
Love Rising by Piper Vaughn

etrnyl's review

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this novella has the language barrier trope, which at first i was quite worried about, but somehow the main character and the love interest were able to understand each other. It was kind of beautiful.

elliottblackbird's review

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Love Rising
FEB 8 2020
1 Star

Finding a mermaid, taking care of it, falling in love, sex, sex, sex and more sex —and it’s a super short tale (No pun intended). My thoughts? Heard it before. It’s the basics of cliche mermaid model story. It's nothing new. If you're interested in a tale with this plot, there are plenty more options that are better choices than this. Go look for an interesting story elsewhere.

This is my opinion and never meant to completely discourage anyone from reading anything they think they may like reading. Good luck and happy reading!

readwithasherreid's review

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CW/TW: Discussions of sexual assault, rape, and slavery.

This was fine. It’s pitched as a ‘lighthearted’ love story but there is a theme of sexual assault and rape throughout the entire novel. This bothered me because do not pitch your story as 'lighthearted', not give any trigger warnings, and then make the protagonist a survivor dealing with thinking about his time as a slave where he was repeatedly taken advantage of. Nothing is on page or graphic, thankfully. Also, it was a *choice* to have your protagonist be a white escaped slave. The romance was fun, there's on page sex, and I liked the ending of the book. 

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kaytealin's review

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I knew this was a short story, but damn I have so many questions. Fun quick read.

billydoubledown's review

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4.5 stars.. amazing story with great characters and world building. I can't believe the book is so short because there was really good detail. I will definitely continue with this series because I want to know more about Wick and where he came from. I also want to know more about Isla Sagrario and the other men who live there...great story!

the_novel_approach's review

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Piper Vaughn first introduced Isla Sagrario years ago in Black John, the short story she contributed to the Dreamspinner Press pirate anthology Cross Bones, and is now revisiting the 18th century island she (and M.J. O’Shea) created then, a place where men can live and love openly, in Love Rising.

See the entire 4.5 star review at The Novel Approach:

fleurette's review

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A really sweet story with a wonderful character of Francis. Wick is not as well developed but for such a short story Francis makes a truly remarkable hero. I pretty enjoyed this story.

nyphren's review

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the cover is so pretty and i wanted to like it so bad but ehh.

iguana_mama's review

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Posted at Outlaw Reviews

2.5 stars

After escaping from an abusive plantation owner, Francis Holland is now living an idyllic existence on Isla Sagrario, a place where men are free to love each other and women are safe from physical harm.

Not only is Francis scarred physically and emotionally from numerous injuries he received while he was an indentured servant, he is also desperately lonely. He comes upon an injured merman while sifting through salvage at the shoreline.

This was a very sweet, short story that suffered from too much telling and not enough showing. I wanted more specific details of Francis’ island paradise and a stronger sense of time and place. I would have liked to spend some time in Francis’ head, feeling his loneliness and aching soul. I wanted to feel the passion between Wick and Francis.

I loved the surprise ending, but I’m sad this story didn’t elicit much of an emotional response.

*Book provided by author in exchange for an honest review.

terriaminute's review

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One of the sweetest fantasy short stories, with just enough angst to make the end perfect. <3