mehsi's review against another edition

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I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

What a fun book this was! I just adore cooking books, especially ones that aren’t just text upon text. This one has lots of fun tips, tricks, lovely photographs, and much more!

I love how visual this one was. Of course there is text, small explanations under the photographs, or an introduction to the recipe, the ingredients list, but most rely on photographs, and I loved that. I think that kids who can’t read that well yet, will be delighted with this cooking book. They can still participate as the photographs depict what you should do at each step.

There are various levels for recipes, from the easy, you can just do this without an oven, to the hard, you need to prepare a lot + you need an oven or the use of sharp knives. That way kids can pick out a recipe that matches them the best, or even challenge themselves to do something that is a bit harder.

The book is separated in various recipes. From cookies to bread. Some of the recipes are stuff found in almost every cooking book (like the braided bread for instance). Some are new to me. It was also great fun that the author listed some alternatives to recipes. Sometimes with a whole 2-page spread, at other times just a small mention in the sidebar.

A lot of the technical stuff (like decorating, or how to mix stuff) is explained in great, but easy to read, detail. Kids can always flip back to the beginning, or to a certain page (as soon as those handy page numbers are added) to check what to do.

There was just one thing I didn’t entirely like, the book was still a bit unfinished. There were no page numbers. They would mention that for x recipe you would need to go to TK page… I was quite curious about some of the recipes but if I don’t know the page number… eh.
Also some of the images still had a black border around them, or weird shadows. Like they were taped on.
Then some of the pictures didn’t have all the ingredients listed (like the kitty bagel one, it clearly has peanut butter as spread, but it isn’t listed).

Highly recommended, and I will be buying a copy for myself when it comes out.

Review first posted at

ljrinaldi's review against another edition

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Some of my best memories of raising my daughter was cooking with her. I bought a number of cookbooks aimed at kids, and the Klutz series was the best. To this day, at 22, she still bakes the brownie recipe in it. Some of the pages are glued together, and it is a bit worse for ware.

I bring this up, because Baking Class would probably be my choice if I had a little one to teach cooking to, today. The directions are bright, and colorful, and everything is explained, with pictures for each major and some minor steps. There are some great recipes in here, that I think kids will love to make again and again, from Zombie Zucini bread to Dig in the Dirt Pie.

And really, there is no gift you can give your kids than to do things with them, give them good memories, and give them a skill that will do them well when they start off on their own.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.