
Storm Chaser by Lindsey Duga

stfischer's review

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Another amazing story by Lindsey Duga!! I loved it all the way!

teresajluvs2read's review

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Storm Chaser by Lindsey Duga

**I received a copy of this book from Entangled Publishing and Net Galley in exchange for a voluntary review.**

I have always had a curiosity of why storm chaser do what they do but this book gives you a look inside as both Marley's brother and friends research the storm and what causes it. However little does she know that the her parents were taken during a tornado could've been caused by group of aliens who control atmospheric conditions. Nor could she know that she has absorbs the lightening into her body when touched. Because of this she now is a target for one person who wants to control all the elements and make Earth his planet without us on it. However Brae wants the source back from Marley and knows that he must protect her from his enemy at all costs perhaps even his own life.

I would have given the book a higher rating had it not been a cliff hanger because I really hate the waiting for the next book to find out what happens. All in all its worthy of a four star rating.

annsbibliotherapy's review

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When I read the blurb for this one I had no idea what I was in for, and it's fantastic, I won't give anything away but the "kind" that's mentioned in the blurb is so not what I thought it was going to be.

As someone that loves every movie SYFY puts out.... well almost every movie, this book was right up my alley, with storm chasers, otherworldly beings, and relationships that have more electricity than bolts of lightning this book has something for everyone.

Without giving too much away I'll say this, go into this book with an open mind and you might learn something from our characters.

I have to say I'm glad I requested this one, it's a little outside of my normal comfort zone but I really enjoyed it and look forward to reading more by Lindsey Duga, she gives amazing voices to the characters she writes, and I was invested to the last page and hope to see more of Marley and her interesting circle of friends and family.

Overall though my opinion is that this is a book about acceptance, seeing people for who they truly are inside, and not making rash decisions when someone is a little, ok a lot different than you are (remember there are consequences when you do), that being said our characters did not have a smooth time of it, but they learned from each other and the worlds around them.

Let me take one moment to talk about the storms, I felt like I could hear the storms, smell the rain, and feel the air change while reading this book, with the descriptive storytelling it's an immersive experience and a fantastic example of how to write a weather scene.

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Teen for providing an advance copy of this book, I have voluntarily read and reviewed it and all thoughts and opinions are my own.

iamcaryn's review

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Lindsey Duga is truly one of my favourite authors. She’s one of the most unique storytellers on the market and every single one of her books has left me completely gobsmacked and obsessed.

Stormchaser has such an interesting and cool story. It’s hard to say much without giving it away, but let’s just say you couldn’t predict what was going to be a major plot point from just taking a peak at the synopsis. It’s FAR more exciting to find out for yourselves, so I won’t ruin the fun for you.

If you’re a fan of storms of any kind and CW levels of teen angst, you all absolutely need to add this one to your TBRs.
