
The Goddess Inheritance by Aimée Carter

clrvnzd's review

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The plot was sufficient but the I-love-you's were so repetitive that I got so bored every time it presented itself. She made it seem as if they were humans. Ugh. That's just not how gods roll. -_-

jesslopez23's review

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Kate doubts herself too much and her narrative was a bit too redundant at times.

lucy_qhuay's review

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I read somewhere The Goddess Test series had ended, FOR NOW. Does this mean we can expect some kind of spinoff with, maybe Milo as the hotshot? LMAO
This is promising.

Review to come.

fictionalkate's review

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I’ve been eagerly anticipating this book for a long time now. How gorgeous is the Australian cover? After the nail-biting cliff-hanger at the end of Goddess Interrupted, I couldn’t wait to see how the final war between good and bad was going to play out.

Kate’s been held captive by the evil titan Cronus and his sinister and sneaky goddess queen, Calliope, for the past nine months. Now the baby she never imagined she’d have is ready to be born. Kate’s maternal instinct kicks into overdrive and she does the unimaginable – she makes a deal with Cronus for the safety of her baby. For her and Henry’s son, Milo.

It surprised me how much I enjoyed the ending to this series. Kate’s grown up a lot since the first book and is now taking responsibility for her actions – as well as stepping up to the plate and accepting her role on the Olympus Council. She’s still prone to a little exaggeration and hysteria but I found her more likeable than I had in the previous instalments.

I loved meeting new characters and seeing the old ones again. The plot managed to keep me interested right up until the last page having action and drama happening on every page. There’s betrayal and misdirection with Kate never quite sure who she can trust. There’s mystic and an ending that I never expected. The romance was sweet and didn’t manage to consume the entire novel but rather made the read all the more worthwhile.

I’ve finally given up trying to work out the family tree. It’s too ridiculous – and I suppose in that way this book does somewhat represent an ancient myth. Everyone’s related to everyone and somehow you can be your own aunt on both sides with your mother also being your aunt and sister-in-law… it’s just plain crazy!

Overall, this series was worth reading. It brought a whole new twist onto the Persephone/Hades myth and evolved it into an entirely different story. If the author ever decides to write a spin-off where James finds his true love, I’d definitely check it out!

c_wong's review

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julia___reads's review

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Such an enjoyable conclusion to the series. Most definitely my favourite book of the three.

the_lady_reads's review

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April of 2013?

Okay, so it's been bumped up to February, but still! February of 2013? After that ending? You have to be kidding me.



As seen on Ed and Em's Reviews!

This review has spoilers from the first two novels in this series. Read at your own risk.

The Goddess Inheritance was one of my most anticipated reads for 2013. I was sure after how much I enjoyed book two, Goddess Interrupted, that it would instantly become one of my favorites. Sadly, all it did was disappoint me.

The Goddess Test series is a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. A lot of people don't like the series, but I found myself loving it. That happens a lot with me. I tend to like books that others don't.

The Goddess Inheritance begins nine months after the end of Goddess Interrupted. Kate is being held captive by Cronus and Calliope and about to give birth to her and Henry's child. Calliope has dastardly plans that include revenge on the gods, raising Kate's baby on her own and Kate's death. Cronus wants Kate, his freedom and his rule. It time for Kate to make her decision. Who will live and who will die? Kate's choices will affect not only her baby, her love and her family, but they will determine the future of the whole world.

The plot was overloaded, but pretty predictable. I was often bored as I read, which is sad because I'd say this book has the most action of all three novels. Maybe even too much action. The book immediately dives in, and that's where it lost me. In the first twelve percent (of the e-ARC at least), two major plot points occur and then the author adds more and more and more on tops of those scenes, but most of them are immediately solved. It annoyed me to read about these conflicts that were brought up and dealt with in one chapter. (And almost none were resolved the way I wanted them to be.) By the end of the story, so much had happened that I felt like I had just read something from a completely different series, and a story that was much more amateur than the first two books.


I'm not a big fan of Kate. She makes some lousy decisions, is involved in many miscommunications and she's often dim. There is one part in particular that had me rolling my eyes. An obvious "plot twist" is built and while it took me all of five pages to figure it out, Kate didn't figure out for quite some time. The main reason my rating is what it is is because of Henry and the baby. I'm a sucker for books with babies (I've said this several times). And while Henry isn't the greatest hero, there's something about him that I just love. Besides those two, I wasn't overly fond of any of the characters. I'm bitter and I hold grudges. (You all should keep that in mind.) Even death (*cough*) does not mean you have my pity.

By the end of the novel, I truly felt let down. There were small scenes that I enjoyed, but overall, I found myself uninterested. Ms. Carter has a lot of talent, but I don't think the The Goddess Inheritance really showed that. I definitely plan to read more of this author's work. While this book was not my favorite, I still enjoyed the series as a whole and I hope to enjoy her next novel just as much, if not more.

SpoilerPS: Ava dies. The baby's name is Milo. Kate's dad is Zeus--if you didn't already realize. Kate and Henry end up together with their son.

I received an e-copy of this novel for my honest opinion and review from the publisher via Netgalley.

sorensenss's review

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Little disappointed, but it was good. I really wish more of the emphasis in the series had been on Henry/Kate than it had been on everything else going on. Was disappointed in Calliope more than anything after having read the novella in-between. Couldn't believe I was looking at the same characters :-/

karenfausto8's review

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—Te quiero tanto —le dije, cerrando la distancia entre nosotros y envolviéndome alrededor de él—. No importa lo que pase. Te amo, por siempre y para siempre.
Henry se quedó callado por un largo rato. Por fin bajó sus labios a los míos, besándome con dolorosa ternura.
—Tú eres mi vida. —Aunque sus palabras fueron apenas un susurro, parecieron hacer eco desde algún lugar profundo dentro de él, envolviendo mi cuerpo e infundiéndome con algo inquebrantable—. No hay nada que no haría para hacerte feliz. Antes de conocerte, mi mundo era una serie de días que eran grises y vacíos. Yo no tenía nada que esperar, y no puedo decirte como era encarar la eternidad solo. Cada día he deseado por ti. Cada día me aferré a la esperanza de que con el tiempo nos encontraríamos. Y cuando por fin te encontré...
Se inclinó y me besó de nuevo, con tanta ternura como antes. Su mano se deslizó por debajo de mi camisa, extendiéndose a través de mi estómago, pero el toque no era sexual. Era como si estuviera tratando de memorizarme, al igual que yo estaba tratando de memorizarlo.
—Existí durante más eones de los que recuerdo. He visto salir el sol y caer tantas veces, que los días perdieron todo significado. Por mucho tiempo, me pasó en un borrón. Pero esa noche nos encontramos en el río, la noche que te ofreciste a ti misma con el fin de salvar a un virtual extraño, mi corazón empezó a latir de nuevo.
Él tomó mi mano apretándola contra su pecho, y allí estaba, el fuerte y hermoso pum, pum, pum, pum.
—Ahora veo la salida del sol —dijo—. Debido a ti, los días tienen color. La eternidad tiene sentido una vez más. Encontraste cada pieza rota de mí y me juntaste de nuevo, a pesar de que te lastimé tantas veces como para no merecerte. Eres el pegamento que me mantiene unido. Si te pierdo, será mi final.
—Nunca me perderás —le dije con voz rota.
—Promételo. —Su mirada buscó la mía mientras pasaba el dedo por mi columna vertebral.
—Te lo prometo.