
Pieces of You and Me by Erin Fletcher

lezenmetwillemijn's review against another edition

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I received an eARC from the publisher through Netgalley in an exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

I got this book from the publisher through Netgalley and I was kinda excited, because I really like the contemporary books that Entangled Crush publishes. I did like this book, but it wasn't as good as I thought.

A very good thing about this book is the alternation between the two main characters. The first chapter began from Rylee's POV and a chapter after that, it was Chase it's turn. They were both written from the first person. And I really mean when I say that this was done terrificly. I mean, I didn't get confused at all, there was an almost perfect transition between Rylee and Chase. It made reading the book a little bit easier.

But while that was something really good, there was also something that was a bit disappointing to me. Chase has big problems with his family and himself and while the problems with his family became clear a couple of pages in, the problem with himself becomes clear almost at the end of the book and I really pity that. I would have preferred it if his problem got to develop, because it sounded a bit rushed to me. The rushing made the book a bit flat.

And another thing that wasn't right was the friendship part. Mya was a good friend, but way too overprotective if you'd ask me. If I was in Mya's position I would have protected Rylee the same way, but just a bit less gushy. Mya and her boyfriend made it look like Chase was the biggest enemy ever and omg.. if looks could kill..

Overall, I did enjoy this book but I wouldn't say it was one of my favorites. Unfortunately my expectations were just a bit high because of How Willa Got Her Groove Back and Crazy, Stupid, Fauxmance, but I'm still happy I picked it up.

pepe_pepe's review against another edition

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Pieces of You and Me was an easy, quick and relatively light-hearted read. I picked it up from my huge Netgalley TBR pile on a complete whim; I saw a teaser and re-read the synopsis and thought why not. I was in the mood for some light contemporary romance and I was not disappointed.

Basically, the story line follows Rylee (who's a girl btw), a junior of Meridian High who is determined to get a scholarship for a biomedical engineering degree at Duke University, and Chase, Rylee's ex-best friend who has divorced parents, one of whom is an alcoholic, and as a result has moved around a lot.

Chase comes back to Meridian, five years after leaving and cutting off the ties he had with Rylee, only to reignite the friendship (and something more now) that he had with Rylee all those years ago. So ensues a story where Rylee and Chase are constantly torn whether to live in the now while they are both together or to stop anything from starting in case they can't commit in the future (i.e. Chase moves around a lot because of his mother and stepfather so he doesn't want to take that chance that he might leave soon and have to break off his and Rylee's relationship and break her heart - and his - in the process).

This book was a little bit of much-needed escapism but really not much more than that.

I was never really super invested in the characters though I did want them to have their HEA. That brings me to the point that it was a little obvious that
Spoilereverything would turn out right for Rylee and Chase.
The book is quite short - only about 160 pages - and as a result everything is wrapped up rather conveniently. With a couple of subplots, this book could have been longer and had more depth. Even though this book has some more serious themes, it was always quite light-hearted and I wasn't really sure how I felt about that.

The romance was great. It could have been insta-love (ugh) but since Rylee and Chase were really close friends when they were younger, I could buy their connection and the feelings they had for one another that began almost immediately after they had re-met. I thought everything happened a little too fast and more time could have been spent on developing both characters prior to that point, but I didn't mind too much.

The story is told in alternating POVs - Rylee's and Chase's. I thought this was a really effective way to write the book - I understood both characters relatively well. However, even though each chapter starts with the character's name that is narrating, and the context tells the reader which character is narrating, there were several times when I picked up the book in the middle of the chapter and after reading a few paragraphs, I wasn't sure which character's head I was in. Only because of the context that the characters were in, could I tell the difference between the two. The voices and writing for the two characters were a little too similar for my taste.

I liked how Rylee and Chase relive some of their memories in the book - it was fun to read about their excitement over shared interests and it gave a bit of background and foundations to their relationship. There was also some fun banter between the two that made the pages go by fast.

