
Zoe Rosenthal Is Not Lawful Good by Nancy Werlin

daryase's review against another edition

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Значна частина YA-літератури, яка мені трапляється, стосується персонажів у випускному класі школи. (Звісно, якщо це не високе фентезі про світи, де ніяких шкіл не існує, але і там, буває, можна знайти якісь паралелі.) Оця книжка - дуже добрий приклад, який пояснює, чому так: це саме час розібратися, чого тобі треба в житті. Тобто, насправді, відколи ти береш на себе відповідальність за своє життя, а не тільки виконуєш поставлені батьками і вчителями завдання, далі повсякчас треба себе перепитувати, чого ж ти насправді хочеш, і чи туди йдеш. Але перший такий момент - це оцей вибір того, якої професії і де будеш навчатися, який треба зробити у випускному класі.

Коли ми знайомимося з Зоуї Розенталь на початку цієї книжки, перед нею, здається, стоїть менше питань такого роду, ніж перед її однолітками. Про деякі сфери, про які інші ще тільки починають замислюватися, у неї все вирішено. Що саме вона хотіла би вивчати в університеті, вона точно не знає. (В Америці це не така проблема, як у нас, бо можна задекларувати спеціальність за пару років, послухавши курсів з різних напрямків.) Але вона вже знайшла ідеального хлопця, який дуже добре знає, як саме він буде змінювати світ на краще, і Зоуї треба тільки застосувати свої неймовірні організаційні таланти, щоб з усіх університетів, куди вони обидва подадуть документи, хоча б якийсь взяв їх обох, мав добру політологічну програму для Саймона і йому ж фінансову підтримку. Та Саймон уже зараз часу не гає і займається громадським активізмом. З усіх точок зору ідеальний хлопець.

Але, звісно, є одне "але". Саймон, у якого стільки планів для зміни світу на краще, не може зрозуміти, як можна гаяти час на такі дурниці, як фантастичний серіал, яким захоплюється його менша сестра - і чим далі, то більше, Зоуї. Отже, перед початком навчального року вона обіцяє собі лише раз з'їздити на конвент фандому, розробивши детальний план, як від усіх, а найголовніше Саймона, це приховати. Разочок тільки, а далі старанно братися за таке важливе навчання у випускному класі і подачу документів в університети.... Звісно, далі щось іде не так: Зоуї так подобається бути поміж її новими друзями; до того ж, їм треба врятувати улюблений серіал, який можуть перестати знімати через брак глядацької уваги; тож Зоуї дедалі більше закопується у брехню, відвідуючи конвент за конвентом...

Що особливо сподобалось:
- Світу треба більше репрезентації дівчат, які можуть перевернути світ, розпланувавши все в екселівській табличці. (а-ля Лізл з трилогії про Ел Наомі Новік, IYKWIM) І це ще не вона в цій тусовці відповідає за аутистичну репрезентацію.
- Взагалі, добре прописана ця група друзів, яких Зоуї знаходить на конвенті: кожен зі своїм характером. Вони роблять непродумані кроки й ідіотські речі, вони абсолютно не завжди праві в своїх діях по відношенню одне до одного і до інших...
- Тут у відгуках є багато вражень в дусі того, що нестерпна персонажка, що її моральними орієнтирами, неможливо це читати. У мене на це тільки така реакція: агов, вам на обкладинці написали великими літерами: Zoe Rosenthal Is Not Lawful Good, чому ви від неї очікуєте саме цього? А якщо серйозно, то це, по-моєму, як раз великий плюс цієї книжки. Ми зростаємо під впливом батьків, школи, середовища - і вони всі хочуть з нас зліпити lawful good. (Слухатися систему, робити добро іншим.) Чим раніше ми розуміємо, що це нав'язаний шаблон, і починаємо шукати власні пріоритети - тим більше часу нам залишиться на те, щоб прожити своє, а не нав'язане життя.

thebookberrie's review against another edition

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It has been so long since I've read a book that was not only super cringe and shitty, but also problematic. Thank you for reminding me garbage is real.

Zoe Rosenthal Is Not Lawful Good is about a girl named Zoe who is a big fan of a tv show. Even though she loves her boyfriend, he just doesn't get it. So after she sneaks away to go to a convention, she meets fellow fans and falls in love with the experience. The show isn't doing as well as Zoe and her friends want so they vow to go to more conventions and hype it up. All while Zoe tries to hide this new part of her life.

The only reason I didn't drop this book on the 4th page is because of my desire to write a fire hate review. No promises but seriously this book was SHIT. It was annoying, cringy as hell, the writing was AWFUL, and not to mention fake woke and lowkey offensive.

