
Her Christmas Chance by Rachelle Ayala

becsa's review

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This is the second book in the Christmas Creek Series and I highly recommend reading Deck the Halls first. Although Her Christmas Chance can be read as a stand-alone there are certain parts that make more sense having read the other book first.

Bella Tallahan has been living in her twin sister, Tally's shadow for many years. Bella has cerebral palsy and finds it difficult to walk and talk and finds herself in the shadows while life goes on around her.

Chance Martin made a mistake and he's paid for it dearly. He finds homself working for his step-father Louie and is being tormented by Mr.Klutz - a big orange cat owned by Bella. As much as he tries to stay away from Bella he finds himself wanting to get closer to her but is afraid that the secrets in his past will push her away.

As Bella and Chance begin to get to know each other there are pressures coming from each direction, especially from Bella's family and will the secrets in his past cause him to lose the woman he has gotten close to?

I really enjoyed this book as it really looks at love and forgiveness and the powers of judgement before hearing the whole story.

Bella had her disabilities but Chance really pushed her and there was such an improvement from start to finish with her walking, etc. Someone to believe in you can do miracles!

The whole story with Chance is so sad as the stuff he went through was just devastating and it is no wonder he has a cynical view of how people view him. Yet due to Bella's support he is able to get through everything!

Their families both have certain issues and I hope something big happens to Nate to shut him down!! I'm looking forward to more books involving the families of Christmas Creek!

wulfwyn's review

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I read Her Christmas Chance as part of the box set, Christmas Pets and Kisses 2. It actually only took me a day to finish the story. I have been reading the box set all month.
I loved this story! Rachelle Ayala is a powerful writer. This is one of several of her books I have read with a character who has special needs. She writes these characters as strong, capable people who just do things differently. She keeps it real though. They have moments of weakness and family who don't always know what is best, (though they think they do). I absolutely love that about her writing.
Her Christmas Chance tells us the romance between Chance and Bella. Chance is a "bad boy" with a past who has been trying to change his image and turn his life around. Bella, a woman with cerebral palsy, is his sister in law. She is also changing her life, living in a home next door to him. This is her first time living on her own, even if her sister lives next door and doesn't truly believe Bella can do it. Both Chance and Bella have obstacles to overcome, one major obstacle being both their families. Bella also has a cat who has taken a particular dislike of Chance and his work.
This was a fun story to read. I was totally engrossed in it, reading it non stop. I read for fun and often dive into unrealistic realms. This story kept it real in my opinion but was still highly entertaining.
Her Christmas Chance is a part of the Christmas Creek series. I have not read the other books in the series. Though it does make mention of another romance, (Bella's sister and Chance's brother), I was able to fully follow and enjoy the story. If you are looking for a romance that is a bit different and tells a powerful story, grab this one!

thejoyfulbookblogger's review

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Although this is the second in a series, you can read this standalone without having read the first one. I enjoyed the author’s writing and would consider going back to book one to read that too. I always recommend reading series in order, but you could approach it however you see fit.

Her Christmas Chance is a quick holiday themed read with an interesting storyline. This book included some heavy emotional situations and secrets and it was an interesting progression to discover what the characters were hiding. I have to say I think this is the first book I’ve ever read where the main character had an illness such as cerebral palsy. I wonder how true the individual’s illness and everyday movement is in line with someone that actually has this illness. It was refreshing to read a book where someone with an illness was the main character rather than just the supporting character and that their illness was not the main topic of the book but something that developed the character and was a part of the story but not the main focus.

I liked the character development and overall enjoyed the story. Bella's cat is always getting into trouble and I found myself laughing at all it's mischief. One of the main themes/lesson of the story is about love and forgiveness. People that have done terrible things might not deserve our forgiveness, but if we have enough love in our hearts, we can learn to forgive them and create a path to move forward in life and rebuild relationships. Love always drives out hate and it's never too late to apologize for past wrongdoings and move forward in building bridges and a strong foundation of life and love.