Upon reflection of the book, I felt that the secondary characters may have been there to prop up the main characters a little too much. They're there, but they don't really matter in the scheme of things. I wished a little more time had been spent on them but that couldn't really happen when the main characters needed all the pages they could get.

Overall, Pieces of You and Me was a very easy, fast read. The writing was a little too simplistic for my taste but was decent enough. It definitely was a book I wouldn't regret not reading but it served its purpose well enough for me.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.


"'That salad looks delicious.'
My dad glanced up and made another slice without looking, thankfully without cutting a finger off, either. 'What do you want?'
I played offended. 'Can't a guy just compliment his dad's cooking skills without having an agenda?'
'It's iceberg lettuce and cucumbers. What do you want?'"

"'Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Dunn,' I said. Good evening? When the f*ck did I start talking like that? Must be the tie cutting off my oxygen supply. I resisted the urge to loosen it."

theestherhadassah's review against another edition

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Second chances at friendship, second chance at first love.

As always, a cute quickie read that has swoony young love. After reading Ms. Fletcher's other CRUSH title, All Laced Up, I was a shoo-in to her writing. I am starting to think that once you've read one, you have pretty much read them all. Characters meet: fall in love, break up, big get back together speech. But all thee same, I love ya contemporaries and I really don't care if they seem repetitive. Loved this so much!

ajillionbooks's review against another edition

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This was a sweet book. It was little predictable, but I've always believed the characters and their journey matter most to a story and I loved these characters. Fletcher has quickly become one of my favorite YA authors and is on my shortlist of authors whose books I'll buy time and again. Looking forward to her next novel!

hoffnungswolke's review against another edition

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Pieces of You and Me!!! First things first: I received an ARC of this book through NetGalley.
The book is already out, so you can go and check it out.
I had a really hard time raiting this. For now it's a 3.5 raiting.
The book is about Rylee and Chase, who were best friends during their childhood. Then he had to move away and they lost contact. Now 5 years later they reunite.
Not gonna lie, I really love stories like that. And I think their reunion and them discovering their feelings for each other was really well written. I really like the writing In this book, super fun and easy. If it weren't for my tv show obsession I probably could have finished the book in two days (maybe even one day).
The characters. That's when thIngs get tricky. I really didn't like how Rylee acted towards Chase when it comes to the past. The fact that she blamed him for moving away. I get that she was heartbroken when he left and when after a bit they lost contact. But I don't think it was really his fault???? And Chase attitude towards his father? I get that things are bad when you grow up with an alcoholic father but he was really working on himself and even though he was totally in over his head with his teenager son living with him again he never slipped. So give him some slack, especially giving how Chase hImself drowned all his worries with beer. I was just a bit frustrated wIth these two. And the side characters weren't that great either. They just didn't work for me at all.
Just looking at the lovestory between Rylee and Chase, without looking any deeper, this book is super sweet and cute. But, sadly, it didn't do much for me.

denizyildiz's review against another edition

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3.5 Stars

So the Blurb had it just right... Exactly right. I didn't want to change anything about Chase.
Totally the desirable tortured hero.
Well, until at about 85% that is then. I just wanted to smack him.
But let's backtrack and start at the beginning.

Just like Fletcher's previous novel, I enjoyed her writing. She is great at writing unique special moments and even better at writing about tortured heros.

As I already said I loved Chase. I felt for him, and with him. His love for art was beautifully described, his lethargia was well described and somehow understandable. The way he got away with things, was scary in that it is realistic, sadly. But there was no character growth until the last chapter. He was so tortured so caught up in his own fears- which by the way most of it was only hinted at, there are still a gazillion questions I was just left with. All we are told: 5 years ago he was this sweet nerd, now he is a tortured misfit. How he got from the first to the latter, we only got fed tidbits here and there.
Rylee being his polar opposite today, was his best friend during their nerd times... Now she has a group of friends and seems pretty popular. While I did like Rylee most of the time. Actually to be honest I liked the Rylee that was with Chase. I didn't much care for her action around her friends.
The fact that she didn't tell them about her nerdy-side for example struck me as odd. But more so that she didn't stand up for what she wanted. It annoyed me like hell. I kept thinking they supposedly her friends, but Mya acted half the time more like a mother hen and the other half Rylee acted like if she'd be honest they would all desert her.
I did like the support cast. Even if I found some of them a bit too much. I loved the parents of Chase, their disfunction and lostness, was upsetting but I love how Fletcher made them so human.

