
Bad Blood by Nikki Jefford

jazmynr's review

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adventurous medium-paced
  • Diverse cast of characters? No


kkomo's review

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Great Continuation

This is a very entertaining series. The initial description in an ad made me immediately one-click: “it’s like Buffy meets Alias.” This was an accurate description, and I’m totally invested in the series.
In this installment, Aurora has taken a time out from Alaska after the events in the last book, and has grown as a hunter. I don’t want to give too much away, but it is a great continuation from the previous books in the series, and I’ll be getting the next!

tartbarbie's review

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I received Bad Blood in return for an honest review as part of the tour hosted by Xpresso Tours. Bad Blood is the third installment in the Aurora Sky series that starts off six months after the prior book. Aurora has been in hunter bootcamp sent out to kill a vampire before she can return home to start her first year of college. Everything has changed now that she’s been gone, the vampires are still looking for Marcus’s killer and she’s on the top of the list. Upon returning home she is put to work on assignment with Valerie and Dante going undercover to a new blood tasting that’s happening locally.

Everything goes wrong when Melcher orders her to return to the tasting to kill Selene one of the vampires who had been nice to her. However instead killing her target Aurora is drugged and questioned by the vampire hunting for Marcus’s killer only to be saved by the one guy she can’t stand to be around Fane. As if that’s not enough she’s also being hunted by a vampire who has nothing to lose and will stop at nothing to get what she wants. As the truth comes out Aurora will be forced to choose her friends or her future.

I love Aurora she’s one of my favorite vampire hunters you just can’t help connecting with her. I have to admit I like most of the characters in the book like Noel, Valerie and Dante even Fane has wormed his way into my heart. I’m so torn I used to be all about team Dante but now I’m not sure darn you Fane why did you have to be the good guy. I guess we will just have to wait and see how it plays out in the next book.

Bad Blood is action packed filled with mystery, suspense, and a little romance that kept me on the edge of my seat. I’m in love with the world that Aurora lives in because the author has taken the vampire concept and put her own unique spin on it. Bad Blood is a captivating novel I had a hard time putting down it’s just so easy to get drawn into the book losing all track of time. I honestly can’t think of anything that I didn’t like in the book except for the fact I don’t have the next one ready to go. The author has done a fantastic job creating characters that are easy to connect with and grow as the series progresses. She has also written a beautiful story that captures the heart as well as the imagination. Aurora is one of my favorite vampire series it’s on my auto read list I don’t even read the synopsis I just know must read. Plus with all the beautiful covers how can you not want to just dive right in? What can I say I love the series and I can’t wait to get the next book in my hands so I can find out what’s going to happen next.

selket16's review

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Still good Three books and two novellas in and the series is still great.

katrinamarie's review

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Sweet freaking gravy! I couldn’t get enough of Aurora in this installment.

I love how Aurora grows throughout the series. She’s learning more about herself, and the people surrounding her. I was a hardcore Dante fan, but after reading Bad Blood, I think I’m a bigger fan of Fane. Because…… reasons! I also want to know that I still don’t care for Valerie. She drives me freaking crazy with being such a bitch about everything! And talk about a complete turn around with Noel. Daaaannnng. I don’t care about the drama between her and Aurora. I still adore her.

There isn’t as much action in Bad Blood, but we find out some very interesting things. Puzzle pieces are finally starting to fit together, and some of my suspicions were kind of answered. So many revelations. I also love that Aurora finds those she can trust, and those she can’t.

I’m going to end this with, I think we need a short story about Dante during this time period…. Because I want to know how he’s dealing with everything.

ctorretta's review

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Characters arcs! There are so many in this one. At first I was curious if the characters were going to learn and grow because really they all seem stuck in their own existence. Each of them are pretty damn stubborn and that’s great for a few books but it can get old. Fortunately, I feel that they are starting to learn but especially Aurora. I like her but her defiance and I’m better than everyone else attitude was almost getting on my nerves. It didn’t quite get to that though because finally she is learning!

I hope so anyway.

And then we have the rest of them. Fane, Dante, Val, and Noel. They all seemed pretty mired as well. Fane and Noel weren’t exactly in this book much but the parts with them had me on the edge of my seat. If you read the previous book where we got to see from Noel’s perspective then we know why and what she is going through. I just felt like it was time for Aurora to stop being so into herself and to start seeing that other people are going through stuff too!

And that is exactly what happened. And so much more! Surprisingly, although this book had the intensity to be the end of the series, it is not. The intensity is definitely there and I was curious how everything was going to come together with only 5% left on my Kindle. And then it happened…


Of course. But, I have to say, even with the angst and ups and downs of relationships, a love triangle, and lots of feelings that are just scewed beyond belief, this was one great book. I was pleasantly surprised because after reading Stakeout and how that ending (!!!!), I wasn’t sure how things were going to move along.

So… I’m sad that I have to wait for the next book but I’m really excited about the next one. Hunting Season looks to come out in November! Reading about vampires and revenge is perfect for Thanksgiving vacation! Cannot wait!

Received by Xpresso Reads Blog Tours

bookishzelda's review

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I’m glad to be back with Aurora in Bad Blood. Not that it wasn’t great that Nikki Jefford decide to write from the point of view of other characters. Which I highly recommend reading. The more this series develops the more interesting and unique the plot becomes. I really love this series.

So Aurora is a bit different in this book. She has kind of got herself in a funk. She is renewed a bit from boot camp but she has many things weighing on her. She’s not a natural born hunter and I think her moral code is something that really is a driving force for her. The fact that she often has to break that has been bringing her down. As the story progresses though we see her kind of find her way out fo that and by the end of the book she is the Aurora I know and love.

Nikki has a great cast of characters in her series. They are so well developed and different. I love how they stay in character no matter the situation. Do Aurora and Valerie get along better now, well ya but the characters still stay true to themselves. Valerie still does ridiculous things and Aurora still thinks she does ridiculous things. Noel was more in the background, especially with the falling out that Aurora and her had. Fane is still Fane. You can’t not love Fane, I’m sorry Dante I’m just not that into you but we can be friends.

Wow so talk about a three shades of crazy ending going on with this book. I would say around 80%ish stuff really hits the fan and I kept going what. What! This is nuts, wait I want to punch that guy. Wait what? It was really good. I couldn’t put it down, it’s one of those things that you can’t read fast enough. The thing that I love about this series is that it has never suffered from a slump. There is always something new and something interesting going on. Some kind of development that makes things keep moving along. You don’t feel like the series needs to wrap in any particular number of books. Especially with the novellas that are from different characters points of views.

Bad Blood was another great addition to this series and I’m still wondering if since I’m AB negative and have a chronic disease that maybe I myself am a Vampire. People do make fun of the fact of how young I look...hmmm.

emmybird86's review

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I am really enjoying this series. I am hooked. I can’t wait to read the next one.