
Last Another Day by Baileigh Higgins

shan198025's review against another edition

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Loved it. Zombies in South Africa!

michellet85's review against another edition

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Audio book. Well, this book was just okay. I am surprised I didn't like it more considering all the 4 and 5 star ratings. I am a huge zombie fan but I have not read a lot of zombie books. There was just something lacking for me with this book and I can't pinpoint what it is. I honestly didn't pay that much attention to about the first 50 percent of the book.

That being said, I will be listening to book 1.5 in this series (Survive Another Day) since it is in the Audible catalog and it's only a couple of hours. I am will to try more by this author and this series.

orphan_of_you's review against another edition

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So friggin good

I truly enjoyed this book. I was drawn in immediately to the characters and the plot. I read a lot of book and don't usually get sucked in like this. Bravo to the author!

jandrews560's review against another edition

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Unbelievable. What a tale of heartache and rebirth and drama and rage and hope. Wow. I loved it.

silenttardis's review against another edition

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I was reading this book inside of post apocalyptic beginnings book that i got free on Amazon and i don't know for the life of me why i forgot to finish

raokishor36's review against another edition

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Last Another Day by Baileigh Higgins is the first book in a series called Dangerous Days. Baileigh holds out a mirror to the society when things have gone completely out of hand and the entire world is falling into chaos.

Morgan is trapped in her bathroom by her husband, now turned into a zombie. He is trying to kill her too. She doesn’t know what to do and runs out of her house only to find her entire neighbourhood turned into a bloodbath. She escapes to her mother’s place to learn that her father has also joined the undead. Her brother Max, a deserter of the army, meets Logan on his way to find them and is one of the few survivors not ‘infected’ by the zombie virus. On another hand, ex-military Captain Breytenbach is trying to save as many people as he can from meeting a terrible end. How will they survive and how will the trauma of losing their loved ones change them and scar them forever? Can they ever feel normal again? Can they keep themselves sane and play with death every day?

The setting in which the story takes place is unique. All the places were new to me, and it was a fun geographical lesson learning different locations of South Africa. What I liked about this book were the characters. There is very little progress in the story as it is just about survival and fighting with zombies. These characters are what keep the story going. Their relationships and empathy. Their care for other survivors and a sense of humanity and camaraderie. It keeps the book afloat. What this book does best is to exactly reflect the feelings and actions of the society when such a disaster has occurred. The mindset of the survivors is on point and their inner struggles and trauma, though hurried through, are properly described. It is compulsively readable at times but also becomes deceptively boring at others. I also liked how women have much to do, and it is not just all men who do the fighting.

What I did not like about the book was the length. It could have been 50 to 75 pages less which is no more than mere fights and boring action sequences with zombies. It did not add any layers to the story and did not even push it forward. The book later introduced a silly villain whose storyline was undercooked and poorly written just for the sake of killing some characters.

I rate this book 4 out of 5 stars for its gripping storyline in a unique location with genuine characters who carried the stories well on their shoulders. It came out shorthanded with a few grammatical errors which can be overlooked for the editing is pitch-perfect otherwise. This book will resonate more with readers aged 15 and above. There are many violent scenes with too much gore and a few scenes which contain mild erotic content as well.

Happy Reading!

