
The Autumn Fairy of Ages by Brittany Fichter

miquemarie83's review

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I received an ARC of this book, and I am voluntarily posting my review.

I love all of Brittany Fichter's books, but this is probably my favorite one so far! This is a big deal because usually the second book in a trilogy is not my favorite, usually due to pacing. This story has good pacing, a fascinating setting, compelling characters, and plenty of intrigue. I seriously can't wait until the next book!

mimiathereader's review

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I like the idea of this story. A lot, actually. But there’s still something that didn’t quite work for me.

fairytale42's review

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I love Brittany Fichter, but I struggled with this book. It is pretty much about what the synopsis says; Katy and Peter go to the King's Isle to get permission to marry, kneel at the Tree of Diadems, and to rejoin the counsel. We get to see more cute moments with Katy and Peter (and learn more about faeries, which is the absolute best part! Wings! Magic! Dresses! Coolness!), but other stuff fell flat.
For one, I had a hard time keeping up with the plot. Supposedly, things were really bad, but other than a few examples (which were definitely not in the good category), they just SAID it was super bad. I had no clue who was the real instigator really until the end, and even then it was confusing on how the counsel worked together.
Not to mention, Peter just...annoyed me. Which is sad, because he's wonderful, but Katy mentioned OVER AND OVER how lovely he was, while all I could see was him rebelling and being a surly little teenager because E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G is so different! I appreciated how much he loved Katy, but his character took a turn for the worst.
I will say, though, that Atharo played a bigger role in this book. I will say, though, that mentioning how Peter "has got to keep his promises" made no sense to me. Do promises bind you tightly into the supernatural world, and if you break it you're punished? I honestly have no clue and it bugged me.
Katy was great and I'm mad that people tried to use her BECAUSE SHE IS A SUNSHINE CINNAMON ROLL WHO DESERVES LOVE! And I will shout that from the rooftops. Other than that, though, I have had issues with this book, although I'm still gonna keep reading. Don't let me down, Katy and Peter.

karisa's review

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I'll be honest, the first half of this book was a bit difficult to get through. Peter kept doing completely idiotic things and dragging Katy into them and it seemed like they didn't care at all about the summit or world peace or their dying crops or anything.
Peter convinces Katy to skip a dinner that was literally thrown in their honor. Not only this, but while they're skipping the dinner, he even tells Katy that if she wants, they can just skip along back home without a care- and she almost agrees before another character walks in on them.
While I do love them together, they also felt a bit tooo attached, like a week apart was going to be the end of the world. Not only that, but it had been awhile since I read the first book, and there wasn't ever really a review of it built in so I felt a bit like a floundering fish for the first chapter or so until I went back and reread a bit of the ending of the last book (I didn't have time to reread it in its entirety). I was still rather confused and lost, but the more I read, the more it came back to me.

And that positive note brings me to the last half of the book, which was fantastic. Everything that I had lamented before got pulled together to make sense, and I found myself truly enjoying the book. The ending is what earned it 5 stars, and I think if I were to reread the book knowing all that happened I might feel a bit more gracious towards the beginning.

I received a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

dominiquemarie's review

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I received an ARC of this book, and I am voluntarily posting my review.

I love all of Brittany Fichter's books, but this is probably my favorite one so far! This is a big deal because usually the second book in a trilogy is not my favorite, usually due to pacing. This story has good pacing, a fascinating setting, compelling characters, and plenty of intrigue. I seriously can't wait until the next book!