
Lark's Quest by Barbara Cool Lee

sarah1984's review

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12/08 - Just like another reviewer I tried countless times to win a GR giveaway for this book, but I was also unsuccessful. Thankfully I found this and its two sequels for $0.99 each on eBay, a fair price for a short, four star book. I liked Lark's physical strength, the way she could laugh at a young boy's offer to walk her home because she knew that no matter who she encountered she could look after herself. I was a little surprised at the hint of romance brewing between Lark and Raven, although now that I think about it I probably should have guess considering the number of romances Lee had listed in the GR giveaways. Lark's Quest had good-to-great dialogue and evocative descriptions, especially of Lark's Ariane uniform and her training routine. I'm looking forward to the rest of the series, it's just a shame all three books are so short, they have such promise they could easily have filled Tolkien or Paolini sized tomes and still left us wanting more.

aimee70807's review

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This book was truly delightful, but I read it in a state of increasing anxiety. First, I was immediately sucked in by the unique fantasy world which seems to be modeled roughly on premodern Japan. But then I realized that I was moving through the book too quickly, which meant it was awfully short, which meant that it was a serial not a complete novel.

So I paused in my page turning to see how much book two cost, in order to determine how invested I should get in the unfolding story. And I discovered that book two --- and in fact even book one --- had been unpublished! The book was completely unavailable! Just my luck that the one freebie good enough to suck me into buying book two this month wasn't even available at the time I wanted it.

Oh, woe is me! So I emailed the author (gotta love the modern world) and she got back to me within the hour to say that she'll be publishing a box-set of the entire series on New Year's Day for 99 cents. So I've marked my calendar and am looking forward to enjoying the rest of the story!