
Dangerous Reflections by Shay West

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Note: I was provided a copy of this book for review.

I like the concept that West has created, it is clever, interesting, and has room to grow and develop. Trying to find out why someone is trying to alter history and change key moments in time is fascinating in itself, but added with the fact Alex is the one to stop them, a girl unaware of her abilities and thrown into this situation makes it an intriguing read. I enjoyed the gradual progression into discovering Alex's abilities.

Alex's ability to travel into the past is not the sole focus of the story. The novel starts with Alex and her mother moving to live with her aunt after her father leaves. This gives us an introduction into Alex and the anger she feels towards her mother and the inconvenience she believes it has added to her life. These feelings balance out somewhat, rearing their head on occasion, but it isn't long before Alex settles in with new friends and learns to like her new town.

The two sides of the story are not connected by anything other than Alex at this point. Alex is still a regular girl trying to get through high school, survive bullies, and get the attention of the boy she likes. There is a message about self confidence and being yourself, as well as the troubles of being a teenager, especially a fifteen year old girl, trying to fit in. It is sad in the beginning watching Alex try to be a different person, trying to be the person she thought she should be but it's nice watching this attitude change as the book goes on. Alex experiences new things through her time in the past and gains confidence in herself to be who she is and not worry about what others think.

I can't put my finger on it but the writing style didn't always sit right either. I liked the story when Alex is in the past, the writing feels natural and runs smoothly, but when it came to her everyday life something seemed off, maybe a little bit stilted, it wasn't enough that it threw you off the story but I did notice a difference. I don't think that was intentional, certainly the story itself was interesting though you could almost claim the story rushed in places, but perhaps it is because we stay more within Alex's thoughts rather than alternating to others like her mother and her friends' thoughts at times.

As I say, when she is in the past or discussing her journeys it is very engaging. The more often Alex goes on these journeys the better she gets at coping and you are able to see that she is learning. She gains more memories of the person she inhabits, hones in on her skills and adapts more easily. In West's writing you are also able to see the smooth blending of Alex's mind and the other person's. She alternates effortlessly between her memories and those of the host, and she inhabits the body well, allowing you to accept for a moment she is actually the other person, not just Alex's spirit inside another person.

There is a lot more I could say about this book, there is a lot going on from both sides of Alex's life that are worth mentioning but I would end up with an essay. I enjoyed both sides of Alex's life and see a great start to a series forming, certainly one that captures the modern and historical. I have no doubt we will learn a lot more about Alex and the mysterious man in the next book and it is evident West has created a premise that is intriguing enough to make you want to keep reading. With a cliff hanger of sorts West leaves enough open ends to tempt you but also enough answers to satisfy you with a creative concept that not only mystifies, but requires a solution and an explanation not just for the characters, but for the readers as well.

A longer version of this review was published on my blog

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Detailed Review: I'm not into time-travel books. However, I have read a few. The best one I've read so far has got to be All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill.

To be honest, the title didn't even give off the fact that this would be about time travel. But this did nothing to change my opinion of the book.

That completely changed after I read Dangerous Reflections. I feel that from reading this one book has taught me more than I could ever learn in two years of history. Ok, that may be an exaggeration but you get what I mean. This book rivals All Our Yesterdays with it's smooth writing, sudden changes of direction in the story and realistic characters.

Surprisingly I could feel a connection with the characters even though the book was written in third person. Usually I'm unable to find a sense of connection to the main character when this type of writing is used but somehow with this book, it was... different.

I didn't just like the aspect of time-travel in the book, I also liked the aspect of high school. The author doesn't just create problems in the past, she creates problems in Alex's life as well. She has a deadbeat dad, financial situation, a bully and a crush who treats her like garbage to deal with, not counting the times when she has to travel back in time to save the lives of people she doesn't know, which could affect the future and cause severe repercussions.

I just love how the author could fit so much action into one chapter and then move on into 'normal' mode in the next. Normal as in high school. And even high school isn't pleasant except the fact that she has friends and one of them knows about her gift for time travel (it was an accident).

The antagonists in the story were really well-planned. The Master definitely was creepy and Drifter wasn't really nice either. Not with those cold, soulless eyes... They, like Alex, have the ability to travel through time. But they have a different agenda. They want to change the past and what's stopping them is Alex.

I thought that Alex had lots of courage to face the challenges her gift threw at her- which was to not let Drifter change the past. She also has to deal with high school problems and her financial situation. Her perseverance in these matters are to be admired because really if the lines blurred between reality and fantasy, which do you believe? Yet, she moves on and meets those challenges head-on. Her love for her family and friends were also great as it actually contrasts her to Master and Drifter and makes her out to be someone caring and soulful, unlike them. Her talent for acting, later discovered in the book has not only helped her gain popularity in school, it has also helped her survive in life-and-death situations when she's on her time-travel expeditions. Her thirst for history never fails her either. Now I can preach to my friends and family how important History is. I guess I just found the best reason *winks*

And time-travelling through a mirror? That's just cool.

Moving on, there's just one part in the book that leaves me curious... (I really don't want to spoil it for you so I'll keep my mouth shut) BUT it was to do with her father. Just saying. I'll leave your imagination to do the thinking. It's actually one of the twists in there.

There were many twists. Some small, some big, but as effective.

The author uses a type of technique; I don't even know if she used it on purpose or if it came out naturally for her. If you looked at the story as a whole, it may seem like quite a simple story about a girl who can time-travel and has problems in school and at home. But if you broke it down, it's actually more complex than you think. I really like this type of writing.

Brief Review: I honestly love how the author not only brings in the challenges of having the ability to time-travel, but also the difficulties of growing up in this book. Teen crushes, bullies, high school, you name it. West's writing skills were top-notch in this book. Her simplicity only made this book more complicated than it actually seemed. And if you want some history lessons, this book makes the best teacher; it's never boring!

Final Rating: 5/5 'Totally Amazing!'

romanticashale's review

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Review to come

inahreads's review

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*Advanced copy provided by the publisher in exchange of a review*

This book is quite fun to read. The concept of the story is unique, I've never read anything like this.

It follows the story of Alexis Davenport, a high school student with a special gift. She must figure out how to take advantage of her gift in order to maintain the course of history and prevent it from being altered.

I've got to admit, I have put off the book several times not because of disinterest, but
because I had gone into some sort of reader's block. I was so happy when I got over it, and I started to read the book again.

Alexis's character is easy to understand. It's not too complex and not too plain either. However, I hated that she was too easy to persuade, it made her appear weak and vulnerable. I guess it's a character flaw. So when she started to grow some backbone and stand up for herself, I cheered so hard for her. Her "other personas" were pretty interesting too.

I liked Jennifer's character. She's a great supporting character, especially for Alexis. However, I wish I could get some more background to her personality, same goes to their other friends.

I also felt like maybe we should see more background about Drake and James.

I'm really curious about the Drifter. I want to know what's his deal is. I hope I could get more in the next book.

I'm assuming there's a next book because it ended in such beautiful cliffhanger. I love the way Shay writes. It's so realistic and easy to grasp. I can't wait to read the next one!!