
WTF by Cathy Yardley

delitealex's review

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This first episode was a fun fast read. I enjoyed the diverse characters. My faves are Christina Taneesha and Michelle. I didn't know what to expect but I definitely liked the friendship and how much they helped each other out. I'm not sure if I like this serial style of writing but I am curious to see what happens next for the group.

I received this book from Netgalley for an honest review

annieb123's review

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I have never really been caught up in serially published stories or even found many chick-lit books which I completely enjoyed, so I really wasn't expecting to have my socks blown off or anything. However, I am a female nerdy gamer engineer active in fandom (irl, yeah, really) and the premise of this serial caught my attention.

I was really pleasantly surprised. It wasn't just a series of gratuitous sex scenes strung together with badly written segues. It was funny and topical and spot on. Bonus points for the proper use of SJW in context, and the barbed references to the Hugo puppygate drama made me snort until my diet coke almost squirted out my nose.

I had not expected to, but I will check out the next installments. I can admit when I'm wrong.

Three and a half stars. Recommended for us unicorns (female gamer geeks).

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher.

m0thermayi's review

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3 stars | it wasn’t mind-blowingly good, but it was entertaining enough for me to want to read more.

umbrellaladyreads's review

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Being a huge geek (MMORPGs, heavily into superheroes and comic books) I was thrilled to come across Geek Actually. This particular story is part one in a 13-part serial, that focuses on a group of women who keep in touch via a group chat. There's video game programmer Taneesha, fantasy writer Aditi, cosplay fanatic Ellie and PA Christina. I have only read the first instalment on Netgalley, however WTF is a great first installment to a series by a group of talented writers including Cathy Yardley. This is a great, quick read especially aimed at nerdy ladies like yours truly (which I LOVE - please, more geeky reads!) and I'm looking forward to reading more..

amyjoy's review

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This was good enough that I will continue to listen to the rest of the season. I am SO glad Serial Box finally got an android app, making it much easier for me to download and listen to each installment.

I hate the covers, though, so much so that I almost passed on this, and I am not sure that I really like the narrator. We'll see how the next part goes.

screeching_dread's review

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I got this, the first episode of the serial, from NetGalley. I had already installed Serial Box a few months ago and found the concept very attractive, but for some reason I never got hooked. It cost me a lot of effort to get through the first 70% of this episode. I only kept reading because I’m no quitter. Well, I am –sometimes- but this was so short that I wasn’t going to let it beat me. To me, the first ¾ and the last ¼ were two different books. The first half was dull, the next quarter was mildly interesting and the last quarter hooked me and now I’m considering reading the next episode. It does have a lot of potential, but the writing seemed too plain, high school plain, and it took me way too long to get into it. Some of the character storylines make me want to carry on reading, I’d love to read a book entirely about their stories, but I don’t even remember the details of the rest (and I’ve only finished reading it half an hour ago). I really don’t know if the interest I have on some of the characters will make me pick up the next episode, really. I had high hopes for this one, but it fell short. Having said that, it’s extremely refreshing to find literature that’s unapologetically feminist and has such a diverse cast of characters. That tilts the scales towards picking up the next one, especially to find out what’s the deal with Aditi and what happens with Taneesha. What the heck! Expect my review of the second instalment.

carolsnotebook's review

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In this episode, we meet all the women and learn a bit about where they’re at in their lives. We see their jobs, husbands and lovers. It’s fun and sexy but it also touches on some heavier topics like body image and sexism. I love the diverse cast of characters and people who I have something in common with.
I have read serial fiction before and it’s a format I enjoy. I like the short episodes that flow together. I’m looking forward to spending more time with these characters. After this introduction I like them but don’t care about them yet. I am interested to see where their stories go.

diamondxgirl's review

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Maybe you missed my obsession coverage of ReMade, a YA weekly serial that I gushed over for 15 weeks in the fall/winter. NOT A PROBLEM because we are back today with another amazing serial - Geek Actually!

I've been intrigued by the other serials but it wasn't until I saw Geek Actually that I pulled the trigger. An ongoing series focused around a group of geeky women? Yes. YES. Sign me up.

In WTF, we are introduced to Michelle, the editor trying to hold together the deadline, Aditi, her friend who is learning the ropes of being a fantasy writer (clue: it's more than just the writing!), Neesha, the gaming engineer who is living in a man's world, and Elli, who is basically me haha.

I loved getting a little window into their lives (especially Aditi, who gives us a little more insight at the end of the episode). I enjoyed seeing this set of women with diverse "geekdoms" come together and overall just live their lives. Make no mistake, this is an adult serial that checks all the boxes!

Come back weekly for mini reviews, including next week when I will review 1.2 and 1.3 together! As always, the first episode is free on audio and ebook - so you can try it out!

nairia's review

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{I was give a copy of this book by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review}

First of all I have to say this is not what I usually read, and thus I wasn't sure about what this format was like, but the title sounded fun and Geek Actually sounded like a conjunction of two of my favorite things, so I requested it... and I'm so glad I did.

This is a refreshing take on what is like to be an adult fangirl, no stereotypes or tired clichés, just real women navigating their everyday life whilst trying to keep their geek interests intact.

And that is something I can completely relate to, the characters did end up feeling like another one of my friends, and it felt like I was chatting with them, on a girls night out. I am glad of how racism, body image, and meninism in general was tackled.

That cliffhanger at the end means only one thing, I am going to be reading the next few parts for sure.

else's review

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Not for me.