
Echoes of Glory by Ron Montana

tripleeyejosh's review

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Rarely does one come across a book like Echoes of Glory, even this particular novel being somewhat difficult to track down. The only reason I stumbled across it is because I read another rare Ron Montana book, one about his efforts as a screenwriter in which he mentions a screenplay he couldn’t sell, so he turned it into a book. Echoes of Glory is that book, and it’s not hard to see why Hollywood passed. It’s the kind of early 1980’s B movie cheese that’s so low quality it can’t even pass for “so bad it’s good.”

Echoes of Glory is a novel about three old World War II veterans who find their M4 Sherman tank from the war and restore it to working order. They then use this tank to rob a bank, and because this is a pure, cheesy 80’s movie, they somehow get away with it. There’s also the obligatory young woman with them, daughter of one of the men and inexplicably dating one of the others, 30 years older than she is. The novel relishes in how much she hates this relationship, going so far as to start with a bit of bad sex between the two. Is there anything worse than bad sex? Yes – bad sex that’s badly written.

That’s what makes this novel a chore to read, if you can manage. It’s not just how cheesy or cheap the whole thing feels, or how sleazy it is – it’s how poorly written the novel is. Characters with no personality that are too bland to root for or against, casual racism and sexism, prose on par with… well, this review, frankly. Echoes of Glory tries to be a fun, action-heist romp but instead it’s good for nothing more than as an example of how not to write.