worth persevering with.

Oscar is the most vile character at the start of this book. How on earth could the author redeem him in the eyes of the audience?
Well, she managed it and without him having a complete character transplant. He ends the bonus story still gruff and somewhat acerbic but with softer edges and much less self-revulsion.
Noah is sweetheart, maybe a little too perfect but it is Oscar that stole my heart and made me cry.

The main story ends quite abruptly after the major conflict but in the audio there's a lovely hour long bonus story of Noah and Oscar's wedding.
Talking of audio, the (new to me) narrator does a good job.

a_reader_obsessed's review

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Huh. I really did not expect that.

First off, I want to tell you to have a little bit of perseverance when reading this. I urge you to at least read the first chapter because Oscar is quite the unlikeable and distasteful character. He's content with his predictable life - getting drunk on the weekends with his best friend, gleefully trolling a variety of people and groups on the internet, and indulging in one off's as much as possible. He has no ambition, no goals, and definitely has no desire to really connect with anyone, because of course who needs such a burden?

That all changes when he meets Noah, who is seriously the sweetest guy ever! So sweet that instead of repelling Oscar further, slowly melts him into goo. Slowly gets him to want things and to actually have feelings - feelings he doesn't want to confront. It seems however, that Oscar does have some understandable reasons for being such a closed off asshole and the reveal was a good one.

So I do hope you give this story a chance, and that you will put aside perhaps your initial dislike for Oscar. I did, and I was rewarded with a hot, sexy, thoughtful, angsty story that brought on a huge amount of feels and left me wanting more.

eliezrah's review

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I wasn't sure what to expect with this book based on the fact that Oscar is a troll. I'm so glad I gave it a chance though. It was really well written, and you come to understand and sympathize with Oscar. The book was all in Oscar's POV, and it really helped to give you insight into why he was the way he was. I really enjoyed this, and am excited to read book 2.

I received an advanced copy and voluntarily gave my honest review.

lezreadalot's review

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I didn't go into this expecting much so I wasn't disappointed. But it wasn't all bad either. I wouldn't rec this really, but it was a good way to pass the time.

nonsocialreader's review

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3.5 stars

karlijnmerle's review

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It was okay. Nothing special.

shile87's review

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Audio book - 3.5 stars

Story -3.25 stars

- It was in between, i enjoyed some parts.

- Our main MC Oscar is literally a dirty gross man, eww. He was okay though, when he was not trying to be a troll online.

- Noah was sweet.

- The premise was okay too, i don't think i will be reading/listening to the rest of the series.

- The chemistry was there and not there at the same time. Could have used more sexual tension.

Overall, it was an okay story.

vicki_williams's review

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Sweet romance about forgiveness and love.

This has a very interesting plot to it. Oscar is really quite awful and just plain nasty at the beginning. It shows the caliber of the authors writing ability that I ended up cheering for Oscar and even liking him as he redeems himself. Noah is sweet, adorable and loveable from the very start. The chemistry is there from their first “ in real life” meeting and as it builds up, so does the heat level.
Of course they have some bumps along the way but they do get their HEA.
This is an easy to read book with some fun, some drama, some feels and tiny drop of angst.

suze_1624's review

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Ah, a story with a non-sympathetic MC!
Oscar is a mess - he lives in a hovel, amid rubbish, dirty dishes and dirty laundry - the place must stink. He has a dubious relationship with his family and the only way he can feel good about himself is to be a particularly nasty troll on the internet. The nicest thing about him is that he works in the sewers!
He is particularly nasty to Noah on his first Youtube post - only to find they live in the same complex.
Noah gradually works his magic to create a better Oscar but there is still something that held me back from fully loving him. Even learning about his issues growing up.
A short read but enjoyable for being a bit different!

onceupon_a_bookdream's review

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[ I received a digital copy for an honest review]

The Troll Whisperer by Sera Trevor is a quick fun mm read. I actually enjoyed it much more than I thought I expected. The troll of our story, Oscar, is really disgusting in the beginning, and he is hands down an a**hole. Then we have Noah who is super sweet and innocent and you automatically adore him. Noah brings out feelings in Oscar that he has avoided at all costs for a long time. He is forced to take a real good look at himself when his trolling comes to threaten the progress he has made. This was a great redemption story that shows anyone can change for the better they just have to try.