The plot had some amazing moments. I loved the notebook. I loved the skateboarding... lots of good moments. BUT it was too short, or actually things changed suddenly and all seemed fine. The End.
There was this great build up, then the slight disappointing big bang and well, a minute of groveling, and HEA. It was just too fast. Considering all that had happened before. All those hints, all the problems and then it was just, ok now all is good. It my biggest issue with the book. The last 15% felt rushed. It's like Fletcher just decided to call it a day. It was a bit anticlimactic but also rather disappointing. I expected somehow more. And I still feel like there should have been more. Fletcher did an amazing job at setting things up, making me wonder what exactly drove Chase, but the it all unraveled way to speedy and we are left with loads of questions and well hoping that Fletcher is publishing another book soon. It lacking the depth it was setup for.

A good cute & fluffy, that was sadly too short and a wee bit rushed at the end.

capa105's review

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Remember a couple of days ago when I said that Entangled Crush never disappointed me? Oh well… this book was a bit of a let down. :(

The writing was simple and easy, but not exciting in the least. I also found some problems with the person used and lack of consistency, because most of the book was on the first person, but there were some slips into 3rd person.

The main problem for me was that I didn’t like the main characters at all. I’m a huge fan of BFFs to lovers romance, but this story lacked both the friendship and the romance. Rylee was just so bland and weird… I hated that she kept things from her friends for fear of being judged, and that she changed to adapt her new friends so she stopped enjoying things that were important to her once, and honestly, how does someone blame a 12 yo kid for something as moving?! And Chase? He could have been great, but he just wasn’t! He had issues, and while I kind of understood some of those issues, it wasn’t developed enough. I thought that he should have had some BIG ISSUE behind his behaviour… but no.

The lack of development in the characters and in the storyline, made this book not enjoyable for me. The side characters didn’t help the case at all, being “overprotective” and and way too judgmental. I also felt that some things ended up unresolved…

Ultimatly the whole book feel a bit flat for me =/ , I wish it had had some more development.

yessica's review against another edition

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I fell in love with this book. It was beautiful. The writing was amazing. The romance...ugh it was so sweet. Erin Fletcher is an author I randomly picked up and I have fallen in love with. I am so glad I found this book because it made my life so much better for a little while.

Wow-that got deep. I guess I've found out the reason I read.

But seriously, if you loved her other books this is so much better. And if you didn't, then try it out cause you might just regret it otherwise.

The chemistry between the characters was great and it was a combination of the hate-to-love and friends-to-lovers. Enough of a slow burn but not too much.

Those cute scenes when they hung out skateboarding and went to dinner... Omigod, kill me with butterflies. I really got 'em while reading. You'd think that after reading so many trashy ones it'd stop. But here I am...some things never change.


franjessca's review

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Full Review posted at Book Lovin' Mamas

Over all I liked the aspect of best friends that finally are back together, and they actually want to grow their friendship as more. I liked how Rylee didn't want to give up on Chase in the story because she knew deep down he could bet he same boy she grew up with. Chase though was a pain in the butt at times, he did grow on me a bit. He was a troubled teen dealing with divorced parents and constantly not being in the same place for too long.

I did enjoy Pieces of You and Me and I definitely want to read other stories that Erin Fletcher has written. I give this book 3.5 stars and recommend it to readers that are fans of the Young Adult Contemporary genre.

katellis's review against another edition

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Loved this heart wrenching story about 2 teens with a tangled past, knowing they have only the shakiest foundations to build a future on. I absolutely rooted for Rylee and Chase from the first page to the last, and thought they were adorable together. I can't wait for Erin Fletcher's next book!