
Dead Stars by Bruce Wagner

dcmr's review

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Couldn't do it. Quit at page 60.

roroth's review

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I picked this book out for our book club book and now I kind of feel bad for my friends who have to read it. It just was not a book that I enjoyed, I didn't like all the different characters none of them seemed to go together and it just jumped from one persons point of view to the other way too much and it was hard to follow. The author used a lot of "texting lingo" and I hated it. I don't think I will recommend it to anyone else. It will be interesting to see what my friends think of it this weekend.

readers_block's review

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I am an extremely open minded reader. I read the reviews of this book, so I expected it to be a little out there. I got through about 200 pages and I had to put it down. It would be one thing if there were disgusting descriptions of pornography and other repulsive behavior ALONGSIDE some kind of plot, but there is NO PLOT. It is literally just the horrible, disgusting, thoughts of a bunch of horrible, disgusting people. I understand that it is supposed to be a commentary on the pornographic Hollywood culture of today, but it doesn't turn out that way in the least. After I read a sentence about a woman "vomiting feces" (I'm not kidding) that was it for me.

awk55's review

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3.5 stars

conchfritters's review

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equal parts brilliance and bullshit, this reminded me how much i like bruce wagner. he's a smart guy and capable of writing something astonishingly profound and beautiful, but this is poo water. i wanted to love this and i could have, i would have, i was willing to overlook all that meth-addled hummingbird shit because it was funny at first, but i am so disappointed by his treatment of Jacquie and Jerrilyn. what the fuck, man? i can only conclude he wanted to punish his characters for their wretchedness by giving them such shoddy treatment or maybe he just tired himself out. regardless, we all deserved better! except you, bruce wagner! you deserved all those crappy reviews!

p.s.; i am totally willing to give you another chance. don't fuck it up.

veragold's review

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I won a copy of this book through FirstReads.

I'll admit, I found it tough to get through the book at times. I'm a bit conservative, so I found the graphic pornography to be a bit much for me. What kept me reading to the end was the rapid-fire stream of ideas, as well as an interest in the various characters.

dreadymorticia's review

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Couldn't go past page 64.