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Brian Duckwitz, Richard Pett, Taylor Fischer, Crystal Frasier, Patchen Mortimer, Robert Lazzaretti, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Logan Bonner, Linda Zayas-Palmer, Joe Pasini, Tim Akers, Troy Lavallee
92 pages • missing pub info (editions)
ISBN/UID: 9781640780255
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Publisher: Paizo Inc.
Publication date: Not specified
As newly-appointed agents in Taldor's escalating struggle for succession, the heroes must help their Princess Eutropia build a power base by reclaiming her family's land from squatters--the debased Lotheed family, who feast as their subjects starv...
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Brian Duckwitz, Richard Pett, Taylor Fischer, Crystal Frasier, Patchen Mortimer, Robert Lazzaretti, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Logan Bonner, Linda Zayas-Palmer, Joe Pasini, Tim Akers, Troy Lavallee
92 pages • missing pub info (editions)
ISBN/UID: 9781640780255
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Publisher: Paizo Inc.
Publication date: Not specified
As newly-appointed agents in Taldor's escalating struggle for succession, the heroes must help their Princess Eutropia build a power base by reclaiming her family's land from squatters--the debased Lotheed family, who feast as their subjects starv...
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