novelbloglover's review against another edition

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Book Review
Title: Last Another Day
Author: Baileigh Higgins
Genre: Post-Apocalyptic/Horror
Rating: *****
Review: The opening to Last another day was great we meet Morgan and hell breaks loose around her. Zombie try to attack her, tear apart her neighbours and there’s nothing she can do about. I like the fact we are dropping in the middle of the action from the beginning without having the ominous build-up to it. One thing I did notice early on is that there is seven different perspectives, this did have me a little worried because the novel I have read with more than 4 perspective then to lack character development because the author is spending too much time on other characters, so I was eager to see how Higgins would work with this many perspectives. We the meet Julianne, who is Morgan’s mother, I loved the fact that Morgan’s chapter ends with her entering her parents’ home and Julianne’s starts hours earlier leading up to where Morgan’s ended and then a little further on. The next two perspective we are introduced to are Logan and Max as they travel together through the infected town by pure coincidence. Despite there being a lot of perspectives I was actually really enjoying Last Another day despite not being a massive fan of zombie novels.
As we approach the ¼ mark in the novel we learn through Max; a young solider and Morgan’s brother that this isn’t the early stages of the infection, by this point in time it has travelled from Europe to South Africa and infected many countries in between. Higgins really manages to capture the panic and sense of isolation the characters are feeling in these moments. We then meet Breytenbach who is an ex-member of the South African Army's special forces as he travels with a group to rescue a billionaire’s son but they group detour to save a school from the undead. The military group only manages to save a few from the school and they are taken to a safe zone but we see clearly how all the perspectives are linking together. Max and Logan find themselves hiding in an abandoned police station with Elise and her two children as they attempt to gather supplies from the local area. However, it isn’t long until they realise that they need bigger things like generators, fuel and water in order to survive long term.
As we cross the ¼ mark in the novel the group manage for the next week or so until another group of survivors finds them. I was sceptical about what would happen as one of the group is injured and another heavily pregnant. Things don’t get easier for the group when the injured girl has to be shot and the pregnant woman gives birth to a stillborn baby two months early. This deeply affects Elise being a mother herself but there is nothing they can do except try to survive. We also learn Morgan, her mother and her younger sister Meghan have hidden with some other survivors but Meghan is ill and is in desperate need of medicine. Morgan volunteers to go out into town to find some supplies although I was scared for her as she is going alone and I wasn’t sure she would be mental strong enough to deal with the infected she is likely to come across. Despite not being a huge fan of zombie novel I was very surprised at the pace I was devouring this book and I was so invested in the characters I literally couldn’t put it down.
As we approach the halfway mark in the novel we see Morgan in town collecting supplies when she is pounced on by a group of zombies. All hope is lost and Morgan has given up when Max comes to her rescue. She is delighted to have found her brother and is introduced to Max’s group, although they don’t stay long as they are planning on returning to the farm to get their mother and Meghan. I was excited to see the family reunited but after all they have lost and all they have suffered through it can’t truly be a happy occasion especially since they have the journey to the police station to survive through now. When the now larger group meet they decide their best chance at survival is moving to an isolated location with a water source and somewhere they can grow food like a farm. Two groups head back out into the chaos, one for ammunition and weapons and the other to scout out the farm location to make sure it is safe. All the while within the police station they manage to maintain an illusion of normal life especially when the children are around. While I wasn’t expecting it there is a hint of a romance introduced between Morgana and Logan and surprisingly I liked it
As we cross into the second half of the novel Max’s group get the weapons they need before returning to their base, meanwhile Morgan’s group gets to the farm only to find it overrun but not by zombies. The small group rescue some more survivors but Morgan is injured in the process. Unsurprisingly Logan and Morgan end up together despite Morgan losing her husband only weeks before, but there does seem to be a little unrest within the group and the reasons for this haven’t been made clear yet. A new group is planned to head back to the farm and kill the men who have been kidnapping girls, despite a few not agreeing with the plan they understand that there is no law enforcement and the behaviour of these men can’t be allowed to continue. We are introduced to a new perspective in Big Ben, while his character has been around for a while we haven’t heard the story directly from him. Ben’s perspective for me was by far the most gut-wrenching considering everything he had gone through and one particular scene had me in tears. One perspective I didn’t like was Angie’s as it is particularly disturbing as her mental state is heavily influenced by recent events.
As we approach the ¾ mark in the novel we return to Breytenbach who we haven’t seen since the early stages of the novel, it was very depressing to see that life in the so-called safe zone is no better perhaps even worse than life in the infected zones. As the number of survivors drops and the number of infected rises, it falls to Captain Breytenbach to find a safer place for the survivors. One thing I did like is Breytenbach has a special connection to Samantha whose mother Lilian was killed at the beginning of the novel and he makes sure she makes it out with him. It was good to see Breytenbach’s group arrange to join with Max’s although whether they will make it in one piece remains to be seen. With the two main becoming one everything seems great but with only 30 pages left in the novel I was wondering how Higgins would wrap the story up.
As we cross into the final section of the novel I could see that the whole novel is filled with beautiful and gut-wrenching moments but there is one near to the end that had me sobbing. The final chapters of the book literally felt like a punch to gut but it had a glimmer of hope. I honestly spent a giant portion of this novel sobbing like a child. I cried when someone, I cried when they were happy. The ending was very fitting and while not happy it isn’t totally sad either.
Overall, Last Another Day was beautiful in a dark, gritty way and I would recommend to all horror, post-apocalyptic and zombie fans as this book is just written to the highest quality. The settings and the characters are so believable and you become so invested in their stories that when anything happens you feel for them. I did worry at the beginning of the novel that seven perspective was too much and it would hinder the characters and plot development but I was wrong. All these perspective blend together perfectly resulting in one cohesive story that was perfectly written.

errantdreams's review against another edition

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The writing is good, with basically interesting characters (although they could have used more depth still). There’s a sense of family that permeates this narrative; it’s a nice difference. Rather than have a focus on weaponry or battles (although those are present), the focus is on community, staying alive, and being human.

Most of the book is smack dab in the middle in terms of quality. All things considered though, if you’re like me and have a weird obsession with zombie novels, this might not be a bad one to try out. Consider my rating a 3.5.

Previously posted on my site: