laneymc88's review against another edition

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Loved where rainbows end! Such a lovely ending!

luann's review against another edition

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Not the type of book I usually read, although I did enjoy the change of pace. They made a lot of changes for the movie, and really tightened the story up a lot. This book could have been greatly improved with some editing.

sacrificarelepus's review against another edition

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Amazing. Heartfelt. Lovely. Made me feel so much better, a great read for anyone who has ever lost anyone. I got to the last 30 pages and i was so upset that it was almost over.

ruthsic's review against another edition

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This was a really sad book to read. Even with the happy ending, just reading them come together and then go away was too depressing.

sheilkie's review against another edition

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Oh Gosh, finally!!

I really enjoyed reading this book, it's so beautifully written. Letters, emails… it just made me want to have correspondence with someone!!


But poor, poor Rosie, why such an incredible person has such a terrible life? Her luck is so bad. I hope she lives the second half of her life happily.

And Katie. My little Katie. Loved to read how she grew up and how Rosie, being through all she's been through, managed to make her daughter's life so "easy" for her.

I highly recommend this book, and I think I'll check out other books from Cecelia Ahern.

susana's review against another edition

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POR FIN. Se me ha hecho un poco largo (no pesado), pero ha merecido la pena completamente. Me he enfadado, me he reído, me he alegrado, me han entrado ganas de llorar, he pensado en cosas en las que antes ni me había fijado. Me arrepiento de haber dejado que se rompieran amistades de años. Me alegro de haber dejado que se rompieran amistades tóxicas. Me alegro de haber leído este libro.

En cuanto a la adaptación: Guau. Me parece increíble lo bien adaptado que está contando con el formato del libro (que me ha encantado). Y sobre todo, los saltos de tiempo, aunque obviamente no podían cambar mucho el aspecto físico de Sam y Lily, que añado, me parecen totalmente perfectos para Rosie y Alex.

4/5. En realidad, en otras circunstancias, le habría dado 5/5 pero desde que he leído Me Before You, nada me parecerá tan bueno, al menos durante un tiempo.

leahmichelle_13's review against another edition

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Rosie Dunne and Alex Stewart have been friends since they were 5 years old. Years later Alex and his family move to Boston. Rosie plans to follow him there but something happens which forces Rosie to abandon her plans. As the years go by, the pair keep in regular contact but their friendship is put under tremendous strain through a variety of things. Are the pair destined to ever be together or will they always be just best friends?

Following on from Cecelia Ahern’s hugely successful debut, PS, I Love You, I was always going to be wary that her second novel (and subsequent novels) wouldn’t live up to the hype. Thankfully any wariness was dispelled pretty quickly as Where Rainbows End is a fabulous story. So good, I’ve now read it twice. I find I form a better opinion of a book on the second reading for some reason.

Where Rainbows End is written in an incredibly unique way. It’s written through a series of letters, instant messages and emails and that’s the whole book. When I first read it I was worried we wouldn’t get to know the characters properly but, surprisingly, we get to know the characters better this way as they reveal their inner-most feelings in the letters, emails, etc.

I loved Rosie Dunne, and in turn, Alex, too. To like this novel you have got to like both of the main characters as they are featured the heaviest, writing notes and emails and things to each other. I couldn’t help feeling for the pair of them and hoping that, for once, fate would allow them to be together. Even though there was a lot thrown in their way, their friendship still remained and I loved how Cecelia managed to keep that up. I love that they didn’t drift apart, even through the rough times.

There are also emails between the other characters we meet in the book, Katie, Rosie’s daughter; Toby, Katie’s best friend; Ruby, Rosie’s friend; Stephanie, Rosie’s sister; Kevin, Rosie’s brother; Rosie’s parents; as well as Alex’s son Josh. Cecelia manages to weave the story and all of the emails/notes in perfectly well and the book flows easily.

Where Rainbows End is the ultimate love story. It goes on for decades, which makes it sound long-winded, but it’s not. It also doesn’t drag at all, which it could have easily have done especially in the way it’s written. It really is an immense book and is well worth a read. Cecelia is an outstanding writer and her books are like fairytales for grown-ups! I can’t praise Where Rainbows End enough, it really is that good.

marusegovia's review against another edition

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Volver a releer este libro fue una de las mejores decisiones que tomé últimamente. Amo esta historia y a sus personajes con todo mi corazón.

I'm not crying.
I am not crying. Not at all.
I've never ever been so frustrated in my life. I hated this book so much it has become one of my favourites.

You can hear it in the silence, silence
You can feel it on the way home, way home
You can see it with the lights out, lights out
You're in love, true love

Pauses, then says, you're my best friend
And you knew what it was, he is in love

(Taylor Swift - You are in love)

Siempre quise hacerle una reseña apropiada a este libro (o aunque sea un comentario decente). Pero no me sentía capaz de expresar lo que me había causado. Y hoy, justo en este momento cuando debería estar estudiando, de pronto me dan ganas de hacerlo.
Siempre tuve cierta debilidad por las historias de amor entre mejores amigos, así que cuando vi este libro, lo agarré y leí la sinopsis, supe que tenía que ser mío. Suelo comprarme libros y hacerlos esperar mucho tiempo en mi biblioteca, pero este no. Repito: mejores amigos, romance y la duda de cómo la vida se inmiscuía tanto entre ellos. Tenía que leerlo lo más pronto posible. Y lo hice. Y me atrapó desde la primera página. Y también dolió. Y me frustraba. Y me hacía reír sin parar. Y quería llorar. Y lloraba.
Hace poco me di cuenta (síp, me llevó su tiempo) es que este libro no tiene mucho romance. Este libro es sobre la caótica vida de Rosie Dunne y su mejor amigo Alex; de sus idas y vueltas, sus altibajos. Sobre las cosas que no decimos y que cuando queremos, termina siendo muy tarde para decir.
Odié este libro tanto como lo amé. Me ponía nerviosa que ambos buscaran ese momento perfecto para decir lo que sentían y que no, nunca va a llegar ese momento perfecto. Y me frustraba todo el tiempo que transcurría y ellos lo perdían estando separados, en silencio, soportando los infortunios de la vida solos. Bueno, no solos solos, pero no juntos. Me rompía el corazón. Me lo sigue rompiendo, porque este libro no me lo puedo sacar de la cabeza, no me puedo desprender de sus personajes y siempre vuelven a mí.
Pero supongo que todo pasó como tenía que pasar, ¿no? Los dos tenían que vivir su vida, soportarla y darse cuenta que lo único que les faltaba era valor para expresar lo que sentían.
Sé que el libro tiene otros personajes increíbles, y no me olvido de ellos. Pero hoy es sobre Alex y Rosie, porque otra vez volvieron a mí para romperme el corazón. Y sé que este comentario es totalmente subjetivo y poco coherente. Entiéndanme, estoy cansada, sensible y frustrada porque debería estar estudiando y no me puedo concentrar.
Cecelia Ahern creó una historia única para mí, una que no creo olvidar nunca. Y me muero por leer otro de sus libros, que están ahí esperándome, para sufrir.

mistysbookspace's review against another edition

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Warning : Some Spoilers

From chapter one this book had me crying and then laughing then crying again and that was pretty much how in went the whole time I was reading it. It was a little slow paced for me and some of the stuff felt like it was filler. It wasn't necessary for the story so therefore I feel like we could have done without some of the material. I was expecting Holly and Daniel to end up together because they had such great chemistry so I was really disappointed when Daniel ended up back with Laura. Will all of this being said it was still an enjoyable read.

0utrotaer's review against another edition

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I’m not much of a film-lover kind of person so I never thought I would actually say this some day but : I liked the movie better. Way, way better (and not only because it stares Sam Claflin and Lilly Collins). In fact, Love Rosie (as a movie) might be one of my fav rom-com ever, and by now I have lost count of how many times I have watched it. Where Rainbows End, the book, however has been sitting on my shelf since like 2015 and I decided it was hardly time for me to start working on my huge TBR so I finally picked it up. It wasn’t what I expected it to be.

Alex and Rosie have been best friends since Kindergarten despite Ms Big Nose Smelly Breath Casey’s efforts to pull them apart. By then they promised to each other that they would stand side by side for ever. And even though they managed to remain best friends when Alex had to move across the world all the way to Boston, America, life got in the way.

Even though this book was filled with a lot of cute, funny and heart-warming anecdotes, it was not enough for me to love it. First I really struggled with the writing. It was so full of clichés and it didn’t sound quite right. I certainly cared for the characters (obviously we’re not talking about whatsisname here) but I wasn’t able to truly connect to them because the whole story is given to the reader second hand through letters, emails and instant messages. This narrative choice left way too much blank space. Blank space is okay but in this book it was so frustrating because all I wanted to read about were the in betweens. The movie fixed that. Moreover, I feel like the book might have ended in the first 200 or so pages. Like there was this specific moment when Alex and Rosie could have had their happy ever after but they did not and from that moment on the rest of the book was just a pain in the ass if I’m allowed to talk so. The only thing that I really liked about the book was that we get more of Katie’s life. Except from that, you might as well just watch the movie.

“You should be with someone who could make you happy, really happy, dancing on air happy.”