
Fireship Nascence by James M. Robinson

coqui2k's review

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First of all I won this book as Goodreads giveaway.

When I started reading this book I found very difficult to follow. While the plot was easy to understand the characters back-stories, which were intriguing and drew you in. The book felt like I was reading a screenplay. It also would change the tense from sentence to sentence and overall the book needed some improvement. There is a lot of information that gets thrown at the reader as if it was a computer writing the book. Felt very robotic when I was trying to read this. When I finished the book I felt some characters stories were not completed. On the positive side Daniel and Jeff relationship was one of the reasons I kept reading I would have liked to know more about them. Overall the book was hard to read and it felt incomplete if you get a chance to read it maybe you will enjoy more than me.

ravenavenue's review

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I won this book as part of a Goodreads Giveaway a long time ago; unfortunately, the book was buried under Book Mountain at my parents' house and I've only just found it again! My apologies for taking so long to review.

James M. Robinson is obviously a very passionate and knowledgeable author, both of which you can clearly see within the book. It is also very obvious that an inordinate amount of research has been undertaken in its creation. Unfortunately, the writing and editing of the novel made the story, which has the premise to be gripping and exciting, somewhat unengaging and hard to follow.

It is often hard to differentiate between who is speaking and the large walls of speech make it inaccessible. This, coupled with the huge amounts of information that are present, for example, the deep historical accounts of cities and the exact dimensions of vehicles, make the novel read more as a piece of non-fiction. I often struggled to make sense as to which numbers applied to which item being described, as there was that much to take in. Having said that, I've definitely increased my geographical knowledge!

However, and this is the thing that got to me most, was the sheer number of incorrect spellings and grammatical errors. For instance, one character, whose name I believe to be Jameela, had her name spelt Jemeela/Jemella at various points during the book, which I found quite frustrating, as it clearly points to a lack of editing. This is minor compared to some of the grammatical mistakes, the most prominent of which were errors in noun-verb agreements.

On the whole, it is a real shame about the writing and editing in Fireship! Nascence, as the story itself can be quite fascinating, once you get used to the style and learn to ignore the grammatical errors. I've not read anything of this genre before, and I can see why people are a fan.

Ultimately, I genuinely think a good edit of this book could turn it into a much higher-rated novel, but in its current state, it is difficult to read and hard to keep track of what is going on.

For those reasons, I gave the book 1.5/2 stars out of 5.

elden's review

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I won this book as a first reads giveaway. When I won this book I was really excited to read it as I thought the ideal of the book was great. Unfortunately I feel that the novel I received was still a rough draft and not a finished novel. The way it is setup is hard to read, every few paragraphs has its own title and if there is dialougue it will just be mashed in without line breaks. "Here is someone talking." I say. "Here is someone replying." Then it continues on within the same paragraph. Instead of the format every other book I have read which does it this way:
"Here is someone talking." I say.
"Here is someone responding."

That is just my opinion though. There is also the problem of the facts, for example PODS on page 14. This was an interesting fact, but does this paragraph have anything to do with the plot or even with Kyle and Jeff? From what I read no it doesn't so I don't know why it was there. I really would like to read this book though when it is fixed but right now it has too many problems for me to enjoy it.