katiez624's review

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Charming, refreshing, and utterly delightful. The author gives an account of her second pregnancy, how it differed from her first and having her toddler going through it with her.

Her writing is engaging and humorous and represents the motherhood experience authentically. The adventures she has with Ben, her toddler, are amusing and totally relatable as I have a funny, silly toddler of my own. I really enjoyed getting to know her little family, and I'm looking forward to her next book, [b:Catastrophic Happiness: Finding Joy in Childhood's Messy Years|26030709|Catastrophic Happiness Finding Joy in Childhood's Messy Years|Catherine Newman|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1451861395l/26030709._SY75_.jpg|45956882].

mamalemma's review

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Catherine Newman, famous for her marvelous work as a columnist on BabyCenter.com, extends that column into a book that every parent should read. This is no sugar-coated, rosy-eyeglassed view of parenting; it is absolutely real. The love, the frustration, the worry (oh, the worry!) ... it's all there. Posts to Catherine's BabyCenter column all say essentially this: "Catherine, thank you so much for writing about my life! I know that I am 'normal' thanks to you! Have you been peeking in my windows?" This book is an extenuation of that column. Buy it -- read it -- but be sure to set aside some tissues, a good chunk of time, and find a place where you can laugh out loud. This is simply the best parenting book (and column) I've ever read (and I've read MORE than my share!)

waterlily12's review

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A fun book about pregnancy and raising kids

lisaeirene's review

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I absolutely LOVED this book. It was laugh out loud funny. I was cracking up the entire time I read the book and I could also relate to everything. It felt like she was writing my story. It was a great book about becoming a mother, being pregnant and the crazy time postpartum is.

I just couldn't put the book down and I didn't want it to end.

byautumn's review

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I loved reading Catherine's blogs and was thrilled to find that her book had all of her sense of humor and charm. I enjoyed reading her blogs before I got pregnant and have enjoyed relating to her stories since having my own kiddo. This book has become a regular gift for baby showers.

meredithw20's review

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Quietly lovely, sweet, peppered with tiny moments of eviscerating emotion. A read-while-walking book -- I wanted to be in her weird pukey poopy happy horrible world so much.

bethebookworm's review

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When I was reading this book my husband kept giving me startled looks... understandably because I kept busting out laughing. Something about the way Catherine Newman writes is unbelievably hilarious without being hurtful to anyone. She is somehow very tender towards her family, a strong voice herself, and consistently able to express the funny side of things.

As a hoping-to-become parent who spends a lot of time with kids, I really enjoyed all the little idiosyncrasies of two and three year olds she portrays so well, as well as all the craziness of being a mother. This book may have a bit too much breastfeeding, vomiting and temper tantrums for your average guy to enjoy, but on the other hand it could be great encouragement for guys whose pregnant or nursing wives seem just a tad crazy.

The only really odd thing about this book is that it was from a blog, which makes for a type of this-just-happened past tense that is a little startling at first. The time frame of the book is not consistent, because it was written in the moment and then edited presumably months or years later. I've read several bloggers-turned-authors lately, and I don't think it is a bad thing, but it can make things flow a little oddly. Its more like reading a series of letters from a very newsy friend than like reading a memoir. The good thing about reading a blogger-turned-author is that now I can read the blog and find out how Ben and Birdy are doing these days!

herlifewithbooks's review

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I read Newmans's second book first, but now I am kind of obsessed with these two sweet little kids, Ben and Birdy. Save for too many saggy boob jokes, this is a great memoir about parenting young kids.

teepee7's review

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Hilarious writing. Great descriptions of preschoolers, pregnancy, OBs and newborns.

kkamin3's review

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This book expressed many of the neurotic feelings I have had about another new addition coming into my life. Well, Cosetter isn't three, and won't experience the jealousy portion, but sometimes, I want to scream, "AHHHH! What was I thinkiing?" But there are moments with Cosette that are surreal, and I admitting-ly would want more children.