
Save Me by Cecy Robson

thebookdisciple's review

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While I struggled with Seamus at times (dude, super slutty, frat boy, manwhore!), overall this was delightful!

readinfinity8's review

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Loved it from beginning to end.

mrsholloway's review

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This book was sooo fun. I loved it! The dialogue was hilarious! I always come back to this book when I think I need to laugh. I really wish they had an audiobook for this gem.

ladywithaquill's review

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This was a hilarious romantic comedy that I blew through in just one afternoon! If you can only read one book on a vacation, pick this one up and at least read to Chapter 6. That chapter is one of the funniest pieces of writing I have read in quite some time. I generally pick up romances not thinking it's going to be very funny - a lot of books just seem to lean more on the heavy side these days, with lots of angst and drama. While this book did have those things as well, the comic relief brought by the two main characters' interactions was exactly what the doctor ordered.

Allie Mendes is facing her worst nightmare - her sister is getting married to Allie's ex-boyfriend, who cheated on her seven years ago with said sister. Confronted by them in a bakery, standing beside a hot guy from her past, she prays to God to save her. And he gives her none other than Seamus O'Brien. There is no way that Seamus O'Brien can find a nice girl to be his date to his sister's wedding. Having slept his way through the beds of women who would rather steal his wallet than steal his heart, most women who want him do not fit the bill. But into his life crashes Allie Mendes, and with a few tweaks to her wardrobe and a large helping of self confidence, and she could be the best thing that ever happened to him. If they can just keep up their relationship charade long enough to fool their respective families. What could go wrong?

This is an adult version of the classic trope nerdy-girl-turned-popular that I haven't seen often in a romantic novel but love all the same! Seamus is a shameless flirt who just can't help being that way - at 37 years of age, it is highly unlikely he will ever change, so he just embraces himself for who he is. His family constantly mocks him for his many bad dating choices, particularly the ones who have led to him losing money, clothing, or both. What's possibly the funniest thing about his character is how nice he is and how much he wants a relationship, but he just simply has the worst case of horniness. And then there's Allie - this poor thing has really had it bad for a while! Her mom is terrible, her sister is someone I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy...okay, maybe my worst, but still...and she has been put in the really unhappy situation of being dateless during the worst time in her life. Thankfully, she and Seamus hit it off quickly, and their chemistry is off the charts. Even though they don't see it at first, it's obvious that their strong friendship is sure to become a romance soon. When it does, it just gives you a really happy feeling inside.

I have read other books by Cecy Robson and really liked them! The great thing about this series is that you don't really have to read the other books to understand this one, and so you can literally dive in at will into any of these books. I can't wait to go back and read the earlier books to learn more about the O'Brien family!

**I received a free book via NetGalley and this is my honest review.**

elylibrarysec's review

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Rating: 4.5 Stars

If you’re a fan of this series, the Acknowledgement will make you sad. But like any family, you can visit them again and again. If have a time where you need a book with a sense of family or just need a good laugh, this series will do that for you.

Seamus O’Brien shows the reader what we love about this series. You may have the words “rude” and “crude” come to mind as we get to know him but he will always get you to laugh. Alegria “Allie” Mendes doesn’t want to deal with family right now.

There are some nationalities where food brings a family together. And I get that sense here – I can almost smell the food that the O’Brien’s love to cook already. You feel as if you are a part of family gatherings watching all the back and forth banter that siblings have. Some get very emotional and you will see the emotions play out throughout this story – especially as you get toward the end. As you get to that very last word you’ll have a smile but it will be bittersweet. But unless something happens to my library, I can revisit anytime.

Some characters don’t catch you in the right way when you’re first introduced to them but I hope you’ll give Seamus a chance. He’s rough around the edges but that’s part of who he is. And if you like the other members of the O’Brien family, what’s not to love. Allie is a great complement to Seamus – they are total opposites. It was fun to watch her blossom.

This is a series that you could read out of order since they all seem to be a standalone but if you want to really get to know the family at some point you’ll want to make sure and read all the books. It’s also a great introduction to the author if you’ve never read her work before. And once you finish with the O’Brien’s make sure to check out what else Ms. Robson has to offer.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

lauraanne9's review

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***ARC Provided by the Publisher via NetGalley***

I wanted to like this title. I have read other books by this author and I have enjoyed them, so I was looking forward to it.

And, there were parts of this title that I enjoyed. However, the way the dialog was written, I was not ever able to feel fully connected to the characters. I know it seems small, but they always felt like carictares and like they were not real, but the stereotypical character.

I don't know, they could be based on real people, and this could be a totally accurate depiction...but it pulled me out of the story.

I am not able to recommend this title.

mayu's review

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Save Me was really good read. It was a perfect blend of fun and emotions together. It was funny in some parts, that I was laughing out loud and in some others parts it was really sad that I wished to cry out.

Allie and Seamus.... They were just too good. Seamus was such a funny man, his remarks and dialogues made me laugh a lot. Allie was a sweet girl, shy and reserved in parts but she was also the woman who was successful with a booming real estate business. I was able to connect to her character really well. I could feel her emotions as if I am the one experiencing them.

I loved how Allie and Seamus story progressed through fun, heartfelt talks and family gatherings. I also loved O'Brien family, they were one crazy family who made me laugh out loud, but O'Briens loved each other a lot and always had each other's back.

I had a few problems with this book. The first was Seamus asking Allie to change her appearance. Though Allie liked her new appearance and it gave her more confidence, also he said that she was cute and beautiful even before she changed her appearance. But still I am not in favour of Seamus wanting her to change her appearance. Another thing, Seamus told Allie that maybe because she can't make a fuck face, that is why the man in front of her can't unleash himself completely. Though the thing that he did near the end was completely different from what he said, but he still he had said it, and it was something I thought harmed Allie's self confidence. Though these problems were there but still the good points about this book outweighs whatever bad I felt about it, hence Save Me turned out to be really nice read.

