nwhyte's review

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http://nhw.livejournal.com/884238.html[return][return]One of the early collections of "authorised" Doctor Who short stories from Virgin Publishing. I bought it because two of the ten stories had been flagged up to me in different ways, and neither of them disappointed: Peter Anghelides' "Moving On", a bittersweet bridging narrative for Sarah Jane Smith between K9 and Company and School Reunion (or the Big Finish version if you prefer), and Steven Moffat's first published Doctor Who story, "Continuity Errors", which has the Seventh Doctor and Bernice Summerfield meddling in the time stream pretty comprehensively.Unexpected bonuses were Guy Clapperton's "Tarnished Image" featuring the First Doctor and Dodo Chaplet, and Keith DeCandido's "UNITed We Fall", bringing the Fourth Doctor and the Brigadier to UN headquarters in New York for an audit. But none of the others was bad.