leanner's review

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A wonderful collection of romance stories and a bargain to discover some new authors. Fated romance between all these characters gives you hope that someone is out there. Not all smooth sailing but a rocky romance leading to a HEA is a good story.

Highland Oath (Highland Treasure Book 1) by C.A. Szarek
A time travel romance, I always love these. A female surgeon is sucked back in time to the 17th century in Scotland. Mmmmm men in kilts, say no more. Will her skills be useful there? You'll be wondering if she'll fall in love and decide to stay. What use is a surgeon without her advanced hospital? Time will tell.

Undeniable Fate (Undeniable Series Book 1) by Mia London
Strangers on a plane then circumstances have them in the same hotel room. Are they fated to be together. The connections continued throughout the story even after they said goodbye. Is this brief affair meant to last a lifetime?

Temptations of Christmas Future (A Christmas Carol Book 3) by Lexi Post
I love this series, I hope it tempts you to go back and read the first 2.
Two spirit guides go down to visit this woman who has stopped 'living' after losing her husband. It's been a few years now and she needs to move on and live her life. These two spirit guides were getting way more action than her. Who knew you could have so much fun in the afterlife. This was a fun read, I was more invested in the spirits than the widow.

Claiming Emerson by Heather Miles
This was a woman who was more like a possession to be owned by man after man.
She needed to find herself, to love herself and stop being clingy.

A Twist On Fate by Jillian Stone
I was glued to this one, it was amusing. Road rage, a fated accident brings two people together. It was all so quick, instant lust or love and a stalker thrown in. Was it flash bang and all over so quick or would they find their way.

Undeniable Fate (Undeniable Series Book 1) by Mia London
I think this may have been my favourite. Something we readers fantasize about meeting authors..actually I have met a lot and mostly women. BDSM is not my thing to read about but it just played a minor role in this plot. It was fun and romantic and I really enjoyed it.

nikkisbooknook's review

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Undeniable Fate by Mia London

Lily is facing the loss of her job with aplomb and is keeping her concerns to herself. She loves herjob but when a takeover is in the works, she knows that her job is on the line. She is determined to leave on a high and ensure that whoever gets her job will have a seamless transfer and that all her contacts will be left in safe hands.

On her final trip to Italy to meet suppliers she is shocked to find herself seated next to an absolute traffic stopping gorgeous guy. He is obviously well established but is neither standoffish nor in-your-face with his wealth. They spend the flight chatting like old friends and she is quite sad to lost sight of him at the airport.

Brandon has never enjoyed a flight so much. Lily clearly had no idea who he was and that was such a refreshing change from the usual gold-diggers or networkers. He sees the care and professionalism but also human touch that she could bring to her job and really would love to get to know her better.

Enter Fate! It not only puts them in the same hotel but accidentally puts them (temporarily) in the same room! As Brandon and Lily decide to spend more time together, their short time in Italy flies by but when Brandon make their goodbye a bit ...weirdly business like, Lily leaves brokenhearted.
But Fate is not yet finished with these two!

Oh this was a fantastic read. I loved that Lily is a strong, independent business woman and whilst she has a healthy regard for hard work and doing well for yourself, money is not her god and she is no social climber..quite the opposite in fact. Brandon is used to getting what he wants but again is not the monster megalomaniac that other CEOs could be!

Fab read and I can't wait to find out if this will spawn into a series!