Final words

If you are looking for an heartwarming and funny love story, then Save Me would be a really nice choice.

geekygraceelyse's review

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Save Me is the fifth book in Cecy Robeson’s O’Brien Family series and was a marvel to read.

Seamus O’Brien is almost forty years old and has abysmal taste in women. This fact has never bothered him before; quite at easy with a string of one-night stands or short-term relationships, he never put much effort into finding ‘the one’. But now with all his siblings in loving relationships and three upcoming weddings, Seamus is desperate for respectable women to introduce to his rowdy ‘If you cut us, we’d bleed Leprechauns that would dance a jig the moment their little feet hit the floor’ Irish family.

Ever since she discovered her boyfriend had slept with her sister, Allie Mendes has had no desire to be in a relationship, instead she has spent the past few years working on growing her real-estate business. That begins to change when her mother drops news that Allie’s perfect, do-no-wrong-sister is getting married… to Allie’s high school sweetheart.

A chance meeting brings Allie and Seamus together at the perfect moment, Allie needs a stand-in boyfriend to avoid looking like the lonely jilted sister, and Seamus needs a woman suitable to bring to his siblings weddings.

The last thing either of them expects is to have their own chance at forever.

I have loved the crude yet lovably rowdy O’Brien family since we met them in Once Pure (the last novel in the Shattered Past Series), and was over the moon when I discovered Cecy Robson was giving the family a spin off series. I have loved each and every O’Brien throughout the series and Seamus was no different.

Seamus was so will written, with Robson creating a perfect balance between his rough and often crude side, and the sweet genuine man he is to those he cares about.

“I was mortified to be so easily forgotten, especially given my history with Seamus and his family. I wanted to dismiss him as a simple thick headed brute. Until he remembered my kindness.”

Save Me is a slow burn romance, which at times I found to be a little too slow for my liking. This however did give you the chance to really get into the characters heads and makes that happily ever after that much sweeter.

“I fell for you. More than once, I fell hard… from the first moment you really smiled at me… to the day I bared my soul to you… I love you Allie, I Just need you to love me too.”

Full of heartfelt moments that will have you reaching for the tissues, and humour that makes you laugh out loud, Save Me was a fabulous novel.

emjayae149's review

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I am late to the party when it comes to the O’Brien family books. This is my first time reading them and there is enough information offered that I never felt lost.

I found Save Me to be an entertaining read. The writing is well balanced and easily moves between absurdity, humour, pathos, sadness, attraction and hope. That’s a lot to pack into one story but it works.

Seamus O’Brien’s taste in women, put politely, is questionable. Between parolees, thieves and married women, it’s no wonder he is finding it difficult to find a woman that’s respectable enough to be his date for the many upcoming family events. His, at times, crude and blunt personality isn’t helping either.

Allie Mendes has the family from hell. She is constantly measured against her beautiful sister and found lacking. And if the poor opinion of her family is not enough, she is also expected to lend a helping hand for her sister’s wedding. Allie’s story was the one I struggled with the most. It seems to be a popular plot line in recent books I have read where the heroine’s sister behaves in unconscionable ways towards the heroine. Adding insult to injury, there’s always a parent siding with the “evil” sister. Why is this necessary?

Seamus saves Allie from another verbal clash with her sister and mother by announcing they are a couple and from here our twosome become each other’s plus one while they attend these many family events.

There are family dramas occurring throughout the book, some serious, some funny, some poignant. As Seamus and Allie spend more time together, they begin to develop real feelings for each other. Their relationship is not about fireworks and dramatic gestures but more a slow burn as they learn about and discover each other. I enjoyed being on this journey with them.

nadenetotallyaddictedtoreading's review

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I must confess this is my first Cecy Robson book and I can say without a doubt, it will not be my last. I can’t believe I waited this long to pick up one of her books and only to find myself at the end of a series. Oh well, better late than never. I have a lot of catching up to do.

I fell completely and irrevocably in love with Seamus O’Brien. He cracked me up throughout the story. Every time he opens his mouth, I cannot help but laugh. One would not likely classify him as a gentleman due to his lack of filter and his womanizing ways. However, with Allie he was the gentleman he needed to be. Allie is the opposite of the women he dates. She is compassionate, hardworking businesswoman and most importantly she did not have a criminal record. She was a refreshing change.

I loved how he came to her rescue when she needed it most. This unexpected rescue would prove to be life changing not just for Allie but also for Seamus. I enjoyed their interaction from the moment they met. It was funny and heart-warming. Despite them being opposites, they were the perfect match. They brought out the best in each other. Seamus helped Allie realise that she was so much more than her family led her to believe and she helped him to recognise that he was worthy of the love of a good woman.

I loved how Allie stood up to her family after years of being treated like the unworthy daughter and insignificant sister. It was fun watching her discard the plain and meek persona to become a beautiful, sexy and confident woman. Seamus burdened by the pain from his past found the courage to overcome it and in the process opened up his heart to the love of a wonderful woman.

I loved spending time with the O’Brien family. They demonstrated the qualities of a loving family. Allie’s family on the other hand was of the undesirable kind. They hateful, spiteful and selfish. Her sister, Valentina is the worst of the lot. I cannot believe someone as nice as Allie is related to her. Wow, talk about narcissistic.

Save Me is a well-written story, which features a diverse range of characters. Written in alternate POVs it demonstrates that love can be found in the most unlikely of places and at the unexpected of times.

I loved this story and I highly recommend it to fans of funny and heart-warming contemporary romance. I plan to go back and read the other books in the series.