
Half the World Away by Rebecca Banks

mspilesofpaper's review

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Unfortunately it’s extremely halting to read. All sentences feel stiff without any life to them.

rebekkalj's review

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Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC in exchange of an honest review!

I really enjoyed getting to know Abbie and Kyle.

The setting with moving away from everything you lnow to a new country and a new life, was something that really inspired me to read this book!

I really liked how Abbie was thriving in Utah and I found the description about the places and her experiences very well written!

I must sadly sad that I found the middle of the book quite long and a bit boring, because there weren't really happening a lot, so I for sure liked the first and last 30 % the most.

But all in all it was a great book, that I'm glad I got the opportunity to read!

readwithcatriona's review

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*First of all, thank you NetGalley for sending me this arc in exchange for an honest review*

Abbie lives and breathes sport, when a player from the football team she works for allegedly sexually assaults a girl, she decides she’s had enough and quits. Luckily, her best friends husband has found her the perfect job... small catch, it’s over in the states. Can Abbie move all that distance? Seeing her ex-husband having clearly moved on, she decides to take a leap and accept the job. Now in Salt Lake City, she finds herself growing to love her new life, and potentially a new love interest?

So this book was kind of a cliche romance and was quite cheesy at parts. I do find that some of it was quite rushed, especially the conflict towards the end. The character of Abbie was well developed but I found Kitty unrealistic and Kyle lacked any depth other than being “gorgeous and perfect at everything”. For example the only glimpse of any character development of Kyle was at the very end when he’s trying to win Abbie over.

Abbie’s relationship with Rose was very enjoyable and it was lovely to see the friendship blossoming. I found that some of the dialogue was a bit unnecessary and didn’t really sound realistic, also some of the scenarios didn’t really add to the plot (her dad getting ill felt like it was kind of a chapter filler and wasn’t brought up again until the end).

Overall it was a cute read but I would have loved some more depth in the themes of friendship, grief from abortions and love.

chlobarclay17's review

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I wanted to love this book, but I’m sorry to say I was just disappointed by it.

I now want to go to Salt Lake City, it worked very well in inspiring my next travel plans.
I liked the story, I wanted them to end up together, I liked the friendships and I thought her job was cool.

The characters were all very one dimensional, I feel like none of them had been truly developed.
I think this might just be that I don’t like third person writing but it felt very much like ‘she did this. And then she thought this. And then she went here. And then she said this.’ Which made it feel very show not tell.

elawder's review

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Thank you to Rebecca Banks and NetGalley for providing me with an advanced free copy of this gem!

This book was tooooo cute. It was not what I expected and I really liked it.

So this book was mainly about Abbie who isn’t happy with her job and needs a fresh change. Throughout the book you learn more and more about her and everything she has gone through. The more you read the more you love her.

One thing I loved about this book was how they presented therapy and getting mental help without the stigma. I wish more books did this. There’s no shame in talking to someone.

I also did really like the natural and easygoing relationship between Kyle and Abbie. I loved Kyle and thought he was awesome, but this book to me (as well as a lot of other books I read) was not about just the relationship. It was about Abbie finding herself and understanding all her choices.

It was also cool to see a relationship where the girl was British and the boy was American. I feel like for most romances it’s the other way around.

For romance readers- this is a must!


danielleeddy's review

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New beginnings? New relationships? New city? Yes! Yes! Yes!

When Abbie Potter packs up her life and moves to start a new job in Salt Lake City, she has no idea what is in store for her. Stuck in her routines and with baggage from her previous relationship, she is more than due for a change of scenery! When she moves to the new city, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery that is both lighthearted and empowering.

If you are looking for a light read that will have you laughing, this book is for you! This is @rebecca_banks debut novel and I can’t wait to read more from her in the future! I enjoyed this read and think it would be the perfect book for summer. I enjoyed the character of Abbie as she navigated through all the new encounters as she presses “reset” on her old life and embarks onto something new. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who is in a reading slump and is looking for a fast-paced read!

Huge thanks to @netgalley, @rebecca_banks and @amazonpublishing for the ARC of this awesome upcoming novel. Pick up your copy on April 1st!!

thaissardx's review

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What a fun book this was! A very lovely debut with a sweet romance and great character development. The story was a bit predictable, but aren't most romance books?

I loved Abbie's journey to Utah, how she moved across the world for a new job all by herself. That's a huge change. She's also dealing with her past and I think she's so strong! The side characters were lovely too, especially Rose and Violet. I loved Kyle too, but he sometimes looked a bit too perfect. It would have been nice if his character developed a bit more as well.

I'd recommend this book if you're looking for something light and fun in between - it's a rom-com with a friends to lovers trope. 3 stars for me!

Thank you NetGalley and Literally PR for an eARC in return for an honest review.

fernanda_moodytbr's review

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I really want4ed to enjoy this book, sadly it bored me and almost made me dnf it.
The pacing was slow and the chemistry between the characters was not really there in my humble opinion. The story is predictable and the trope of miscommunication only made me want to be mad at the story and the mcs!!!

There are a lot of good ideas, the writing wasnt bad and the potential is there. Sadly like I said this one wasnt for me.

Thank you Netgalley for providign and ARC in exchange of my honest review!

theoceanrose's review

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"Half The World Away" - Rebecca Banks

Publishing date: April 1st, 2021

CW: abortion

Thank you to NetGalley and Literally PR Ltd. for a free electronic copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

Abbie is working for the Premier League in London, but she wants out. After one final push, she decides to make a life change, and an opportunity arises for her to move to America and work for the Utah Saints, an MLS team working to popularize the sport in the USA with the help of someone with Premier League experience (cue Abbie). But what could be waiting for her in her new life, half the world away?

What a beautiful romance! There was lots of banter, interesting conflicts, and just enough emotion to be intriguing without feeling like it was over the top. My only complaint is that steam was kept very low, but I know that some people prefer this, in which case, this is the perfect romance for you. This book also made me reflect on my own life, as I am from Bermuda, with a boyfriend from Canada, who I only met through a series of circumstances that all had to line up to make us happen. Abbie is right - home is more about the people you love and the way you feel with them, than it is a place.

literallybookedsolid's review

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A special thanks to Netgalley and Amazon for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Abbie needs a fresh start. After spending years as a workaholic, trying to forget her painful divorce, she's had enough. Always bailing out the entitled football players from trouble, she's fed up working PR for the London Football Club. When a new opportunity presents itself halfway around the world in Utah, Abbie jumps at the chance. Arriving in Salt Lake, Abbie soon finds a new crew of friends, a handsome co-worker, and hopefully, her real self.

I really enjoyed this debut novel! Not only do I love football (or soccer for Americans), I also loved the music angle of this book. Abbie was such a down to Earth character and I felt like I could be friends with her. Not only does she take charge at the Utah Saints, she also doesn't take no for an answer ever. Her friendship with Rose, the bartender at the Live Joint, made me smile and made me long for seeing live music again (ugh COVID).

Kyle was an adorable love interest that brought the heat, even in a closed-door romance. His planned outings were amazing and perfectly captured the wonders and wilderness that Utah has to offer. And his endearing nickname of "England" for Abbie totally grabbed my heart strings. My only complaint about his is that some of his dialogue came off sounding more British than American, but it was definitely something I could look past.

There was great chemistry with the characters and some surprises that I didn't see coming. I enjoyed reading this book!