First off all the characters jump to introduce each other with their pronouns and it was so awkward?? Just get a pronoun pin pls it was so embarrassing and I would rather you just called me a slur. The MC even goes off (after misgendering someone based on their appearance) about how she respects!!! But sometimes she gets it wrong!! Like okay everyone sometimes messes up but sis why you gotta go right off about how you are going to misgender your new friend to their face?

The rep was cursed. Zoe goes on and on about how gay men "have it easier" and yet the gay kid is so thirsty for love and his favorite ship is hetero? Talk to one gay person once challenge.

Zoe is so fucking weird and not a nice person. For another one of her new friends, she acts so weird toward him and then is like, hmmm I think he's on the autism spectrum yes. WHAT?? Dead serious, she does this. HoW is that a conclusion you first jump to after three sentences shared with him?????

The plot of this was so bad pls. I know I hate convention / fangirl stories but this takes the cake on being trash. They are fans of a show. They go to conventions and dress up and talk about the show. Spoilers but Zoe spends the entire book lying to her boyfriend, her boyfriend finds out and then dumps her but don't worry she doesn't need him- her real love is her new friends and the tv show!!

The tv show Bleeders sounded like the most awful show, I'm sorry. I love a female run show but the entire story of the fake tv show was so lame and uninteresting. It's like the author didn't even try to make a good fake show for them to be obsessed with??? Also this author hates Marvel right because it was HILARIOUS how much every other popular "nerd" fandom was mentioned 148328518514 times but Marvel wasn't. I mean I'm cool with that but lol. The scenes where they are just walking through the convention and we keep getting a list of everyone's costume because thanks I needed to know what every asshole was wearing. No, I didn't.

Fandom books, oh to be a fandom book where you can't shut the fuck up about Harry Potter. You are a nerd you must love HP!!!! Stop. Characters have entire conversations where they just go on and on about it and for what? It was torture.

The writing was honestly pain. It was extreme cringe and immature, with characters making "jokes" that weren't funny and being all around obnoxious. I would rather eat razor blades and go through an MRI than read this writing again, or any other book by this author for that matter.

sacrne's review against another edition

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funny lighthearted medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated


featherinthewind's review against another edition

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  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


Man I really did not like this at ALL. I got little enjoyment out of it. The characters were so annoying and they were never consistent. 

izzys_internet_bookshelf's review against another edition

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I was excited for this book thinking it would be like Geekerella but it was just a girl going to a con and trying to speak about her favorite show that doesn’t have a lot of attention. It was alright but I felt like the romance that was said to be in it wasn’t there.

mssarahmorgan's review against another edition

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emotional funny lighthearted tense fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


hayleybeale's review against another edition

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Who is the real Zoe Rosenthal? Is she the dedicated cosplaying, con-attending Bleeders TV show fan? Or is it the serious student and girlfriend of straight arrow Simon? Well, the reader only gets to see the first Zoe as she attends her first con to see the Season 2 premiere of Bleeders and then goes to several other cons over the next year with her new friends as they dedicate themselves to securing a season 3 for their beloved show. Of course, we see hints of the second Zoe, and as she avoids telling Simon where she is and what she’s doing, we begin to see the chasm between the two Zoes. What will happen when her two worlds meet at Bean Con?

Identity is a popular theme for YA novels as it speaks to a time in a teen’s life where who they are is still plastic and they’re trying on new identities and deciding who they’re going to be. Ms Werlin takes this further by looping gender and sexual identity into the story. One of Zoe’s new friends identifies as nonbinary (or enby) and asexual, and the others are all very strict about giving their pronouns when they’re introduced.

Bleeders is a nonconforming scifi show as it is is run by a woman of color and the cast is almost all women of color playing scientists and doctors too. Is that why Zoe loves it? At least partially, but also because it’s a gripping story about a fast-killing and fast-spreading virus that’s taking over the universe (if there’s a metaphor in there, I missed it haha).

This is all presented in a light-hearted and funny novel. Zoe is extremely precise - she has a bullet-list journal which is a good device for keeping the reader up to date with where she is as she goes to each con - but she recognizes this in herself and understands its limitations. The rest of her Bloodygits, as Bleeders fans refer to themselves, are all well-developed and charmingly quirky characters, adding layers to the identity theme.

It’s not hard for the reader to see where the novel is headed - how will Zoe emerge when her two identities meet? But it’s a pleasure to go with her on her journey of self-learning and self-recognition.

alexjeanne's review against another edition

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lighthearted fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


readerjenn's review against another edition

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funny inspiring lighthearted fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


jessiehulk98's review against another edition

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Love, love, LOVE this book. Perfect little romance book for those who are obsessed with either one TV show or a million. Also a good book to realise that if you have to keep something that you love from your partner, is it even a good relationship??