
Faith and Moonlight: Part 2 by Joe King, Mark Gelineau

beammey's review

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I think I always give these authors five stars automatically. I love the world building in these novellas and how much story is fit into so few pages. It absolutely astounds me. This story was another hit for me and I read it all in one sitting and was left wanting more. I would recommend this (and all of of the other books in the series!) 5 out of 5 stars. Great action sequences, some angst, complications abound!

urlphantomhive's review

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3.5 Stars

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This book continues where part 1 left of, but it also fits in with the bigger universe of An Echo of The Ascended, which was supposed to become a series of series that were slowly working to come together. Unfortunately, I've never since heard anything about it, and this makes me scared that the stories will have ended rather abruptly. And I really liked the concept, also because the vibe and genre of each of the stories was (slightly) different. I would certainly recommend them, and I would read more, if I could.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

bookwormbunny's review

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I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my unbiased review of it. All of the opinions stated are solely my own.
Faith and Moonlight: Part 2 is the sequel of Faith and Moonlight of where we are first introduced to Roan and Kay, two orphans who were wanting to get into the School of Faith to become Razors. When Part 1 ended they had made it…Roan because he was called to be one and Kay because…she cheated…with some help.
Now they are training to become stronger…better…but they are going down separate paths. Roan is becoming one of the Royals and Kay is struggling to control the growing power within her. But something isn’t right…she’s having nightmares and ending up outside…clothes wet and her hands bloody…she’s scared. She hears a story about someone else…in the past who cheated to become a Razor as well…the horror of what he turned into. Roan gets a taste of reality when he visits the colesium and learns he must strive harder and fiercer if he is to make it while Kay watches her friends be abused by one of the very people that Roan is now running with. In his aspiration to reach for the top Roan is slowly walking away from Kay but he doesn’t see it and she feels more and more left behind as he spends no time with her but with the one who torments her and the others.
In this book we watch both Roan and Kay grow and struggle but we see it most in Kay as she fears what she is becoming or could become. She’s slipping piece by piece and at one of the worst moments….she breaks. She needs someone to turn to and be there for her but will she be able to find that or will she be condemned when the truth comes out?
Gelineau and King seriously leave us on a major cliffhanger for sure with this book and I am more than eager for more when Part 3 comes out. I fear for Kay and I despair for Roan. She needs him but it is looking more and more like he has chosen who he will follow and care for. We all must change and grow to fit the roles we are given to play but even he should know that what happened would never truly be Kay.
Faith and Moonlight is gripping and riveting. I love how we are given a view into Roan’s past before he went to the orphanage and before it burned down. This book is engaging and these two authors do a fantastic job of leaving me begging for more. Looking forward to what they have in store next. I give this book 5 out of 5 stars. Definitely recommending and will be buying soon.

just_hebah's review

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By and large, I've been enjoying my forays into the tales of Echoes of the Ascended. This second installment in the tale of Roan and Kay as they learn to use and fight with their Razor powers feels a bit like magic school meets Hunger Games.

Faith and Moonlight: Part 2 picks up shortly after the first installment left off--leaving the two to deal with consequences of their choices. Here we see glimpses of Roan's childhood and its brutality, showing us the person he fears becoming, the person who may be propelled back to those very same impulses. And Fay... well, she seems to be on her way to becoming something fearful as a consequence of her choices. The supporting cast of characters are back, if somewhat thinly drawn, taking a backseat to the internal conflicts and external fights as the budding Razors hone their skills against each other in exhibitions of magic and violence.

The highlight of this installment is probably the powers wielded by these Razors in training. Readers only saw external glimpses of it in Reaper of Stone and the baby steps of having newly "pierced the veil" in Part 1, but here we see it used with increasing levels of competence and danger as the students fight to climb the ranks and graduate at the top of their class.

The weakest part felt like the character development - Kay is probably the best developed as her conflict is a compelling one... but everyone else seems one-dimensional. Roan's thrown in his lot with the popular crowd for reasons that are not apparent and in some cases baffling (like Dreah). The main antagonist spends much of the story as a stock mean-girl villain, with some character development occurring too little too late to be truly sympathetic. It reminds me here a bit of early Harry Potter - neat setting, neat story, but a little heavy-handed in its treatment of good vs bad.

Overall, this installment is a competent one, but it didn't seem as strong as the first. I'm hoping the story finds its stride again in subsequent volumes, as I'm looking forward to seeing how this all concludes.

Disclaimer: This copy was provided free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

thepottedplant's review

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This was much more exciting than the first part. It began with action and didn't quit. I can't wait to read the next part!

jaironside's review

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ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

This was more like it. Having read part one I was prepared for more of the same but there is a definite shift here. Roan and Kay have power now. They are no longer the lost orphans they were before. This very fact may be what drives them into a conflict neither sees coming. This is darker. bloodier and more challenging. A great afternoon read. Can't wait for the next instalment.

adancewithbooks's review

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No No No. That is not okay. Where is part 3?

imyril's review

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Oh. My.

All the feelings.

I want to hug Kay. Shake Roan. Kick Gideon. Kiss Eric. Wrap Sabine in bubble wrap and feed her cake and read her stories.

I really enjoyed this second part, and am loving the way it ups the ante and begins to fill in some of the blanks.

I almost don't want to read on because I love these characters and it can't end well, but equally I can't wait to continue.

Full review.