
Cracks in the Sidewalk by Bette Lee Crosby

reneek84's review

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I was recently made aware of this author and I'm glad I was. I enjoyed this story very much and look forward to reading more from this author.

mazza57's review

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This is a very well written book with an unsettling storyline. For the first part of the book the storyline so disturbed me I resisted reading on - but I wanted to see what happened. The whole book was an emotional roller coaster, the characterisation was excellent and convincing although there are obviously some characters you dislike immediately. This has been on my TBR for far too long and I am very pleased to have finally got around to reading it.

busyreading's review

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Having never read anything written by Bette Lee Crosby I really didn't know what to expect when I picked this book up. MY OH MY I must admit once I'd finished this book I was absolutely speechless.

USA Today Bestselling and award winning novelist, she most certainly is. Cracks in the Sidewalk is based on a true story which will not only pull at your heartstrings, but it will also make you look at life a lot differently. A truly captivating story about family, love and loss. When a book has you reaching out for the tissue box before you hit the end of it you know it's going to be a brilliant book and that's precisely what this book was. Without a doubt this was a very emotional read, but one in which I have no hesitation in HIGHLY recommending.

ilovelibros's review

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My book review:

lsmoore43's review

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Bette Lee Crosby has a way of writing a story that pulls you in from the start and does not let go until the very last word. This is a story that is so emotional and in so many way uplifting too. It shows the true love a real mother has for her child. What she will go through to help her, to make her happy and to ease her pain. Both physical and emotional pain.
Claire McDermott does everything in her power for her daughter and would for her three grandchildren if there dad would let her. Both her and her husband are facing the worse kind of pain a parent should never have to face. Their daughter has an illness that could take her life and her husband refuses to let their children come to see her or her parents. He didn't want her anymore because to him she is broke and he hates anything broke. He does not care who he hurts. He is a selfish person of he worse kind. To keep Elizabeth's children away from her is to cruel. Everything wrong in his life he blames on her dad and her. He won't accept any responsibility for his own failures and thinks he is above anyone else.
It is a touching story even though it is so emotional. The way Claire takes care of her daughter and the way her and her husband fight for their daughter to see her children no matter the cost is so heartwarming while they are both grieving for their daughter.
For many years they don't see their grandchildren. But five years after Claire's husband dies she gets a letter from the baby child that was to young to remember his mother wanting to see her.
Do all three children come to visit their grandmother or do they believe the lies that their dad told them over the years? Will Claire finally get to see the children she has looked for for many years? Will they have the happy reunion that she wants so bad and has wanted for so many years?
It is a book that you won't be able to put down until you have read every word and found out what happens. It will make you cry and at some times even put a smile on your face. A daughter, three beautiful grandchildren and a son in law that won't let you like him make for a sad, yet beautiful story.
Only Bette Lee Crosby could write a story like this that you will love from start to finish.
Without a doubt a 5 star read and even more if that were possible. I loved every word, sentence, page, chapter of this awesome story that is based on a true story. One you won't be sorry you read and that will stay with you for a long time after you finish.

randi701's review

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The description of this book is a little misleading. The grandkids are missing and she receives a letter, but that all happens in the last 20% of the book. The first 80% is about a family struggling with a tragic illness, complicated by custody issues. Even though it wasn't quite what I expected, I enjoyed it.